Final Dossier Oct 31st Edition
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it should 30< or >30, dumbass
People understand that it means 30+, you autismo
Pete Martell
Hugs, not fugs!
Why did he do it?
did nothing wrong he even said so himself
Killing Sheryl Lee repeatedly is one of the simple pleasures of life
Where are you lads on your rewatch?
Hitting peak peaks with the Evelyn storyline right now.
Favorite actor and actress from the OG series / movie?
Sheryl Lee and Kyle MacLachlan
Sheryl, Kyle and Ray Wise are obviously the best performers on the show. But I will say I always enjoyed Laurie Piper's performance, it felt the best of the soapy kind in the original show, shame her character didn't have much interesting going on beyond season 1.
Wait, can someone explain The Final Dossier? I usually only read books about Nixon and UFOs and things like that but I have to say that I'm intrigued. It seems to good to be true and that it will really expand the Twin Peaks universe while filling in a lot of the amateurish plots holes left by CO-writer David Lynch. Less than a month away. I can't wait!
Ray and Sheryl are the certified kino combo, closely followed by Kyle and Sheryl
final /tpg/ needs more maddy
>when she sees your trips
Grace is a fucking fantastic actress. The Palmer family literally is perfect casting
Nothing against Frost, he seems like a decent guy, but I find it a bit dissapointing that Lynch seems to let him have the last word on Twin Peaks.
This book will cover the time in-between season 2 and 3 I think, it won't go beyond it.
Maybe you should have typed 30+
>maddywn invite you to go for hike through Missoula's rattlesnake trails on a crisp, fall day
I'm on my third rewatch of s1,s2 and FWWM, second rewatch of The Missing Pieces and second rewatch of s3. I'm now at episode 8 in season 3. C O M F Y !
Ray, Kyle, Grace, Miguel, Jack. But I like everyone except Lara Flynn Boyle and Billy Zane basically.
So I sat down and watched the first two seasons of Twin Peaks over the last month. Mid Season 2 was excruciating.... What on earth was with the Nadine strength story line?
The supernatural was cool, I'm into that sort of stuff. but what do you guys find so appealing about the show? I'm struggling to find a reason, the show can be really slow in an excruciating manner. For example, the season 2 opener where Dale gets shot and the elderly waiter delivering him the warm milk just taking fucking forever... it was a really painful scene to watch.
>For example, the season 2 opener where Dale gets shot and the elderly waiter delivering him the warm milk just taking fucking forever... it was a really painful scene to watch.
>ywn spend an idyllic spring day enjoying the outdoors with Laura and Maddy
That loud talking character was also painful.
>For example, the season 2 opener where Dale gets shot and the elderly waiter delivering him the warm milk just taking fucking forever... it was a really painful scene to watch.
Personally I loved that scene. I think it's fascinating juxtaposed against the season 1 finale, the difference in approach directorial styles can have. Without that stuff, Twin Peaks wouldn't be what it was. It feels bold and artistic, I was the opposite of bored during that scene. It was so incredibly tense to sit there watching it and waiting to see where it would go, truly unpredictable in a really refreshing way.
There's a million trite ways they could have played off the cliffhanger of Cooper getting shot, can you honestly think of a better way to follow up on it than that scene?
It's engaging visually, the sound design is terrific and the acting by the waiter is hilarious.
waiting for season 4 i decided to start watching x-files as it seemed like the natural successor.
just passed the tp episode (with hawk), so far it's pretty comfy. episodes are pretty repetitive though, its like a better version of house md.
>we see some supernatural shit
>mulder and scully go to investigate
>mulder comes up wtih a supernatural explanation
>scully says the thing can't happen
>supernatural thing happens again
>scully says oh no thing happened
>they stop it from happening again at the last second
it's good seeing familiar faces, it's also going pretty good. hopefully by the time i reach last season tp s4 will be announced.
Explain the S3 ending to me like I'm retarded
Guess the whole was out of order after all?
>watching to the last season
Season 2 is the most inconsistent but it also has the best episodes in the series. Episodes that blow season 1 and 3 out the water, that only FWWM can rival.
but yea s2 maddy and final episodes are on par with the best of fwwm
This guy's going to get lynched by season 3 so hard.
david punch lol
post pleb filter
>but it also has the best episodes in the series. Episodes that blow season 1 and 3 out the water
just the finale
>“a continuation of the old series that felt at least a little familiar and tonally similar…a series with warmth and quirky characters that made the town of Twin Peaks comes alive in my mind…Instead we got a cold, unfeeling and sterile show with none of the warmth, character, humour or subtle mystery of the original.”
Whenever I read critique of TR that seems sensible there's always something dumb that throws you off. It just makes me think this person fast forwarded all the Dougie scenes and have completely brushed it off to the side. How does TR not have warmth, qurik and and lovable characters?
go to bed, Mark
Lonely Souls, desu.
