Is there any possible way to make a gay character who doesn't come off as completely forced?

Is there any possible way to make a gay character who doesn't come off as completely forced?

Yes, make your autobiography.

Damn near all of them, you're just homophobic.


I dont even support faggots but I hate these arguments. It only "feels" forced because you want it to. They're gay, get the fuck over it.

Like that whole thing with that meme Overwatch character. The game has no story in-game at all and yet people are crying "FORCED!" when they reveal the mascot is gay.

Yes, but people will complain that it is anyway.


they would just be a normal character until they showed their same sex partner or expressed any interest in someone of the same sex at which point it would be "forced"

Yes, just make it a minor detail about them. Have them be a well rounded and developed character that just happens to like the same gender.

name one


Character walks on screen with their SO

That guy is gay and kisses dudes. He also does other things.

The gay couple from mission hill.

No. They are forced merely by existing. Their mere inclusion implies a loud political statement for an agenda.

Just have him or her say "I'm gay" and that's it. Maybe at times he/she does things like reject the opposite sex, but very subtle.

remember how forced this was


That depends entirely on what you consider forced.

nope also forced

and are blatant examples. Possibly even worse than the old blatant stereotypes.

They should never mention it in the series, just have it be a bit of backstory.

If it doesn't matter that he's gay it's forced

That was just a quick joke about how a beefy guy is actually a homosexual (If that's the appropriate way to say it.).

loved this
and it didn't feeled forced because she asked him out on a date.

Make their relationship the last priority

>Write a good or funny character
>Add in a small gag or hint that implies they're gay then abandon it
It's not that fucking hard

I think it might be best to take what a lot Sup Forums considers forced with a grain of salt.

Take time doing it, develop them, don't just write 'this is Bobby, he likes dick'
Look at Tim Drake, everybody knows he's bi in denial even though nobody wrote it yet
Look at Midnighter, him being gay is a part of his character, not a central/only point

make them happen to be gay, not only gay. the tracer thing is fine, everyone just wants to bitch about something.

Write them as a completely normal character and don't mention their sexuality at all.

>then abandon it
then they aren't gay it's just a one-off gag

Tim Drake's dick goes into hiding every time a girl so much as winks at him.

Could you go into some details about any particular homosexual character that made them seem forced to you? I'm mostly wondering what bar you're setting for a character to seem natural.

And most comic book ones.

Normal people mention their sexuality all the time. Not necessarily as "I'm straight" or "I'm gay", but people will talk about who they are and aren't attracted to among friends or coworkers. I have one female coworker who is nonstop talking about the d. It would be unusual to have a person who never showed interest or formed romantic relationships with others.

People here say that gayness is automatically pandering. They just don't want to see gay people.

Of course, there have definitely been times when they make a character gay to appeal to certain things. Particularly with lesbians.

right now it's impossible to make a gay or even a racial minority character without making it political


Gay males are by default less forced since lesbians are so widespread and cheaply thrown, especially in indie works.

Yeah, guys talk about tits and asses and wanting to bang women a lot.

There's probably no right way to do it according to most of Sup Forums because it'll come off as "forced" or "pandering" or whatever either way.

Don't mention the character's gay and say he is after the fact, or just subtly imply it? OBVIOUSLY he's not actually gay then; it's just the creators or making shit up for diversity points.

Actually show a character's gay in some way, like having him do gay shit on screen or mention it directly? Wow what is this faggotry, why do they keep forcing these gay characters into stories?

This was fucking hilarious.

This. To most of the people who complain about this shit a gay character simply existing is "forced".

Like Nick Wilde ?

>Vocal minority of the population
>They aren't either the target or periphery audience
>Not forced
2% of the population is gay. Coincidentally, 2% of the population is jewish. Also coincidentally is their over-representation in media.

Not to you.

Yeah, you just have to not be triggered by gay people.

I always knew the media was controlled by gay jews.

Actually, it's more like 10-13%.

You want to talk about over-representation in media, let's talk about how there's twins in everything.

Yeah, have them find out they are gay the hard way.

>Normal people mention their sexuality all the time.
No they don't.

