I wanted Trump to become president, but not like this

I wanted Trump to become president, but not like this...

Unlike her corruption Clinton's illness isn't something in her control.

I agree

You're right. We control it now. PRAISE KEK!

i agree

She deserves it.

Praise the lord.

explain to me why would that even matter

no,but her being honest and disclosing it to the american public sure is

I truly believe that our sins weigh on us with time.

Maybe not strictly in a judeo-Christian kinda way, maybe not strictly karmic retribution, but I believe when you put good in, you get good from the universe. And vice versa.

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind and all that, her illness is her fault.

Is she our girl, Sup Forums?

>sold her soul to molech in exchange for power
>didn't even read the fine print
>body withers away as her political power grows
>w-what's happening to me?!

It's become embarrassing to watch, honestly.

She's an evil bitch who would sell this country and its people out to the highest bidder. She has been connected to the murders of many innocents. She is responsible for the chaos in Libya and Syria and all the dead that resulted from those conflicts. You can extend that last point - the chaos in Syria and Libya exacerbated the """"refugee"""" crisis. So she is responsible for the rapes and murders of the """"refugees"""" in Europe.

And you feel pity for her because her body is failing? I'm laughing my ass off, personally.

she could have taken better care of herself, exercised more (doubt she's ran an inch since high school gym class), no one forced her to ruin her liver with excessive drinking, etc. All in her control.

Deep down I'm sure her actions weigh on her conscious.

The body is the mirror of the mind.

she's our mummy


Some would say that psychopathy is just as outside of the psychopaths control as any physical sickness

heh, thought I might find you here, kid

she's my mummy not yours

I don't want to have to tangle over it

She's my mummy, and I'll fight both of you for her.

*unsheathes katana*


Why though? :+(

Because he's fat

She is redpilled

I want to believe this but too many wicked people get away and too many innocent people suffer. I'm superstitious and I try to be a good person because every time I've acted evilly I've gotten burned... But it seems like some people are cut out to be shitty people.

Her killing quite a few people was in her control.


In my experience wicked people really do suffer, often times in ways we can't see.

To me it doesn't bother me if I see someone make ill gotten short term gains, I've seen too many people burn up in hubris.

In the 90s I knew a guy who printed counterfeit money, 20 years later and his brothers are dead, he lives in pain, alone, in a closet single living unit, drinking away the limited money he gets (iirc he gets much less because of his jail time) until he dies I guess.

But boy he drove a sweet jag in the day

It's karma. She brought this on herself.

You sound like a faggot.

Go back to Plebbit.

All these shill threads talking about feeling sorry for a murdering, lying, sociopathic, terrible human being.

No one that knows what Hillary has done cares. Fuck her.

They'll swap her out for Biden and the surge of excitement will cost Trump the win.

She's looking at that nose like "yeah I know what you're up to"

No, OP, quit lying to yourself. You and every other person who has some humanity left in them wants to see her gone. You'll celebrate with the rest of the Munchkins on that glorious day when she ceases to be. That day should be sometime this month by the look of things.


Although you're right I hold literally no sympathy for her
She is getting off easy
She should be drawn, and quartered on the White House lawn as a warning to other treasonous politicians.

Being honest and forthcoming about it is in her control. Just more lying from a dishonest cunt.

I wish her well. She needs to live for a long time to rot in prison with her husband.

It was the Russians that hit her with a new poison. Russians love old school murders and assassinations, like shooting a ricin ball from an umbrella (or was it Bulgars?) or shoving radioactive materials up a mans anus, or punching in the liver so that the liver stops working after 20 days...
They 'rescued' hostages with sleeping gas for fucks sake, what makes you think they didnt do something to Hillary?

>Unlike her corruption Clinton's illness isn't something in her control.

Yeah, but...

Whoa, checked

No, it's not in her control, but it's simply some sort of karmic realignment in the universe where a truly wicked cunt whose only purpose has been to achieve highest office at all expense will die before she actually gets the prize she wanted.

It's the greatest fucking thing we could imagine. To know someone as truly awful as Hillary will be 6 feet under before she gets to sit in the Oval office ever again is evidence God exists.

her own supporters don't give a damn about her health.

They would elect a fleshlight.

She ran out of life-force to drain from Bill.


with all these nigs calling for her to drop out now, idk if they thinking shit through.

I can easily imagine people voting for whoever they replace her with just cos its not trump or hillary.

if you dont think DNC will pull shenanigans and nominate someone despite any ballot rules or whatever, you are kidding yourself.

If she drops out / dies, we should be hoping she waits a month or a little more.

You underestimate how much control Hillary has over the DNC. It's really just her and Obama and Obama is useless except for giving teleprompter speeches.


>isn't something in her control.
I guarantee you her condition is 100% down to her overextending herself, pushing herself beyond limits, and putting her ambition over her own health.

When someone gets to the point of the woman in that video, they've gone too far. Hillary literally needs an intervention.

user, is this mummy ?
confirm this picture