Sup Forums on fags

Let's answer this once and for all!
What does Sup Forums think of gay?

They're redpilled.

Degeneracy, aids and faggotricy

How could you hate this?

Pol does not care for homosexuality, only the degenerate sexual stimulated society it brings out.

Keep it in the bed room, no one cares for your histrionic ramblings.

t. Alt-Right scum

pretty much this. i dont care what two blokes wanna do with their cocks in the bedroom
alt right is a meme it doesnt exist

They're alright

I'm a fag and browse Sup Forums mainly. Come at me.

t. a Cuckservative

ultimately an insignificant number of people in society who have been elevated by constant media coverage by liberals over the years to the point where now it appears to be a much bigger aspect of society than it actually is.

if the media didn't promote all the degenerate gay people walking around naked in the middle of the day during some pride walk, there wouldn't be any problem.

Don't you mean 'Cum in me'

gay people are faggots

I think it's gay.

Homosexuality is a kike agenda

Not you, I don't like gingers.

As long as they don't make it a central part of their identity I don't see it as a big deal. There's plenty of "degenerate" straight people too, not like it's exclusive to sexuality

I don't care what people do in the bedroom.

I have gay friends, i have bi friends.
I have no qualms with them being gay I just get skeptical about having them marry and raise kids.

Marraige is a religious institution that the state shouldnt be involved in.
The whole point of marraige is creating a family unit to raise children,
But I dont like the idea of gays raising children, its a fucked up situation to put a kid in.

Id never stand on the street and advocate this though because id be labelled a bigot before i even had a chance to speak.

get out.

We denied you in the past and we'll deny you again.

I'm okay with it. As I said once; many cultural efforts were made by gays. The crusade orders were very attractive for gays. Pirates were said to have many gays among them and they even were able to establish some early form of public rent insurance.

Monks were often gay and did a lot for mediaval science. I don't hate gays. I'm just not into gay sex.

I don't like pakis so it all works out fine

Its all in your head annon.

you wont become gay for fucking a trap in the ass, and then let him take all your cum in the mouth.

i mean we have the same mouth dont we? men and women?

No homo tho

If I give you a potato will you dom me?

10/10 would personally throw off a roof


Gay people you can't tell are gay are just people whom just happen to be gay. Then there's fucking faggots.

fuck off

I just don't like LBGTDWJWHSBFK culture. You people parade your weirdness about and if anyone ever says anything about them not liking the fact that you do that, they're IMMEDIATELY a horrible, bigoted homophobe.


I don't care about gay people.

It's the flamboyant "HEYYYYY GURRRRLLL" faggots that annoy me.

Not gay but I would consider sucking his dick desu

Those three in the first pic are more than gay enough
Also I'm gay and I'm here exclusively all the time, I exemplify /polgbt/, fight me faggots

I don't care about gays as long as they keep their shit out of my business. Same way a straight couple doesn't have straight pride parades, or make flyers about their hetero relationships, or make others feel bad for demonizing their heterosexuality. I have gay friends. They're only friends because they are just normal, every day people who just happen to take dicks in their asses.

want a boyfriend? I'm quiet and easy to live with I spend most of my free time playing /tg/ games and reading

I almost had to vomit.

Forget him:
If he's on /tg/ that means he's obese as fuck.

Twinks like the ones at the bottom of that pic are lovely but the scary hairy men on the top of the pic are degenerate. Dunno if that makes sense

i-is he okay?

Repressed homosexual desires, but recognizes it as bad.

how rude. I keep myself in shape. Just cause I lurk the wip and hwg threads it doesnt mean I'm a colossal blob.

I dont even visit games workshop

How could I not?

>how rude. I keep myself in shape.

Prove it.

>tfw no smart, cute and funny polgbt bf

Why even live anymore

heheh nice try I'm not posting nudes on here, naughty boy

How does Sup Forums feel about the type of gays who just act like regular men?

good gays thats how gays should be. Just another average joe

they have sex with kids and they're extremeley highly sexual. Absoloutly degenerate

I like twinks

No one said they had to be nudes. I wasn't trying to see if your dick was in shape, I was trying to see if the rest of your body was actually in shape.

>Gay: Extreme people, sometimes great, sometimes shit. Can have a place in society, even if they can't form nuclear families.

> Lesbians: Hateful cancer, must be shown no mercy.

yeah yeah ;P

Well when I say in shape I mean thin

Just post the damn pictures you backpedaling nigger.

I'm a white, male, gay lurker: homosexuality isn't wrong it's just atypical. There's a lot fags have going for them with basically being the appointed trend setters in the western mainstream. Why would/are they make/ing the same mistake the feminists are currently making by going against nature in trying to setup their impossible 50/50 representation? When you become the new normal, you lose what little novelty you had.


Fot the *error uncountable* time.

Piss off degenerate, mentally ill faggots! PISS. OFF.


C'mon m8, don't bullshit me now. Just post something real.

very good
women are disgusting

since he didn't deliver
i like being dommed sometimes what can I say :^)

It's not as bad as it looks.


