Hope more based countries would join Visegrad Group
There is hope for europe!
I like the visebros, but what exactly would we gain from joining?
more slav immigrants
Closed boarders
Hofer brought up Beneš' Decrees. And there is still Temelin.
The Nazis' kids just will not let go. And if there is one thing otherwise easy-going Czechs get angry over, it is the restitution.
Based slavs, the only non cucked Europeans
Slavs are our best immigrants
>That pic
Nigger oak...
Would be actually pretty cool having a V5 with wildly immigrant hostile governments and population. We could put up alot more pressure against Merkels and Junckers bullshit
Better than the ones we get now
And they also have great women and good beer
Doesn't work that way, Hofer will fix it anyway
The majority of people in Austria wouldn't mind, but I don't think the people in the other old AH countries would be happy about it
>Beneš' Decrees
I mean I don't give a shit either way so don't start sperging out on me, but why not just get rid of them?
That would get rid of a lot of butthurt on all sides and we all could finally shut up about it, and you Czechs yourselves said that they're not used anymore IIRC
Whining about Temelin is just ingrained into our political left, they will never shut the fuck up about it
>but why not just get rid of them?
It would allow expelees to sue us, shit would cost money. Not to mention a load of butthurt and wave of Teutonophobia.
What's the point in merging Austria with failed states and lost causes?
Harder for Germany to push a bloc of countries around than each of them individually if you coordinate.
Plus it's an extremely loose alliance IIRC so it's a good opportunity to band together and slag of cucks elsewhere.
We will never get rid of them. We will never forget how even after centuries of living together you did not hesitate to stab us in the back and chase us out of our homes.
Too often the issue starts in 1945 with Kauts presenting themselves as victims. Read pic related about 1938 and what we endured after the speech Hitler gave on this day in Norimberk.
Half of Czech Republic already was german enough for the Krauts they did betray thevslavs/jews living in your country
>failed states and lost causes?
Ersteres sind wir definitiv und das zweite auch bald wenns so weiter geht
Are there big anti-german sentiments still in your country?
And by that I mean about WWII, current Germany everyone is mad at
Stop being butthurt about something that happened 70 years ago
Every country had bad shit happen to them, and every country did bad shit to other countries, and you got your revenge on the sudetendeutschen after the war anyways
We've got bigger problems these days
An expansion of the V4 group would generally be a bad idea. At least at this point. One of the reasons why the group has so much potential is that the four countries share a (more or less) similar history, mentality, economic situation etc and have similar aims. Its likely that a new member would disrupt the so far achieved unity. Especially Austria doesnt really belong in this alliance.
>Stop being butthurt about something that happened 70 years ago
But it is OFD who is butthurt. Hofer brought it up. I hope when Haider, who has personal involvement in the issue, dies, the thing can truly become just a part of history.
Sup Forums is a germanboo board. Germans dindu nuffin ever is the default indset, if you disagree you are a JIDF kike shill
>Are there big anti-german sentiments still in your country?
Only individuals. Mostly those who lived through the era, those who got someone murdered or natioanalistic communists.
Which Haider?
And there's the butthurt pole already
>Stop being butthurt about something that happened 70 years ago
There is literally a German/Austria group of Sudetenland Germans who just this or last year left out their demand of property restitution. Germans/Austrians are just as butthurt as Czechs.
I know there's butthurt people out there, I just thought people on Sup Forums could let go of it
I am not butthurt, watching the Volkstod live is the greatest joy none of your shitposting can interfere with
>people on Sup Forums could let go of it
Are you this new?
>I am not butthurt, I just love watching the downfall of their civilization
I'm probably just too optimistic
Jörg Hai....SHIIIIIT. He is already dead, isn't he?
Judeopolonia fuck off.
Around me you hear zkurvený skopčáci quite often.
Yeah, died half a decade ago in a (((car accident)))
Read about the injuries he got shortly before he died, was an ugly way to go