>Thor Ragnarok
>Asgard is invaded and destroyed
> Thor captured, his hammer destroyed
>yet he looks so carefree and joyful like its something that gets solved easily each week.
Marvel films are Awful
That's the point, though. These big events mean nothing, they're pure spectacle even for the characters. It's a liberal fantasy of a post-political order.
He's a god that can probably pull another hammer out of his ass
Jesus fucking Christ
I loved when Tony flipped a switch when he found out that Captain was protecting the guy who killed his mother.
Well, he is not a human and they can live 5,000 years. I guess they don't get depressed easily or recover very fast.
Yeah, I love DC. Especially since Synder has come out praising Rick and Morty. I like that too. Narwhal bacon, good sirs, narwhal bacon!
>dude is captured and made to fifhgt people, he kicks their ass
>suddenly after months of doing this, he sees Banner (aka Hulk)
>he thinks it's his friend and he's sorted, first piece of good news since he got BTFO by not!Odin (aka Loki)
>Hulk kicks his shit in until the helm of Hulk is broken and Hulk regains his shit and the two break out
Nothing shocking or abnormal about this. If you think this is bad, then what was your view of MARRRFAAAAAAA?
Things are bleak for Thor and suddenly there's an unexpected glimmer of hope and familiarity. Of course he's overjoyed. I'll admit maybe the dialogue in the trailer is a bit overly-Marvel, but on the whole this isn't completely wrong.
i liked the part when they all started taking sides and fighting each other it really showed the depth of the characters and how they all had their own reasons for taking sides and fighting each other probably the best superhero film imho because of how much depth it added more than like most normal movies
Its kind of a Conan the Barbarian or Uhtred, Son of Uhtred attitude. Hes so Alpha that he stops bitching about things and takes action.
How do a bunch of aliens on a random planet have the ability to capture Thor and make him fight for their amusement anyway?
marvel movies are garbage and the comics have become the same way. why does every event have to be treated in such a light hearted way where nothing is taken seriously and every single character is a smirking, wisecracker. that's not how marvel comics were traditionally written, marvel of old used to treat dramatic storylines with the seriousness they deserve and the characters were well rounded and treated dramatic events appropriately. all the characters are now a bunch of chucklefucks who constantly quip.
Yeah. DC films are mature and grimdark, fuck kiddy disney crap. Rick and Morty is as well and our God /based/ Synder loves that cartoon!
Because the script said so
There's a difference between not bitching and taking action and just enjoying themselves in a situation where they should care about things that are wrong.
If your main protagonist doesn't care about things that are going on why should the audience?
His hammer isn't actually destroyed. It was an illusion
Because he lost most of his powers
just stuff your face with popcorn and forget about it.
The poster never mentioned DC. What the fuck is wrong with your brain? Stop consuming shit.
He sure got really fucking bummed out when he found out he couldn't lift his hammer in Thor1.
It doesn't have to, he agreed with me that Marvel is shit, ergo, DC isn't shit. It isn't shit. It's more mature than this Mouseketeer shit. Stop shitposting you Paki Disney shill.
dude, just switch your brain off
get this... both are bad
nah, i'm that guy you responded to and i think dc movies are pretty crummy too.
WRONG. DC is superior in every fucking way. Just like Rick and Morty is the best cartoon on TV. I know Sup Forums memes about this shit a lot but nobody can say, with 100% objectivity, that they're both shit. Rick and Morty is clever, profound, well written and well VA'd. DC films are clever, profound, well written, AMAZINGLY shot and choreographed AND well acted.
>he hates marvel
>that means he must LIKE dc!
they are both shit, grow the fuck up
Reminder: The final boss of the MCU is literally a fucking grapefruit
If you watch a single Hollywood film, you're watching a 'turn your brain off' film. Unless you're watching Indie films in an abandoned warehouse whilst sipping expresso, you're a fucking brainlet.
