Monday new trailer

Monday new trailer

Star Wars is for manchildren, fuck off.

It's amazing how TFA managed to completely kill any and all interest we had in Star Wars.

how still cares about Star Wars?
Jesus Christ move on already

Came here to post this. If you are over the age of 12 and enjoy trash Disney puts out, there is no hope for you.

Kill yourself, contrarian.

Meanwhile, posting on a japanese cartoon image board is super duper mature and manly.

Star Wars died with the last trilogy, as it were. Anything after that is just Disney Jews marketing a corpse.

>disliking movies for babies is contrarian
Cartoons are not allowed on this board.

how can anybody be excited for Star Wars when there's a new one every 10 months?

i can't even pretend to be interested in the last jedi because of that fucking movie. what an absolute train wreck. at this point everyone knows the movie wasn't good and the only people trying to salvage its reputation are shills or just dont care about star wars canon

Snoke looks bored as hell in that poster. Same way I feel about the movie.


>Luke is going to be evil
How do you feel now that this is all but confirmed?

Like they're not going to not go that route

This times 1000.
I never thought it would get to a point where I didn't care about Star Wars live action movies. Even in the movie was shit, I would still care, but now it's just soul less, corporate, diversity remakes.

he won't be evil, just more "le gray jedi 0_0" and has that new epic "i dont care" persona throughout half the movie and then save the day while still being disgruntled

Excuse me, faggot? Never fucking post on this sub again or I'm gonna bust my force skills out on ya!

I miss these kinds of posters for Star Wars

I wish there was a sneed-type meme that ruins Star Wars threads

who is this semen demon


why this is asmr (taylor) darling, she's got her own youtube asmr and vlog channels

Hand drawing is too expensive, photoshop is cheaper. This is 2017 also, they gotta use the cutting edge technology to make posters.

i would draw star wars posters for free

Too bad you are a fucking white male.

this is me back in 1997

>tfw the inevitable rey and finn romance will begin and the blacked posting will eventually just shut this board down

Fuck everything about the TFA poster honestly. It looks so much worse than any other one, also the STAR subtitle WARS logo is incredibly shitty. When i first saw it i thought it was a placeholder because they didn't want to reveal the real one yet. If they wanted to suck off the OT so much with the new movies why didnt they give every movie a unique logo again? Also how hard would it have been to hire someone to draw something that looks good instead of using very shitty photoshop layers on top of each other.

>It's amazing how Rogue One managed to completely kill any and all interest we had in Star Wars.

i hate both but rogue one was objectively better than the force awakens

I'm not looking back after tfa. Holy shit that was a rehash trash of a movie. They can do whatever the fuck they want for all I care.