hastily thrown together edition
last time
hastily thrown together edition
last time
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice job idiots
Made a normie meme, don't @ me
>don't @ me
you can't psychology me
I agree with this
Also please don't fucking say "don't @ me" on this site
Why no link in the old thread? You left 60 posters stranded, you dweeb.
Last night's episode was the best yet.
I agree. I liked how Seth tried to lie to Grayson about teller Theron about her infidelity, but got caught.
Man, The Orville sure has a sexy ass, right lads?
Op probably fell asleep
I guess we can assume that's Alara's home planet behind her, yeah?
Maybe, or just a picture of some exotic planet.
>If you search on social media there is some info about Seth and Halston, pics of them arriving at a comic con party together without the rest of the cast, video of them on a date at a jazz club seth sings at sometimes, pics of them on a date at a concert at the Hollywood Bowl. They haven't gone public yet because Seth is usually very private about his relationships so there won't be anything in the media it's mostly fan sightings.
Based Seth self-inserting himself into Best Grill.
Theory: The only reason it's a comedy is so that they can rip off star trek without getting sued because parody falls under fair use. If they could have they would have just made a straight TNG clone and it would have been 100 times better than STD instead of only 10 times better.
are you retarded? If this was in danger of happening there would be ton lawsuits over this weeks latest generic sitcom #1344 and whatnot.
>Based Seth self-inserting himself into Best Grill.
The guy makes the trek show he always wanted and fucks the girl we always wanted.
Can a man be anymore based?
A better theory would be that FOX wouldn't have green lit it unless Seth passed it off as a comedy.
I'm mostly laying off Sup Forums until I see Blade Runner tonight (don't want spoilers)
So my internet went out last night and I didn't get to finish the WebMs that were requested. I'll post 'em now and finish my run through the episode making others.
Make any requests you might have.
Yet here you are.
This also doesn't explain why you wouldn't backlink to the old thread.
>Based Seth self-inserting himself into best Grill.
Anyone who uses that term like that is retarded. I see it everywhere, and it just makes the poster look stupid. The correct way of saying that is: "Based Seth self-inserting into best Grill."
These two are from last weeks episode but some user requested them. I wasn't sure which part they wanted so I made one of each. This is when she's asking Bortus about his fight with his husband.
Pretty great interview with Adrianne Palicki here. She talks a lot about Orville but also FNL and even the Wonder Woman pilot she starred in.
pls no harrass
Why is everyone posting in that off-brand Orville shit-show thread instead of in our general?
For all you Alara fans. I was surprised this one wasn't requested last night.
Damn it, screwed it up and didn't remove the split second of other subtitles. Here's the corrected version.
Nice. I was going to fix it for you but you beat me to it by like, less than a second.
>Go into The Orville expecting Family Guy tier humour, SJW bullshit, and DUDE, WEED shit with low budget visuals and unlikable meme characters
>End up getting a show that is 1% comedy, 99% Next Generation, very little humour in it, actual likeable characters (including heaps of Star Trek alumni), and the only regressive bullshit is in no way ham fisted or forced down your throat. Case in point: STD, stronk female protagonist takes out armoured Klingons in melee because...? , in The Orville, their female security officer is from a species with super strength
This show has no right to be as good as it is. Just finished episode 5 and legitimately want to see episode 6, whereas I have no intention of watching STD anymore after the third episode because I've had enough of every character being an unlikable cunt with the whole WE WUZ protagonist constantly smirking.
>Realise that Brannon Braga produces the show and Frakes directed the latest ep
How can anyone prefer STD to The Orville? I simply don't understand how Trek fans can't like it. Why is it getting so shit scores from "critics", yet the polar opposite from the audience? Meta = 3.6 critics to 8.1 audience, and RT = 20% critics, 90% audience.
If you haven't watched it, go pirate the first episode right now (so you know i'm not some shill). You have nothing to lose, and like me, you might be extremely surprised how Trek it actually is.
Just don't go into it expecting to laugh.
Someone forgot to make a new thread connecting the generals, so some lost sheeps are stranded.
Don't be such a pussy.