The first 2 episodes, while pretty inconsistent and not the best episodes have some of the best scenes in the entire series. I think Lynch and Frost took the show to another level that season, it just unfortunately could not keep that up when David wasn't directing.
Since this is the last /tpg/ and no one will ever see it anyway
I would never pull out
I would give her dozens of beautiful white Germanic babies
They were too busy longing for Coop to come back to love Dougie
I'm by no means saying Season 3 is flawless, I think people are well within their right not to like it, and give critique. The show was almost universally praised by critics, so the fact that there's very little critique is strange, people haven't really challenged it.
I'm saying that as someone that loves it. But when I see fans attempt to sound sensible when critique it, their nostalgiafaggery seeps through almost in all cases, you're just lying and wanted to be pandered to if you can't acknowledge that season 3 had charm. It had plenty of it.
final episode felt like the final act of mulholland drive.
This. The Dougie story line was literally the heart and soul of the series. And a great contrast to the Mr C scenes. Plus every character was funny and amazing, even characters that only had a few lines made a lasting impression.
Like pic related was hilarious.
Childhood is idolizing Lynch as a patrician of film
Adulthood is realizing Sheryl was responsible for the kino
Copper is sleeping, the giant puts elements everywhere to make him understand that he was put to sleep in the great northern by Judy and he comprehend that in the finale.
Now he is awake, now Cooper can RETURN.
>tfw your demographic is in the lead
This is a good feeling, I don't have to deal with the guilt of being surrounded by literal teenage kids.
Lets count em.
>Sheryl Lee is the reason Maddy was written into the show
>Sheryl Lee is the reason Fire Walk With Me exists
>Sheryl Lee is the reason the rape scene wasn't hacky
>Sheryl Lee came up with the angel motif and is the reason the movie had the beautiful ending that it did
And she is a banshee
>18 posters
Guess I have to accept the death of /tpg/ this time. It's over, well over half of the regulars appeared to have left. Last weekend was really active, but this is dead.
: - ) ALL
She was so good that Lynch made a whole movie about Laura
Why did Gordon order Ray to kill Mister C?
wrong .webm
Why did Cooper, Diane and Gordon teleport to the Great Northern basement instead of traveling there normally? Not only was it weird from a logical standpoint but it would have been cool to see Coop interact with Ben.
is there any person that David Bowie hasn't been? What the hell.
Retard show for retards.
Do you need any snacks?
imagine being the dude that goofed on bowie's southern accent so bad that he asked lynch to redub it
Bowie himself forbade Lynch from using his voice for season 3
yea if only there was an interview with lynch himself explaining the situation man that'd be way convenient
i am dead
yet I spook
i don't know why he was embarrassed by it
he's fucking david bowie, he can whatever the fuck he wants
pc cuckness 2015
>he can whatever the fuck he wants
except pedo
prepping for CUTE
why the hell is this shit show general alive, while the GOT general is death
>Badalamenti got to work, coming up with a passage where the piano feels tight and crisp—it’s almost antithetical to the woozy tones of his original “Twin Peaks” music but still touches on an inherent melancholy. After he sent it over, Lynch responded, once again via voicemail: “Angelo, it’s David. The sync is so incredible, you’re gonna love it, it’s so powerful. I started crying the third time I saw it. Tears shot out of my eyes. So beautiful. Angelo, way to go. Bye.”
He literally did and nobody cared.
because GOT is pleb trash
normie trash, get cucked by the superior general and show.
this general is dead and it do not know it
This zombie general is killing all Twin Peaks discussion.
The rare occasional TP threads were much better
no joke i liked his backstory and all his scenes. they were cheesy and a bit tongue in cheek but fun.
If someone attempted to rape Sheryl, would she scream at the person just like in the ending of season 3?
>shovel your way out of shit
Sarah "I go out now" Palmer - aka Grace "Wild at Heart" Zabriskie. Linked?
Outside Silver Mustang (Coop/Jade) - Jade gives two RIDES (like a horse).
Coop/Laura and Coop/Jade (the crossfade shot) - "You can go out now"
Sarah and Laura (Zabriskie/Lee) were both in Wild at Heart - which was made alongside the original Twin Peaks. Sarah is also the one who gets "channelled" by Windom Earle from his Black Lodge location (S2 closing). "I'm in the Black Lodge with Dale Cooper...I'm waiting for you." - Windom using Sarah as a conduit/channel to pass this message to Major Briggs, who was in the diner when Sarah was brought in by Jacoby.
america was a mistake
>where are we going?
>we're going home.
>"We're going home, you know, that place where your father raped you last night? something your mother pretends she isn't aware of. Home"
Why is Cooper so naive, what was he trying to accomplish with this? Does he really think he can just fix it by intervention?
Something I really love about Part 18 is how it kind of highlights this, the scene where he asks her to come with him just has a weird air to it, it doesn't sound or seem right.
>that’s why he’s “Special” Agent Dale Cooper
realistically if james couldn't save her, who could?