Baby Driver

Seriously, some people here recommended me this movie.

How, and why? It is so full of cringe moment, uneasy dialogues and forced scenario plot it's painful to watch.

I'm one hour in, of course I will finish it but seriously explain to me what makes it special...

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You're a dumb autist for watching a film, stopping it and then making a thread about it.
Also heads up, the entire third act is a complete shitshow from every aspect.

It was bad. The entire third act made 0 sense. Why was Jamie Fox shown to be a guy who runs a tight ship on a job and then turn around and become a loose cannon?

Half the people here are under the age of twenty. It's why ad populum doesn't work here.

Redditors are easy to please and think style is everything. People who enjoyed baby driver also like garbage like kingsman

yeah but like music is the soundtrack to my life bro

Yeah I was under the impression that this movie was designed to be for a 22- audience.

Why was Kevin Spacey shown to be cold, calculated, efficient abs then turn around and become a hopeless romantic?
Written by a fucking moron.

The style is supposed to be fun, but I can see why someone would find it annoying.
There's not much to it other than the style

It's not anything special, but it's entertaining. It's a good mainstream film.

Jamie Foxx's character is fucking cringe and he should return his Oscar for portraying it

Daily reminder: Sup Forums loved Baby Driver when it came out, despite the last 20 minutes.

I just finished it and this was weird to me. The part where he get's shot by those three guys was incredibly off, and then he stands there shooting at Hamm. Not once had he been shown to care about Baby in any way other than a "lucky charm". Even that line is enough to make you think he just sees him as an object. I liked the movie and all, but that seemed incredibly out of character for him.

This is one of the rare films that got stuck in my head with how much i fucking hated it.

This was the gayest shit I've ever seen

Correction: children on Sup Forums loved it when it came out, adults couldn't be shitted to watch it, then some got around to doing it and were like "what the fuck"

>hey guys, I'm halfway through this song and I don't really like it. I'll finish it soon, I'll keep you posted.
why do faggots do this so much?

stop posting your shit videos you massive autistic faggot. how's that $0 a month on patreon working out for you?

>I'm one hour in
is it really so difficult to watch movies these days that people need to check their phones/internet?

I too was memed into watching this cringefest. I went in there with high hopes thinking I was in for Drive 2. I was totally unprepared and the opening scene was like getting blasted in the face with a torrent of soggy cocks. When he starts singing... I was comfused and angry. I felt trapped.

bow before me

>I went in there with high hopes thinking I was in for Drive 2
That sounds more like a you problem.

Enduring this movie was a pain - i mean literal physical pain. Predictable plot would be an understatement if there were any. Character motivations are non-existent. It's just a random mess of pointless violence in the universe where every police officer has an IQ of a carrot. The main protagonist is mix of typical "my mommy died" and "save the girl" motivations. Please - do everyone a favor. Don't watch this movie. Let Hollywood starve themselves to death. Maybe then they will move on from cookie cutter plots and characters. It's awful. But it will probably sit fine with 14-22 year old "Twilight" fans.

It definitely had it cringy parts and some shit didn't make any sense, but was it all really that bad? I enjoyed it but its not something I would watch again probably

This was one of the things that still make me find Drive a way better movie.