Say something nice about him
Say something nice about him
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He married her so I wouldn't have to
very natural teeth
Nice teeth
He's an okay guy outside of his obnoxious YouTube persona.
nice hair
nope, TGWTG is still a character. All snippets we have of him not bein filmed indicate he's an arrogant asshole.
Don't forget he has a nice ass
OP said say something nice
I agreed with the consensus that he has nice teeth
I liked his video’s a lot when I was younger. And Some of his video’s out side of the critic character are actually pretty insightfull. Seems like a Nice Guy.
I never liked the look of him, so i never watched any of his vids... was he ever good/funny?
Nice cock, probably has a good amount of hair on his balls.
the stephen king's maine joke was pretty funny
He puts a lot of love into NC videos, but it's a shame that he doesn't have the talent to pull it off.
>check out these jeans from a company you've never even heard of! what you try on jeans before you buy them and don't just assume they'll fit?
he's not even good at being a sellout
Without him we wouldn't have eggkara.
He got a beautiful wife :^)
He's apparently the least psychotic person associated with his channel.
This is because he had some sense to at least continue with NC and not bother with those shitty skit scams he did.
is eggkara still a thing? If so, what's the new url?
His hair is small
When he's not forcing his shitty skits throughout his videos he's pretty good.
He's more mentally stable than the spoonman.
i would have said the least psychotic of his website , but i think that would be brad more than him
Brad was suicidal and spent time in a mental hospital. He also proposes to every woman he dates which has scared them off every time.
yeah true but he probably one of the most sane of anyone featured on that website over the years today
He’s not Mike Matei
brad jones made a crowd funding thing to make jesus bro, they got around 50K. I've seen it, it's really cheap.
I'm starting to think that he just made the movie to get money for him and his friends. They've done some e-begging before, I think they were for healthcare.
He's white(?)
he makes himself easy to hate
Mine Crap and the Elmo video are far worse than the Melvin brother of the Joker video, and that’s saying something
I thought NC was kinda funny before the reboot.
He's entertaining when he's not trying to be
Brad is most likable. That doesn't mean he's least psychotic in fact he's one of the most on Channel Awesome but in a more likable way.
Is he that Goofy guy?
Brad is just more passive agressive in his confrontations with criticism.
He knows how to puff a poopy.
He's consistently good at being consistently mediocre when it comes to his Nostalgia critics. Plain white background, no set design what-so-ever. Fuck dude, put a little effort into improving.
He's fun to watch when you're 12.
At least that isn't 8 like 95% of the rest of ecelebs.
He runs an excellent adult day care and has enough humility to live with how embarassing most of what he does is.
Doug's videos are always comfy.
His chair looks comfy.
/r/eggkara on cytube
When I get older, losing my subs,
Many years from now,
Will you still be watching my reviews online?
Website traffic on the decline
If I upload at quarter to three,
Will you watch some more?
Will you still need me? Will youtube feed me?
When I'm 64
I like all of them except I agree about the elmo video. Its turn your brain off comfy fun!
Seriously tho the vids are still enjoyable in at least an ironic sort of way
They were before he made NC into Demo Reel 2.0
Nothing comfy about his awful skits.
Brad was invovled with Pop Quiz Hotshot and the AT4W movie, both of which were obvious Kikestarter schemes that came out way cheaper than what the funding goal came to be.