> I have one female coworker who is nonstop talking about the d.
She is not a normal person.

She is, from your description, a desperate overweight tie-die haired 4channer.

Do what you want. People here are not the right ones to answer this question since There will always be some faggot who will consider it forced.
So just make a character which main priority is not having them scream at every opportunity how gay they are (unless you want to make an entitled cretin who gets called out for this)

People talk about their partners or the people they find attractive all the time you dumbass. It's easily one of the most common things people talk about, why do you think 50% of songs are about romance, sex, and relationships?


i thought about it for a while and with how Sup Forums is, a character can be cool or whatever, but AS SOON as they show any and i mean ANY 1% of lesbo tendencies, they are forced as FUCK with no reasons other than SJW

I mean they basically took the "My wife" police trope and changed it with "my husband".
Didn't felt that forced.

>It's easily one of the most common things people talk
This is why I don't talk to people.

Funny... that's the percent of the population that's black...

Write them like you would right a straight one.

>the jews put on a black blanket on their heads and pretend to be black.


>more like 10-13%

I dunno, I felt like Apollo and Midnight isn't that bad.

Yes but it will never happen for the sort of people that care about whether or not there are gay people in media since it requires that the character not be defined by their sexuality and have an actual personality, unfortunately sjws just want token characters that can be used as mouthpieces for their agenda.

Yes, just remove all the power fantasy of getting back at the oppressive social expectations and blatant preaching narratives and you're golden. It appeals homosexuals who faces those problems, sure, but for others they are often just something along the same lines than self-insert fanfics.

>completely forced
I think that's pretty subjective. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean other people don't find it genuine.

Don't write a gay character. Write a character that happens to be gay.
t. homo

>It only "feels" forced because you want it to
When people say "forced" they are referring to a character that is entirely defined by their minority status that has no other defining attributes or character traits, whose story only consists of stories of dealing with bigotry or other topical issues so that if you stripped away their minority status there would be nothing of worth to them.
>Like that whole thing with that meme Overwatch character.
Ironically Blizzard actually did the right thing with Tracer since by the time they said she was gay she already had an established personality and story so her being gay is more of an afterthought rather than her entire character.

>it's a "They exist so it's forced on me" thread
Reverse Sup Forumsmblr strikes again
The same faggots that run around /aco/ telling everyone they're gay if they like futa as if that's supposed to be some kind of insult

Fallout New Vegas did it pretty well.

"Forced" gay characters aren't as prevalent as people act, they just get uncomfortable whenever there's a gay in a story. Of course there are some terrible examples of gay characters that exist just to pander or are truly forced, Iceman becoming gay comes to mind.

Being subtle about it is the best way to go. Be the Isaac Sirko from Dexter was a soft spoken, ruthless killer who also happened to be gay.

Make him a person first before adding sexuality.

There is no way, Sup Forums will bitch and complain until the sun sets and then they'll still find a reason to act like a gay character is the end of the world.

I don't think that's fair. There are straight characters that are overwhelmingly defined by being a womanizer or desperate for love from the opposite sex, so why not gay characters?

Not Sup Forums, but I think a pretty good example is Holt from Brooklyn 99. The way they introduced it felt a bit forced (detective can't piece together he's gay despite all the signs, audience is given very little hints before the "it's obvious if you're paying attention" reveal), but once it's established, they write him primarily with who he is in mind, and what he is is tertiary. It comes up a lot, but it doesn't really affect the plot (one exception, an episode revealed a homophobe within the last 5 minutes); even when his husband is brought up, that they're gay isnt the point, it's that they're together.

tl:dr, being gay is a trait, but it's not the point, even if it's happening on-screen/panel; the character/plot is the point.

No, statistically there are much less than that. I'd buy that the statistics are still skewed low because of people being in the closet/denial because being gay isn't totally accepted, especially among certain religious groups, but there's no reason to believe 1 in 10 people is gay.

No, when people here say forced they mean: I don't like this because my bias but if i say that in an argument i would lose by default.

The new Giant-man is gay, but until now it worked (because the only one who wrote didnt put: HAHA HE IS GAAAAAAAAAAY)

There's a new Giant Man?

