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Is this the best episode of this show?
inb4 What is it?
Pick any episode from seasons 1 to 6 and say it's your favourite, they're all great and I won't argue.
My first thought is always Quarantine though.
So is Doug Naylor just a hack? The series took an immediate and irreversible nosedive in writing quality when Rob Grant left and to this day Naylor continues to rape the corpse.
I know you guys are busy but I have a very important question to ask:
so what is it?
Season 10 was bretty good though. Fathers and Suns may even be in my top 10 episodes.
To be fair Lister's subplot was pretty good. That one did come to mind for me aswell. Season 11 was hot garbage though even by nu-dwarf standards.
Whenever you take 50% of the talent away, there's going to be a problem. Two people bouncing ideas off each other is perfect for a series like this.
I could be wrong but I always got the impression that Rob Grant was the one behind the good dialogue and more organic jokes, and Doug Naylor had the philosophy/sci-fi boner. It worked great when they were together but Naylor can't do both to save his life. After the switch the humour became a lot more broad, the characters lost their depth and the episodes became much more high-concept.
Well, sir, it appears to be some sort of time loop.
do you require an heated bread product?
This gazpacho soups gone cold!
I knew it was going to be that.
What do you guys think of the new episode?
Nah, read the Dwarf book he wrote on his own
>My first thought is always Quarantine though.
are you me?
probably not, but still... also red dwarf is too good for Sup Forums
Lads, is Lister ever going to make it to that farm on Fiji?
would make a great last episode desu if it came out 10 years ago
no because the writers forgot about it after season 2
if the book is anything to go by then no because the earth gets turned into a garbage planet covered in giant cockroaches.
>baaaaah *splash* baaaaah *splash*
I'm not sure the books are in the same canon as the show, they certainly have a much darker tone
I could have sworn the area of garbage world he settled on was Fiji