Holy shit, these films really opened my eyes. Never watching documentaries again

Holy shit, these films really opened my eyes. Never watching documentaries again.

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I like what you did there user

Top kek

>threads obese amerikuks make

>i want to prove macdonald's is bad for you
>so i'm going to eat 5000 kcal of it daily, an amount twice my recommended intake and which would fatten me regardless of the type of food i was ingesting

supersize me is bologna

t. fatty

This film opened my eyes. I'm going to marathon Seth Rogen movies now.

t. Fatty

>Eat at caloric surplus by at least 2500 kcal every day
>get fat

Was humanity really so stupid as to think this was ground-breaking stuff back then?

>I wonder what other films Morgan Spurlock produc-

God what a fucking unfunny guy

t. triggered as fuck fatass burgerstanians


haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate

I eat mcdonalds 3-4 times a week. Get down to that sick beat.

You think McDonalds is healthy? I'll prove you wrong by eating every single meal there for a month. I'll take three number fours

>documentary maker attacks McDonald's
>americans go absolutely apeshit

You think fruit is healthy? I'll eat 1000 bananas and see what happens.


mcdonald's fries are fucking great. anything else is questionable.


not in the uk, they used to be

then some substances got banned and they are now floppy

they don't even put salt on them anymore, you have to put your own on

You are gay


It was the grease they cooked them in. It was rendered from cows, and that upset Indians who worship cows.

>they don't even put salt on them anymore, you have to put your own on
nigga what, is this recent or something. I lived in Southampton until 2 years ago and I never had to salt my own fries.

Daily reminder super size me was a scam to attack the fast food industry by an upset vegan faggot.


Fuck off

>Featuring special appearances by Sarah Silverman and Dave Navarro

How the fuck can you wake up knowing you made this, seeing your face on that and not killing yourself.

How come these low tier documentary makers can never ever get decent artists, they really aren't that expensive if you make a fucking effort.

He was high, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

lol like dude weed bro lol

lol i just got the joke

Bet you his organs are dying for real nutrients

Why do I get hungry again like 2 hours after I eat McDonalds? What's in their bullshit food?

corn syrup and fats

Air. A buddy worked as a manager. If you take a cheeseburger bun and put itin a vacuum sealer they shrink to the size of a playing die


>eating 5000 calories per day and not exercising makes you feel sluggish
whoa, Mcdonald's is literally poison

This has an unfortunate plug from Spurlock on the cover but it's the superior "this is why you are fat America" film. It's the fucking sugar. Like for reals.

It's why Morgan Spurlock got fat as shit dumping soda down his food hole but that other guy didn't eating steak and shit.

They make sure it doesn't actually fill you up so you come back for more.

I forgot the pic, derp

documentaries are only good when they are covering a persons life or a historical event.

herpy derp

Don't pile on the fagginess, I regreted it immediately

this guy managed to carve out a career from literally just smoking weed. that is the true achievement

McD's has all your essential macronutrients my friend

This would have been enjoyable if it starred someone other than Doug Benson

If they got Kevin Nealon to do this I would watch it.

That's cause they're spongy retard. ALL buns are like this.

You can't pick up a bag of greasy McDonalds and not feel the heft.

wait wait hold up hold the FUCK UP!

sugar is bad for you? wow they really send my brain to the gym this time

I have had to salt my own fries for the past 10 years

maybe you go to an odd franchise that went rouge

It's not just that sugar is bad for you but it's in a ton of shit

I thought Jamba Juice was ok until I saw this documentary

>Contains: Salt
Holy shit!

Salt is god tier. Salt isn't bad for you is it?

Imagine being such a corporate cocksucker you defend mcdonalds

McDonald is a good boi who dindu nuffin, just trying to get his burgers back on track.

You know you're not the target audience for this right?

>tfw work at mcdonalds
>tfw having chicken tenders for my meal break
>also dat spicy mcchicken

good shit

Would fish choose to live in the ocean if it was lol.

imagine being such a commie that you want to blame a restaurant for making you fat

Ralphie May died.

Good point. Maybe that's why fish is so delicious.

McLibel is an excellent film, this guy was just being incredibly misleading