What Sup Forums thinks about black sails?

What Sup Forums thinks about black sails?

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I liked it until they revealed main character is gay.

A lot of unnecessary drama with few but good parts sprinkled throughout the show.


at least one person will bitch about this reply being Sup Forums but Max and Eleanor are fucking awful 'stronk womyn' characters. Like distractingly bad.

they really talk to much

butt pirate fag shit

I should probably note that I do really like it, and there are some great characters.

Max and Eleanor were definitely the weakest parts (probably due to being the only show-original characters)
Managed to go from a shitty GoT knockoff with pirates to one of the best shows on TV at the time.
Wasn't a fan of the finale but overall it was a great show

I usually hate forced gay roles but for some reason i liked his reveal and understood his hatred for England better.

don't you mean 'african american sails'? It's 2017, don't be rasis

That's because it wasn't a forced gay role. It actually made sense for the character and gave him a solid motivation

>'stronk womyn
she always was next to a man with power tho, her dad, Vane, Flint, Rogers
also was beaten to death while being pregnant ... is this a feminist heroine to you?

it was needless. the revenge thing could work without that

But what revenge? If they weren't gay none of it would have happened and there would have been no reason to get revenge.

I think it made his revenge motive more personal, it wasn't just that England took away his goal and ambitions it took his loved ones as well.

Shame about his head, though.

Billy can never catch a break.

I don't get why they ended so suddenly. It's a prequel to treasure island so why not just end it the way that started?
All that needed to happen was
>Flint dies
>Billy has a map to the treasure
>Silver chases after him
That would be a solid ending, instead we got some bizarre 'redemption' for Flint where he just packs up and ends his war. It felt like a happy ending for a character that really didn't deserve one.

Also Jack and Anne should have had their real-life ending where they get arrested, Jack gets killed and Anne gets off because of pregnancy. Teach and Vane had their real deaths so I don't know why these were any different.

they put his mentor to sanitarium/killed him, expelled him from england
would be enough reason for me to belive he wants to show UK that he can make their plan work, civilizing the pirates, and after they also kill his lover, Miranda, to become angry and want revenge instead

Yeah but why did they kill Thomas and exile Flint if they weren't gay?

idk, maybe bc old Hamilton was too bigot and the threesome (without fag thing) would've been enough sodomy.
taking away Flint's military rank also would've motivate him to gtfo from there

But why though? Being gay added something to the character that no other motivation could.
You've just proven that by trying to rewrite it without them being gay it becomes a total mess that doesn't make sense. Isn't that enough of a justification to leave it be?
People bitch about forced gay characters that are added for no reason, but when there is a gay character where his sexuality (and consequences of that) are central to the character that's somehow not ok either? Make up our damn mind

it's annoying they always have to put in a gay character. in every show every 10th guy is gay, which is far from reality.
and now they start to make masculine guys (who could be kids' hero) gay