There is no ergo. You could also extrapolate that "he said Marvel is shit ergo superhero films are shit". Nice use of meme words, though. This board must be all you read.
See and prove me wrong.
But there is. He's talking about superhero films, if Marvel is shit, therefore DC are not. Otherwise he would have mentioned DC, he did not. Only Cuckvel and it's legion of cucks which only thought provoking content is 'how long did they work on that quip?'.
this is peak human form you may not like it but its true
>Final boss
Lol no. Final boss of that universe? Yeah if you ignore those metaphysical 'ideas' like Death and Love and shit.
the marvel shill has stooped to a new deceptive low
The leader is an Elder of the Universe and they apparently have people like Valkyrie too.
wheres his penis?
Just because I say I dislike spinach doesn't mean I like every other vegetable out there.
Yes, the resemblence is uncanny....
Yeah, everybody who thinks Marvel is shit and DC is good MUST be a shill. It's not that DC is 100% better in every fucking way and instead of proving me wrong, you call me a shill.
over-wrought philosophical themes along with lame, jarring attempts at forcing a cinematic universe blended together into a clusterfuck of bad editing.
That's because they made Thor an ADD retard so he's more relatable to his audience.
>this fucking thread
Holy shit you are all a bunch of retards top kek
tfw to dumb for childrens comic book storytelling
>suddenly after months of doing this,
nice headcanon. it wasnt anywhere near that long
>BTFO by not!Odin (aka Loki)
Doesnt happen either, he knew something was up the minute he gets back to asgard. its hela that kicks them both out of the bifrost to Sakaar
this has all been confirmed either by set visits or trailers
>Nothing shocking or abnormal about this
Yes it is shocking and abnormal that his people have been wiped out he is jovial and comically laughing it up and having a good time. its not the same thor from the dark world who mature and care for the lives of his men
**an innocent man who was brainwashed into committing an act which he had no control over
It's fine, it's not like Steve Rogers using Mjolnir would have been an awesome moment or anything...
>he agreed with me that Marvel is shit, ergo, DC isn't shit
Capeshitters are pathetic
Why hasn't there been a large boom of people taking up the Norse religion after Thor's appearance? Where's the despair of millions of people finding out that their religion is wrong?
Because it's much more interesting ripping off Guardians of the Galaxy than finally trying to make a good Thor movie.
So this is the power of MCU... woah
Go back to posting AHAHA threads Pajeet
Thor is a Chad because it appeals to female audiences.
It was really just Steve and Tony. The rest of the them didn't give a fuck what side they were on.
I like how you got blown the fuck out in the other thread but made a new thread anyway
>Yes it is shocking and abnormal that his people have been wiped out he is jovial and comically laughing it up and having a good time. its not the same thor from the dark world who mature and care for the lives of his men
You haven't even seen the movie but you're already talking down to people's rational observations with NUH UH IT'S BAD I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG. you and OP deserve each others indiocy
why bother these movies arent even fun anymore
The character is making an epic laughing baby face. How the fuck is that not fun as heck?
What the fuck
Anything after the first Iron Man was dogshit.
yeah you'd totally be rational when faced with the person that strangled your mother
He killed her 25 years ago and was brainwashed.
in the real world people get drunk and run over people's mothers. This usually does not result in a murderous rage with highly choreographed fighting.
He's a bona fide goofy swedish god, what'd expect?
How do you get forearms like that?
>This usually does not result in a murderous rage
spurious. you've got nothing to back that up
>t. Beta Faggot who thinks crying fixes things.
>got blown the fuck out
>for claiming Marvel films are empty garbage bags of stale formula
How does one get "blown the fuck out" from claiming something that's true?
Last Marvel movie I saw in its entirety was The Amazing Spider-Man.
>like it's something that gets solved easily each week
But it does though.
Except that Thanos became more powerful than those guys with the Infinity Gauntlet.