>using a pasta from another thread
That didn't make sense though. She was able to discover biographical details about his childhood so why wouldn't she be able to discover details about his divorce?
I'm consolidating threads. I told the OP in the other thread I was going to do it.
>3.4 Million viewers
>0.9 demo
It's over.
Where he grew up is more likely to be recorded than that they divorced because of infidelity. But it is still a little flimsy. Worth it for the joke though I think.
Probably already knew, but played dumb to make it seem not. Very good question tho....
So why was Seth surprised that the future had teleportation when he and his ex got teleported themselves a few episodes ago from that room on the zoo's trap ship.
It's doing better than Gotham, that's all Fox cares about.
Moving it to Thurs was a mistake. You're putting it up against Thursday Night Football, Will & Grace, and Scandal all at the same time. Sunday was the best slot for it after football, who cares if the game runs long and you need to bump everything back a bit
I gotta say, I thought this show was kinda weak for the first few episodes but last night's was genuinely good. If they keep up that quality this show is gonna be a great weekly watch.
>about 3 negative threads about KinOrville
CBS is working on overdrive.
If I can write myself fucking hit celebs, I would die a happy man.
They really are. Sad!
Fox understands that shows like this take a while to catch on. As long as it keeps doing better than Gotham Fox is happy.
Slow and steady, lads. Slow and steady.
Or maybe sci-fi fans just aren't impressed with Seth's crappy space comedy, or whatever he's calling his parody of Star Trek.
What do you mean?
>morons pretending one number means anything.
>morons ignoring all other imformation
>morons shilling for CBS
What a weird timeline.
It was really good actually.
>Seth invites hot celeb
>obligatory bed scene
fugging Alara when?
What's with your obsession with CBS? Not everyone who mocks or criticize Orville is a CBS shill. Grow the fuck up.
In real life.
Great reading comprehension you have there. You addressed 1 of the 3 statements I made.
>Seth Theron mommy in show and real life
It's not fucking fair.
So what should I put on your poster, user?
No I mean he's tapping Halston Sage in real life.
your feet
pusy slime!
I addressed the only meaningful thing you retard.
if they destroyed the wormhole and that lady never went back in time in the first place then they shouldn't have been saved by the dark energy storm and be able to go destroy the wormhole
they didn't even attempt to address the paradox
Looks like a vag tbqhwy
Audience is stabilizing. If it holds just above 3 mil for the rest of the season it'll probably get renewed for a second
>alara getting off my face.webm
she only stopped existing up until the point the wormhole was destroyed, if she stopped existing prior she wouldn't have saved the crew to destroy the wormhole
No, that makes it sound like Alara is his self-insert. When the joke was about sexual penetration in a sexually penetrating way.
>refuses to show CBS's lack of ratings.
Thursday is a day that requires a lower bar, and we need to wait for the live+ numbers before making funeral plans.
Jesus Christ dude, do you even know the very fucking basics of how time travel works?!
God, get an education.
Thursday is a lost night for all networks during the fall because of football. high ratings are a plus, but consistent ratings from non-football audiences are really important, plus Orville is already a hit when counting legitimate streams
Would they have hit the dark energy field if they hadn't detoured to save her?
Good point.
she said this was in their natural path and that they would've died there already and considering she didn't want to change the future she probably wasn't lying.
True, but that may have been the way of things only with the wormhole. Perhaps she, wormhole stable, always went back to snatch them.
Time travel hurts my brain.
Of all the movies that never needed a sequel, Bladerunner is right at the top. No way I'm going to watch it even if its free.
cute doggo
Durrr, men can't do anything, we need a woman who looks like a strong breeze will knock her over. The artist captured Seth's look of cross-eyed stupidity rather well though.
Imagine being so assblasted that you have to spend all your time shitting up some other show's thread.
He said he's glad "we" get teleportation. As in humans.
Why doesn't the Orville have a cool short hand name like STD does?
let's call it "O" then
Happy to be a brainlet.
As in "O face"?
was that rob lowe?
In reality, the actress who plays Dr. Finn is probably the most fun.