Sup Forums did you know that Muhammad PBUH was in fact a white, anti-Semitic, slave owning, race realist? I'm surprised you guys aren't more supportive of Islam.
Islam on Sup Forums
kill yourself you muzzie cunt
>supporting Abrahamic filth
Arabs are semites
>muzzies create something (a successful religion)
>oops the whiteman created it
these people are shit indeed
Does this mean the nation of islam admits to being servants to a white man?
Semites are descended from Shem, and Arabs from Ishmaelites
There are a lot of white arabs, tbqh.
Wow I think im muslim now.
>Fastest growing religion on the planet
>Wasn't created by a white man
Pick one.
>Tfw when it's actually true
Certainly explains why (((they))) hate Muslims.
So does this mean if you hate Arabs, you're being antisemitic?
Are the crystal gems!
armpits are exposed less to the sun retards
Why would we be supportive of an unlimited influx of immigrants whose culture is not compatible and hostile to our own?
>T. European immigrant
>Implying rapefugees are the true Muslims
>Implying rapefugees are the true founders of Islam
>tfw I wished for the perfect white religion
White referred the skin tone not race.
European/Caucasians were not called "whites" back then.