>there was once a jew who spoke out against debt collecting, greed was humble and good.
>the entire jewish world teamed up and conspired to kill him
really makes you think
>there was once a jew who spoke out against debt collecting, greed was humble and good.
>the entire jewish world teamed up and conspired to kill him
really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
There were once Romans who told the population that if they'll try to subvert their law they'll kill everyone and make their children slaves,
and one of the many men they killed was Jushua of Beth-Lehem who was specifically told to shut his mouth less he'll bring the Roman sword on us all.
The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
(John 10:33)
If Kek causes so much pain today; put yourself on the place of ancient jews.
The most redpilled religion: Science, the one where race exists.
Hitler was the second coming of Christ
>Your mom the most niggered asshole
Really makes you think
Trump is the third.
The Jews are a new thing, there was never any mention of jews in the ot, and the Jews of today are not related to the Hebrew people. The Hebrew people are God's people, when Christ came they recognized him and became Christian. Jews of today are born of Satan. They couldn't or refused to see Jesus for what he was and they killed him because they are still hoping that they're right about spirituality and that satan will come through and make them win.
No moron, Trump is the anti christ.
Too bad its a fictional story
sik b8
>fictional character
>says fictional country flag
Jews messiah is the anti Christ. Is Donald trump for the Jews?
Yes, Donald Trump is a crypto Jew. His entire purpose is to serve Jewish interests.
You got a bad copy.
Texas is real you moron.
Historians agree that a man called Jesus: walked the Earth, preached his religion, gathered disciples, was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate, and was crucified.
There is enough evidence to support these claims. The New Testament is pretty historically accurate. And the Old Testament, like the Illiad and the Odyssey, describes real places.
Not according To Bill Guy the Science Goy
k, tell me where the jews are mentioned then (hint juden does not count, this is clearly the word that satanic kikes took their name from to trick people into thinking that they are the chosen people)
Jesus wasn't a "Jew".
"Jews" aren't mentioned in the OT. The kikes will lead others to believe it but it isn't true. The closest thing to "Jews" in the Bible are the Pharisees, and they were just one Mosaic group of many at the time. Shit, Judaisim didn't even exist in Christ's time, it wasn't established until 500 years later when the Talmud was codified.
Not sure if you're trolling or not.
Yep, exactly, like I said, the Jews are a modern group of people that pretend to be the Hebrews by adopting titles from groups of the OT. They want us to believe they are the chosen people. The truth is that the Hebrews would have recognized Jesus and become Christians.
Sorry still waiting for some evidence kike? apparently you could easily end this debate right now
Jews messiah is the anti Christ. Is Donald trump for the Jews?
I already answered you.
The circumcision of Jesus is an event from the life of Jesus according to the Gospel of Luke, which states in verse 2:21 that Jesus was circumcised eight days after his birth (traditionally January 1). This is in keeping with the Jewish law which holds that males should be circumcised eight days after birth during a Brit milah ceremony, at which they are also given their name. The circumcision of Christ became a very common subject in Christian art from the 10th century onwards, one of numerous events in the Life of Christ to be frequently depicted by artists. It was initially seen only as a scene in larger cycles, but by the Renaissance might be treated as an individual subject for a painting, or form the main subject in an altarpiece.
The event is celebrated as the Feast of the Circumcision in the Eastern Orthodox Church on January 1 in whichever calendar is used, and is also celebrated on the same day by many Anglicans. It is celebrated by Roman Catholics as the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, in recent years on January 3 as an Optional Memorial, though it was for long celebrated on January 1, as some other churches still do. A number of relics claiming to be the Holy Prepuce, the foreskin of Jesus, have surfaced.
wtf is this? what are talking to me for? do you even know what information I asked for?
Zechariah 8:24 is one such example out of many, Jews are also called Hebrews and the people of Israel, it isn't that difficult to find if you actually took time to read the Bible instead of basing your opinions on memes.
Jesus himself followed the oral law, the Talmud wasn't codified 500 years later, it was written down, same with the Mishanh, way before that all Jews had to memorize it and know he laws by heart.