There we go, very nice. That's a proper bitch boi.

Faggot here. I believe that being gay isn't really a thing and is pretty much a choice for a lot of people, I think everyone has the potential to be gay. Therefore it pisses me off when I see the parades and shit and people wanting to be treated special for something that, as far as I am concerned, is just a fetish/kink like any other. It's definitely not some special predisposed thing some faggots make it out like it is. At all.

I also think gay marriage is fucking stupid and insulting and that gay people should stop flaunting shit in public, which they do to intentionally stir shit up.

Thank you Sir.
Agree with the kink part, marriage not so much though. Why is the idea of two same sex people in love stupid?

>Why is the idea of two same sex people in love stupid?
Have a partnership that gives all the benefits of marriage, but don't push that shit on the church for no reason, it's just undermines their beliefs.

Nice booty.
Civil unions are fine enough, so why do gays demand it be called marriage? To be spiteful to christians, no other reason.

Agree with this good post.

Fuck that, we're coming in that bedroom to condom-challenge these fags into obliteration.

Spreading disease is spreading disease, doesn't matter if it's in on the down-low. Plus all fags need fresh supplies of boys to de-man.

We're gonna give those boys a chance to earn their colors on these train-wrecks.

You're from Finland, we already know you're a fag. The muzzies will take care of you, and we will reconquer the land later.

Beautiful stuff. Ever had your feet tied up and tortured?

Gay pride is fucking retarded. I'm a fucking faggot too and I hate that the fucking superqueer bitchy valleygirl homo style is so popular at these events.

Why do gays have to be women now? What happened to being a man who is gay rather than a flaming queermo?


Am gay, love 'em. I also would like to see all your fat cocks.


Don't care about them. Let them be.

Just don't flaunt your shit so much. Flaming faggots will always be the worst kind.

Yep just this last weekend. Headed down to Vancouver and got tied up, spanked, fucked and anything else he wanted to use me for the weekend. Came 5 times so I enjoyed it to say the least
Very nice



This thread has become Sup Forums tier
thread reported

That's hot, buddy. I would tie you up and torture you for hours. Feet look cute from previous picture too, so I would likely pay extra attention to them.

It should be systemically removed from existence through eugenics and gene therapy. No one deep down would choose to be gay. It's a disease, the cure for which is denied to us by (((bioethics))).

>fatherless friend whom I know to be closeted comes into town to visit
>I've had him under my wing for some time, tried to treat him as a brother in the past in the few times Id seen him, take him drinking and stuff
>the whole week I dropped every redpill I could. About the globalism and the decline of traditional western values, how homosexuality is degenerate and how a young man must in this day an age adopt the virtues of the past, cast aside the nu male degenerate cuckery and educate himself in philosophy, get /fit/, learn man skills
>the day before he leaves I cook him food and as I illustrate the ways of a manly diet, the importance of proteins and cutting out the xeno estrogens he jokingly exclaims that we should get married and that our lives will consist of male companionship, work, manly living, and passionate sex
>I laugh and brush it off

How can I save my friend anons? Have I failed as a teacher? Have I failed him?

Fuck off Austist

You guys are fucking FAGS, this whole thread gets my seal of disapproval and a hefty sage. Soldiers of straightness must fight the gays until their last dying breath, sexual liberation won't help you when the barbarians plunder and rape. It is inherently impossible to be a homosexual who is not degenerate.

Fags are literally worse and more subversive then Jews.

Only reason Sup Forums is such a fagfest is the Internet turns people into degenerates.

And one more thing, 'eff Milo he's a motherfucking gay Jew!

Just fuck him and get it over with, faggot.


There's nothing wrong with being gay at all. What's wrong is being a total fucking faggot who frames your entire identity around being gay. I feel the exact same way about fucking lads who frame their entire identity around shagging birds waheeeeey. Overt sexuality is not a personality.

I'm bisexual myself, but fucking this. The whole LGBT community is degenerate as hell. Can't stand them.

You can't even spell. Post discarded.

Quit same fagging, you piece of shit.


Why do gays have to be women now?

>I feel the exact same way about fucking lads
M-me too mate.

Agreed, the ability to parade homosexuality must be denied whenever possible. Some of you may be thinking that this is gold coming from a leaf, but just know that the state of our affairs actually contributes to our burning hatred for gays. Insects of disease and moral decay are not to be taken as allies.


Fuck I love being gay

Flammer in waiting.

Once you realize the act of sodomy is inherently self destructive(anal prolapse, rectum cancer, inherent disease vector), it's only cognitive dissonance that keeps the illusion of sanity.

No one is samefagging I'm self bumping :]

>I-I'm just like you Sup Forums
>I hate faggots just like you!
>Proceeds to do everything against the name of Sup Forums but still gurgle Sup Forums's cock
Dishonest bunch of cunts

>I would tie you up and torture you for hours

Pls live near WA state


wow extreme luck

>implying anal is the only way gay people have sex
>implying I'm the one taking it up the bum
Get on my level faggot.