What the f*ck was her problem?

What the f*ck was her problem?

She just thought they were neat

She just thought they were neat

Homer's dick was too small to pleasure he, it was basically just the head and no shaft.

She was corrupted by the brainwashing of sneed


she just thought they were neat


It was a Chuck's potato.


She thought they were sneet


sn eed

>mixing sneed with that shit retarded nerd faggot Sup Forumseddit meme
Kill yourself

Sneed is retarded nerd faggot shit.

t. /r/gaming

Nah I'm from /r/Fucked BabyromansMom, faggot.

Your dead

My dead what?

ur dead dick, beyotch

reminder, the person who posts sneed is an underaged /asp/ spammer from india

>implying sneed shitposters aren't the same underageb& redditors from Sup Forums


yeah chucks is alpha chad shit!

He didn't fuck and suck for nothing.

No decent rule 34
