What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>women are brave and strong!!!!!! stupid men!!!!
this is how children behave
women are grown up children
>they gave her a Kaine
she needed a wheelchair
i think she's implying women all have mental illnesses or something
Women are the primary victims of illness.
Wow like she is so right we. women. are. fierce. it. is. so. much. more. fierce. with. periods.
>tfw she used to be governor of your state
>men don't have to face illness every day
Pretty sure testosterone partially suppresses immune function, so much so that men tend to get sick more often, and more severely.
She means that women are (mentally) ill every single day. There's not a healthy second for them.
illness is caused by the patriarchy, desu.
All women are mentally ill. Even with medication, life is a struggle for them.
t. Married man.
>proceeds to brag about it on twitter
what did she mean by this
i hate women so much.
heheh funneh kidder
being a woman is the effect of a mentally ill fetus
underrated post
Does she mean like Trump doing multiple rallies a day without teleprompter and an army of handlers? Cherry on top being that he does phone in interviews and holds press conferences on the same day sometimes as well.
with the support of a gigantic staff
if she was stoic she wouldn't have rebooted in the public and have to be hauled off in a van lol
ps praise kek
Every single woman I've ever known in my life (including close relatives) have absolutely milked any disease they have had and some of them died and their last words were probably them saying "oh no I simply cannot do another load of washing, my knees hurt too much from my arthritis"
Women spend half of their time talking about stuff they have to do and then the other half doing anything but those things.
And expecting praise later on.
This is what the bitch was getting at.
non-American education, everyone
She's giving herself more credit than she deserves.
Anybody who believes women are particularly skilled at "powering through" and persevering over illness has not spent any time in a real co-ed work environment.
I cherish women, but I've seen many of them take full weeks off for sinus flare-ups, sore throats, and headaches.
How solipsistic must one be to imply that women are exemplars of "powering through"? Does she not understand that there are sick men digging copper and coal out of the bowels of the earth at this very moment?
All of this lady talk would be cute if they weren't allowed to go out and vote, naturally.
I hated this bitch when she was governor of my state
Trust me, no one, not a single fucking person cares what Granholm has to say.
she means that all women are mentally ill all the time and us men never notice that. right?
If men didn't pity women, we'd destroy them. There's a reason the male lion commands more respect than even a duo of lionesses.
do we pity them enough to vote them into office?
Very well done user
don't fall into it. It's just a retarded woman trying to paint it as "you're all sexists and im right because I got a degree in English". The truth is most women are completely apolitical and just not in general high achievers compared to males, there are some exceptions though anyone. Notice typical "Liberal Tactics" they paint themselves as some poor oppressed minority while enjoying systems that give them a boost in payment in a sado-masochisotic way. They constantly do this to David Duke type of guys, don't fall for some stupid goys trick
so what is their best hand to play?
>Tell the truth. Discredit the conspiracy theorists and gain back the trust of the people
or B)
>Pay them no mind. Let the conspiracy theorists dig their own graves.
I wish I used kikebook so I could post this constantly
Sit down and let's talk about that mempie.com watermark
Is she saying women are sick 24/7? Is she referring to menstruation?
>Women know anything about Stoicism
jesus fucking christ the absolute suspension of belief these deluded morons are capable of is monumental
That she's mentally ill. Or at least that's my interpretation.
Beat me to it. This 100%.
Women never fail to play the "so much work, mom is a 24/7 job".
Do you know how awesome it is to stay at home all day with the kids? It's really fucking awesome.
Saved it from here, I'd welcome if you post the same pic without the watermark.
For real
How is it stoic to pass out in 70 degree whether?
Plus to claim to be stoic is the antithesis of being stoic. This is something women do a lot and it really annoys the shit out of me. Someone who is truly strong, brave, or powerful never talks about how strong, brave, and powerful they are. It's incredibly unbecoming.
Saved it from Sup Forums* (here from Sup Forums) , just to clear it up.
Um here
Thank you for correcting the record.
She's not wrong. Being a woman is a mental Illness.
Honestly though. I'd much rather be a stay at home dad than have to work until I'm 65.
Being a woman is a disease?
>women call passing out in the middle of the street from overheating at 26C degrees "powering through illness"
Women have to suffer with their mental illness daily of course
Women suck and being a woman sucks.
Wow, so true, she's a true warrior, all women are, Oh!, come on, really, she's so ill that a little heat could kill her, but whatever.
She's talking about how vaginas are slimy disease-ridden holes, right
this bitch and nigs destroyed my state
Holy shit.
Holy shit how is this crazy bitch still relevant? She was such a terrible fucking governor I had hoped she faded into obscurity and died
>It's clear as day the candidate I'm routing for could fall over and die at any given moment and I'm getting scared
Women are really retarded sometimes.
Fuck that cuck faggot
It was all a ruse. Damnit I fell for it.
Fuck that Canadian cunt
t. Michigander
Fucking brutal
what does the meme with the laughing women mean anyway?
Here is something from Scott Adams recent blog post.
>"What I see in Clinton’s health is an unusual level of variability. Sometimes her eyes bug out, sometimes they are tired and baggy. Sometimes she looks puffy, sometimes not. It would be easy to assume fatigue is the important variable. And that is clearly a big factor. But notice that the other candidates have little variability in their physicality. Trump always looks like Trump. Cruz always looks like Cruz, and so on. Sometimes we think we can detect fatigue in their answers, but visually the other candidates appear about the same every day. Clinton, on the other hand, looks like an entirely different person every few days. That suggests some greater variability in her health. And that’s probably a tell for medications that are waxing and waning but rarely at the ideal levels. Or perhaps the underlying conditions have normal variability. Or both."
It mean's it's funny
Sup fella Michi-bro
Michigan bro here, she is awful...
I stroked out there, sorry.
why. do. morons. think. writing. like. this. proves. them. right.
She was the first to leave.
Michigander here. She nearly ruined us.
loving every laugh
I don't know, you guys look pretty ruined to me.