Which is more reddit?
Which is more reddit?
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Stop defending this piece of shit tv show. It's fucking bad.
Orvillefags are just embarrassing themselves at this point. Nothing short of pooping on yourself in public for attention.
>G-guys just give it a chance!! They're doing something d-diffeent!
>old Star trek wasn't that good anyways!
There are more white men in the main cast in STD than in Orville, a higher ratio of white men on the main cast in STD than in Orville, a higher ratio of whites on the main cast in STD than in Orville, and a higher ratio of men on the main cast in STD than in Orville.
At least watch the show, you look like an idiot.
Never seen either, but hasn't Star Trek for the most part been about one white guy captain and a diverse crew of underlings? That sounds more like The Orville than STD.
Pitting STD against Orville backfired hard for Orville fans.
Sci-fi in general is the most reddit genre.
Goalposts completely 180'd there, though I know you're not the same guy. DS9 had a black captain and VOY had a female one. All star trek series other than Voyager have a higher ratio of whites than Orville on the main cast.
Star Trek was NOT that good. They spent 11 years (voyager and enterprise) trying to remake the next generation and all they did was destroy the franchise.
That image alone proves how reddit Orville is.
I like ENT more than TNG, but this view isn't common.
Are you even familiar with Star Trek? Biggest giveaway that you don't even watch Star Trek.
The original Star Trek had an entire episode on race relations.
Problem with you millennials is that you can't stop yourselves from talking bullshit even when you have zero knowledge on what you're discussing.
So you admit Trek is sjw propaganda.
What's wrong with race relations? I didn't say anything about race relations. Weirdo.
TNG had an entire episode on gender politics as well. However, it was five seasons in and not the THIRD EPISODE, and wasn't anywhere near as heavy-handed. The irony, you would know this if you had knowledge on what we're discussing and wouldn't have had to resort to something entirely irrelevant like race relations.
star trek wasn't about diversity
The saddest thing is it wasnt even a original idea, they just ripped it off from The Expanse
Star Trek very much focused on social justice stuff, kid. You're just not old enough to have actually watched them.
It doesn't matter whether it's first season or fifth season, weirdo. That's some arbitrary criteria you made up yourself.
Stop outing yourself. It's embarrassing.
The protomolecule is nothing like the spores in STD. Are you seriously comparing them because they're both blue and bioluminescent?
Apparently it does matter, viewers are dropping off the show like flies
Expansefags are literal brainlets.
no I have watched them
star trek is not about social justice shit or diversity or whatever
the idea is that it presents a future where humanity put all of the shit behind them and moved on
Star Trek explores a wide range of sociopolitical issues and is rarely heavy with any of them. I'm not sure what definition of "social justice" you're running with. Do you just mean leftist? Star Trek is generally leftist.
Both shows suck. Stop trying to force the Orville vs STD meme.
The first season was good but yeah anyone who's still watching that show has low standards.
>t. Orvillefag trying to save his ass after comparing the shows backfired hard
You started it, we're finishing it.
One of the big things in TOS was a black woman as part of the main cast. This was only two years after the US Civil Rights Act of '64. Also an Asian man. It was very much about a vision of the future where all Humanity lives in harmony.
Stop pretending. Nobody is buying it. The old series hits you over the head with it, and nobody is that dense.
Ironically STD is doing that better. Burnham is redpilled on Klingon savagery and Lorca just wants to get the job done. Humanity is up to speed.
Shifting goal posts.
You were whining about an episode about gender politics, and made some arbitrary criteria on when it should happen. You shifted to viewer counts, both irrelevant to what we were both talking about, and ignoring context surrounding on viewers (them being stupid enough to make it tied to their streaming service, and the bad media hype up to it that made it sound like they weren't going to honor old Star Treks)
Racial blindness =/= diversity. Diversity is a culturally marxist concept, Star Trek ironically celebrates diversity in culture, which is the opposite of "diversity".
You're thinking about the modern misused "social justice" by extreme leftists, and not the actual definition of social justice.
Old Star Trek absolutely pushed social justice
It's was 100% about diversity. You think in the 60's a ruskie, a black lady, and an Asian were all there by happenstance?
You still sound retarded, even if you're pretending. The original series pushed diversity. TNG pushed it a lot harder.
You seriously going to bring up goalpost shifting after bringing up race relations? Dumbass.
The irony is that you brought up the concept of it "mattering" when a series has a heavy handed political episode on gender issues, which you are now calling a shift in goalposts, and I demonstrated that it seems to matter very much with facts.
>TNG pushed it a lot harder.
This is where your argument falls off a cliff.
But that's not true, "diversity" as it exists now is 100% about cultural diversity as well. Why do you think it isn't?
>t. redditor that never watched Star Trek
you were a shit poster all along, what a surprise
go back to Sup Forums
TOS was extremely political. TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT(90%< of Star Trek) is fairly mild. Watch more Star Trek, TOS isn't even good.
So you're doubling down on your moving the goal posts? Sad.
At least I know there's no point in continuing this discussion since you've already admitted you lost the argument.
Because the concept of cultural diversity is incompatible with cultural marxism. You do not understand the concept.
Mixing multiple cultures together to create one culture is the opposite of cultural diversity.
The early TNG was very much as well, as Rodenberry still had a hand in it.
Explain yourself, then. I've watched every single episode from every single series. I don't need to rely on ad hominem boogeyman arguments. Burden of proof lies on who's making the claim, go for it.
I literally just explained to you that you are the one who brought up whether or not it matters. Did you read? You literally shat on yourself.
>keep taking my bait
nah, here's your last (You)
enjoy it
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>tripling down
jesus christ user, it's okay to be wrong. I'll leave you alone since you just can't let this go
Not an argument.
>At least I know there's no point in continuing this discussion
This is what people say when they lose arguments.
>"I know you are, but what am I?"
>resorting to Pee-Wee Herman tactics
nice try reddit
That's not even me, dude. He's right.
STD - action
orville - sci-fi
>samefagging will surely make me sound not retarded
>give it another chance cause pic reminded me of it
>third episode transgender bullshit
>people pretend any other trek was this bad
STD has far better science fiction and action.
t. born in 1989
Muh edgy grimdark future
I wish they didn't do that. The show drops from a 9/10 to a 7.6/10 for that...
But I love it so far. The space scenes effects are great.
Im an Orville nigga and I love the space spores concept.
And yet TOS is good and TNG feels like soulless trash for numales.
hello, a woman
in what way?
It's on Netflix here so technically it's free since I didn't pay CBS to watch it.
> Fuck, all morning, no captcha until this post.
>Pitting STD against Orville backfired hard for Orville fans.
Not really. STD requires payment it has so far failed to generate enough of, while The Orville suffers low TV network ratings. This is actually more devastating to all futuristic space sci-fi. While there is still a very large audience depending on high TV ratings is proving to not the place, while STD proves that exclusive online payment is also not working. Both are proving to be difficult venues for rising revenue.
I'm sure once we finally come to an agreement on what the fuck "reddit" even means as a derogatory term we will be able to make a decision. Right now it's just shorthand for "something I don't like".
Spotted the Non-American.
You did that often as a kid then?
Well you OP fucking faggot.
STD is forced misogyny YAAAS QUEEN toxic masculinity sjw pandering garbage
The Expanse is GOAT
Fucking kill yourself, you ugly retarded butt head
Both are free