Is it worth a watch?
Is this any good?
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>Kunta Kinte's whipping scene was too much for the white actor and he cried and kept on apologizing KK's actor
I think they even went on to a talk show to talk about it. Man that white guilt was strong back in the day already.
It hasn't aged well.
Watched the newest version recently and it was pretty shit. Aside from the story and characters, the timeskips really fucked it all up.
It's good if you can get past that it's aged.
Would watch again
It's basically blacksploitation from the seventies. I wish they'd stop showing it in public schools. It isn't an historic record but a weepy soap opera.
>an historic
Nah my Sup Forums brainwashed friend. Maybe acting like he's hurting someone out of spite just felt awful. It has nothing to do with skin color.
That's grammatically correct. Are you a nigger or something?
>hurting someone out of spite
You mean out of pure racism. I've heard that when he was making The French Connection, Gene Hackman struggled with the racial slurs and had to work hard to sound convincing when he said them.
No, it's not. An is only used with words that bring with H if the first syllable is not the stressed syllable. With historic, the first syllable is stressed.
Based off that album cover, it wouldn't even be worth a listen
It's not correct, bong bong.
>using "an" before a consonant sound
American "education." Are you going to have an drink with your dinner tonight?
Your not very good at this.
You do actually use an before H though, are you guys that dumb?
>No, it's not.
Both ways are considered grammatically correct. Because the H in historic uses a vowel sound, not a consonant, and this means you use AN not A.
>You do actually use an before H though
Yeah, I suppose you put an hat on occasionally too.
You're fucking retarded. Your accent doesn't change the proper pronunciation of the word. Historic isn't pronounced Istoric. It's pronounced Hiss-torick.
Watched it a few years ago in my teen years. As a black dude it opened my eyes to the concept of slavery which was unfamiliar to me at the time.
Both are technically correct depending on how you pronounce your "h". If you use a hard "h" sound, then "a historic" is correct. If you use a silent h, then "an historic" is correct. It depends on how you speak.
It took until your teen years to understand the concept of slavery?