Fuck. With Lang back as Ant-Man, what the hell is Pym calling himself now?

Wait, disregard that, I suck cocks.

I remember now he fuckin' merged with Ultron.

Something being forced is a popular term, so it gets abused a lot. However, that doesn't mean it can't be valid criticism. Don't be obtuse.


Is this a giantness related pun? Because it made me laugh

...literally who?

Was going to ask this in my own thread but since yall talking about gays anyway: does anyone know of any gay snake characters? I don't mean metaphorical snakes, I'm looking for reptiles that engage in homosexual behavior.

Nick likes the rabbit

There is, but honestly, people will probably say it's forced anyway.

Should the character's sexuality be a big deal or just a detail? If it's the former people will complain that you can only get gay representation if it's what the whole character revolves around, if it's the latter people will say it's just forced pandering since it's not important.

Was just about to post this. If you're going to have a gay couple, make them interesting BEYOND "they're gay". Wally and Gus are great because they have character beyond the fact that they're two old gay dudes, and whenever their sexuality is brought up its for a lighthearted joke (such as the "Last time I felt a butt this smooth Eisenhower was president" gag).

Too many shows and movies make the idea of poking fun at gay couples as taboo, like if you make an innocent joke about a pair of lesbians that somehow makes you a homophobe or something.

I remember at that reveal like me and 2 other people scattered in the theater just lost our shit and bursted out laughing.

One of the best moments in a movie with a LOT of great moments.

Apollo and Midnighter ?

>Omar Little
>Julien Lowe
>Isaak Sirko (even if the show he's in was shit, he was an enjoyable antagonist)

Television manages.

These definitely.

Maybe like Marvel did Northstar?
Dont make out of a sudden a "coming out of the closet" story.
And dont restrict the character only as "the gay" character.

I dream of a world where the West stops being so ridiculously prudish and stops giving a shit who someone wants to fuck.
It shouldn't be considered shameful, but also shouldn't be jerked over by SJWs and fujos for being "so progressive".

I like men, I like women, I like dickgirls, but don't call me queer. I like what I like.

I think the rules for inclusion of a gay character are the same for the rules of romance in a story in general. Too big, and it becomes a tumor on the plot/character overall (romance stories obviously excluded). It becomes annoying and bland and you just don't want to deal with it anymore. Too little, and you may as well not include it all. It's nice as fan service, but from a narrative point of view, doesn't matter at all.

You've got to strike the right balance of relevant to the character, but not overshadowing their plot significance

That's still "Character who happens to be gay."

It's "gay character" if it's they make it a point they aren't straight. Like Jim Carey in that Living Color bit.

>Look at Midnighter, him being gay is a part of his character, not a central/only point

This is exactly right. It's a comic book character. His central point should be doing comic book character stuff, not "LOOK EVERYONE HES GAY". That's what people complain about, the bad writing.

>There are straight characters that are overwhelmingly defined by being a womanizer or desperate for love from the opposite sex
Those are usually not main characters though or characters that are considered to be well written.

NO! Delete LGBT already.

Northstar I think. Always never minded him.

Wiccan and Hulkling are a pretty good written gay couple. Unfortunately Wiccan gets all the cool storylines while Hulkling has only got the part about being the son of Mar-Vell

-Gus and Wally from Mission Hill
-The jock in paranorman
-Colossus during the first Ultimate X Men run
-Northstar from the Marvel 616 universe
-The black guy from Chasing Amy
-The entire cast of Final Fantasy 15

Honestly movies do a much better job of this than comics because generally comics are written in a particular style that favors the overt over subtleties.

The issue is that pandering to the gay population is now big business so any time comic writers try to jam a gay character into a book (which is usually done now by taking an established character and then retroactively announcing HE WAS GAY THE WHOLE TIME! IT'S NOT A CHOICE, THIS IS WHO HE IS, DEAL WITH IT AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU ARE AN INTOLERANT BIGOT) it comes across as pandering. And again,. because comic writers don't get subtlety it's usually done in a terrible and distasteful way.

I'm sure there are other examples of characters that don't feel forced but the people in this thread are having a hard time coming up with many.