Will they ever recover?
Hi. Is it carlos , jamal or troy?
>British """""""banter""""""
Looks like you misspelled Shart with God. Classic Merican Sharters and the classic french fast walk shart in the olympics.
Depends on who's asking. Is this Chang, Sanjay, or Mohammed?
>Will they ever recover?
from what?
no this is liam asking.
that's pretty common.
my name is troy
I just want to know if I can tell you to build a wall, eat a watermelon or prep jamal.
I like to be accurate you know, shows respect.
Knew a buger called Troy when I was a lad, now its stuck, much like Bruce for the Aussie fellas.
Truly, the most intellectually formidable infrographic yet.
>Still trying to push this DoA meme
digits confirm for best banter
I never get these threads.
Bermuda off coast America is the British Bull which cucks America of tax money sends it to London.
Bermuda will always be British.
Americans loose jobs become homeless see there 20 Trillion Debt get worse and worse.
While brits use there Bull Bermuda to Cuck you fucking you up ass everyday causeing death and suicide in America.
AMERICANS are the shit ass cucks getting fucker in association everyday by British Bull Bermuda.
You haven't even got balls of Argentina maybe because there more white then you fucking shit bottom feeders.
brb killing myself
hmm... really.. made... me... think...
You posted this earlier, frogburger.
This cretin can't make the difference between a road and a mart
Shamefur dispray
>Downloading the same image twice
Hi Liam
We have special properties.
C'mon lad mate. Have a go. any BRIT could have you soft cunts in a fight.
Yous cunts will get savaged. Wrecked. We'll wreck you fat cunts with hot tea. Swear down, it's a waste. But necessary.
Savaged. Utterly devastaded.
Yet then Her Majesty will intervene and point out out to you fat fucking cunts that there is a new direction:
We get brexit and you fucking fat cunts wants want a scrap.
Swear down. I'll wreck yous cunts. Fucking Yank twats.
BASTARDS. I thought yous cunts wrere our mates.
Fuck you and you "aircraft carrier groups" you bastards. You shall NEVER overcome British steel and endevour.
Swear on Her Majesty.
>a nig nog
>thousands of years of tradition
FUCK OFF. I will fight everyone on the beaches of these glorious islands.
Nice rant, albeit with rather fruity language
so is mine. it's spelled differently though
>Americans think their opinion matters
Keep being worthless irrelevant mutts
can confirm, the average brit is a fucking psychopath and you wouldnt want to fight
>40% white
>current president is a nigger and future president is a cripple
>America as a "respected" nation dies when Trump looses this month and it becomes South Africa 2.0
Why are you even bashing the Yanks, this is a shill with a proxy. He's making loads of these threads.
Be nice to America.
Mdr poto
And yet your "empire" couldn't beat a group of malnourished potato-niggers. It's well known that na sasanacha can't fight for shit.
>I've shown you should never let go of anything
That's not what his anus said
I was just having banter.
No hostility.