Why do I have to pay federal income taxes if the candidate I vote for doesn't get elected...

Why do I have to pay federal income taxes if the candidate I vote for doesn't get elected? What happened to no taxation without representation?


So lets say I vote for hillary and she doesn't win, can I just refuse to pay federal taxes because I'm not being represented?

Technically if the candidate you support lose, it's the one who won that represent you. That's...um the point of democracy.

Trump is a bigot. he does not represent me, some of my family are illegal immigrants, how can trump represent me?

Because tough titties, that's why you fucking spic. GTFO of this white board.

>white board

>So lets say I vote for hillary and she doesn't win, can I just refuse to pay federal taxes because I'm not being represented?

>Why do I have to pay federal income taxes

Should have stopped there. There should only be a sales tax and a user tax for public services. Maintaining a license should require a road tax and having kids in school should require an education tax, etc. Income and property taxes shouldn't even exist and -- before we were around -- did not exist.

>But muh government money!

Governments are supposed to be small. That's part of freedom.

>When youre watching Adam Kokesh's daily podcast while stroke your dont tread on me flag and your AR15 then you remember taxation is theft


You can always choose not to pay taxes. The question is who will enforce the law. And there are a group of people who believe in the law and will use lethal force to enforce it. Including paying taxes. You can choose not to pay taxes, but you better have the means to defend yourself against the violence that will be used against you by others who will enforce their belief in taxes. Assuming you don't want to get hurt, imprisoned, or killed

u should kill urself :*

That picture is misleading. Taylor Swift is actually a psuedo-aryan Jewish plant to lead us further into cucked descent.

your state is represented either way.
the question is why are you paying state taxxes if your candidates don't win

Sure you can, but just remember that a bunch of armed men will come to your door to force you to live in a cage for a few years

you can't bake a blueberry pie without an oven.

Goy, what about muh military? You have to support our Hitmen in uniform, you know? You don't strike me as a patriotic goy. Sad!

He's a dumb wetback, but this is hardly a white board.

Respectfully, American of Mexican descent

The US isn't a democracy,

Jesus christ it blows my mind how retarded some people are. First of all, you're represented by proxy at multiple levels because a discreet unit that you are a member of voted for an elected representative. At the Congressional level you have representatives in the house and the senate. They represent the interests of their constituents. "No taxation without representation" does not mean every individual person must have a say in how government is run, this isn't fucking Athens. It means that if the government is going to take the citizens' money away, it should be done by someone elected to represent them rather than by a monarch.
You think you can just enjoy the benefits of citizenship without paying taxes simply because you don't like the person in charge? Why the fuck would you get a free pass to live in the most developed nation in the world just because you don't like Hilary? You get infrastructure, police, public services, utilities, safety, etc. on the government's dime. You've gotta pay for it you fucking retard or go somewhere else.

>What happened to no taxation without representation?
In case you're not trolling and are genuinely dumb enough to believe that you have asked a legitimate question, here is the answer:

You are being represented. In a representative Democracy, we elect people to represent us. The person who wins is the person who was elected to represent your interests. You do not have to have voted for them, for their job and duties to be representing you. You are their constituent regardless of who you voted for.

But you WERE represented. Your ideas just sucked for majority of people. Thus did the retarded candidate that represented your dumb ideas.

That doesn't mean you didn't have representation nor are free of taxation.
I think it's not about if someone's willing to represent your fedorian world view, but having a fair chance to do so yourself - or lobby or whatever. As long as you have that, you gotta pay.

So pay denbts pls.

what really happened is that every square inch on earth became an actual nation. It's no longer a choice, you HAVE to live in a state.

That has nothing to do with OP's question, at all.

are you really that stupid?

> pay denbts
or neither will i

>still believing in the pastryhoax.