You're listing points off of a fucking trailer
Wait, I think I can get through to his retard brain
>Marvel is shit
>DC is superior to Marvel
>DC is less shit
>being slightly better than shit is still being shit
>Marvel and DC are both shit
>Marvel films are getting progressively worse
>DC films are getting progressively better
What went wrong?
You start at the bottom it's hard to get worse
>Marvel films are getting progressively worse
Homecoming and GOTG2 were both good for capeshit
>DC films are getting progressively better
Wonder Woman was worse than Man of Steel
It's almost like he was captured by a dude that's been around for most of the universe, capable of traversing time, space and dimensions with little hassle.
Thor is a mere "God". (read: not god)
Sure if you are 13
>Wonder Woman
have a (you)
the overall concept could be fun. Gladiator + flash gordon viking
but it ends up as lukewarm marvel comedy bits with Thor as a advertising doofus dad
You cant really have interestign norse myth shit in those conditions
You gotta visit a few chocolate factories and get a guy called Wonka to give you a surgical gum job.
Wonder Woman was bad, yes
because they'd literally go "oh it's just some aliens with no real connection to the land and nordic history"
Fucking end the cinematic universe cancer. It has ruined superhero films. Disney has bloody hands.
I haven't watched a single Marvel movie since the first Avengers, which was alright. If I were to watch just one made since that, which should I watch?
either winter soldier or guardians of the galaxy 1 that is kinda fun
most of them arent bad, just uninterestingly efficient at what they do
Wow, i live on a planet were people think like this. Incredible.
Thanks, I'll probably watch Guardians of the Galaxy then. I just got tired of having to keep up with them all.
GoTG is geniune quipshit.
I think they are fun I don’t mind spending 20$ every 3-4 months to watch one and the intertwined story keeps me invested
The effects are good, characters like able and the story doesn’t contradict itself
>The effects are good
They are objectively worse than other films and also in many ways way worse than older superhero films
>characters are likeable
Shame they all think and act alike, glorified quipbots with no sense of character consistency or identity.
>story doesn't contradict itself
Like how we are supposed to believe magic is a big deal in Dr Strange while we had two previous films of an Asgard alien doing all kinds of crazy magic shit?
Mostly yes,bu the effect arent that baaad.
idk if it holds up, it's just a disposable fun little flick with no relation with the bigger marvel shit, so you dont have to know any details about anything
i probably remember as better than it was because i was so tired of the marvel formula and Guardians briefly left it behind
Are you literally autistic
>pic of an explosion vs. not an explosion
>I don’t like the dialog
What are you expecting from a ducking comic book movie you self important man-child, it’s a cartoon.
>ducking comic book movie
You can say fuck on Sup Forums it's ok. Fact is that Marvel is of considerably lesser quality now than the days before Disney buying them. Even Fox makes way better Marvel than Marvel. The MCU is garbage and should be cancelled. It's a glorified TV show complete with its own TV directors.
>You can say f-ck on Sup Forums it's ok
Umm this is a SFW board so keep it clean thanks....
It hasn't even come out yet.
Jesus Christ, at least wait until then to criticize the plot.
For all we know there could have been a magical personality-changing device that made him happy all the time. It's a comic book movie.
Well, we can talk about the trailers, and it looks so generic ass hell MCU movie.
Oh fuck me that's bad.
Normally I defend Marvel but that looks atrocious kek
I agree somewhat, but not significantly inferior.
I definitely do agree on the FOX TV shows though.
They've been top-tier so far and I look forward to seeing more.
I hope they give a promotion to the people working on it, they fucking deserve it after the disastrous films that came out of the X-men series.
So many ways they could have done them right and they picked the worst ways.
Fucking hell I knew I should have got a plate for this coconut sponge. Table is covered.
>it looks so generic ass hell MCU movie.
want to try that one again?
I don't think it looks that generic. Its far more exciting than most of the other superhero movie trailers, like Civil War or Spiderman. The settings look crazy, which is something marvel is learning to do correctly since GOTG. It looks like it might be one of the comic-iest looking movies marvel has made so far, which is pretty interesting.