Let's talk about Jew hating.
Specifically why it's obviously well deserved, yet incredibly unpopular.
How do we make headway on naming the Jew when the subject is untouchable?
Let's talk about Jew hating.
Specifically why it's obviously well deserved, yet incredibly unpopular.
How do we make headway on naming the Jew when the subject is untouchable?
Infiltrate the spheres they control (media, banking, law) and usurp their power.
We'll never be able to get there until we wake pol up to the kike Trump secret as soon as possible.
I infiltrate your mothers pussy with my dick
The alternative is a LITERAL globalist puppet
Jew here. No, I am not trying to take over the world. Or infiltrate your kid's minds with degeneracy. Stop acting like how the blacks act towards whites, Only with Jews
You should start with the Atlantic slave trade up to modern times; how on earth Jews were able to erect Hollywood and Wall Street and The Federal Reserve and how it influences us today.
You don't want to crash course normies on the Jew because they will think you're crazy, it has to be baby steps and then they have to realize it themselves.
Just fucking die already
You'll never make headway so long as you have no evidence for your claims.
At this point in time, your assertions sound as credible as those of third wave feminists and sjws.
Isreal=Greatest Ally.
>The alternative
you mean 1 of the 2 options provided by the kikes? you do realize that you could just not play their game, right? btw globalists and zionists are the same people, it doesn't matter, voting for hillary would be like voting for trump and voting for trump is like voting hillary- trump is already going to win, because this entire thing is a kike puppet show that has been pre planned for a long time. You dont need to keep making decisions within their game, you just need to get out of their system!
I promise you doing what they are manipulating you into doing cannot be the right thing to do.
I don't think jewhating was ever unpopular.
This is what Nazi Germany did and look what happened.
Their roots run too deep in *current year* America for a clean revolution. I feel like we will need a civil war to break free.
>I speak for my whole race
Now tell me that that IQ of Neil DeGrasse Tyson is proof that blacks as a whole are not stupid.
was it ever unjustified?
steps my steps. Naming The Jews seems to be the biggest taboo in so called western world. But it will happend.
Oh we will, like I explained in my comment above, there aren't good options, every option is controlled by kikes. Voting will NEVER be the answer, the kikes will ALWAYS subvert any influential force.
All we can do is hope that Jesus comes soon, while we embrace the madness our country is about to descend into.
Right after WW2 it was unpopular, in fact everyone wants to shove holocaust information down my throat 24/7 here in America, as if Jews were the only ones in the world to suffer.
No offense to you but America has politicized Jews so damn hard that they became the top of the food chain here.
I think I'll start calling them lazy Sup Forumsniggers.
They haven't a shred of self awareness about how absurd they sound or an inkling of how to assess probability.
go away kike, pol does not respect you.
You are a good example of what I mean by 'untouchable.'
Just because you're a dindu Jew doesn't mean that some Jews are fucking our shit up.
You're the passive-aggressive smoke and mirror show that the Jews in power love to have in their arsenal.
Shut up, lazy nigger.
Slink off to your basement and indulge one of your assanine jew fantasies.
Jeremiah 23:40.
Don't fall for it, dude, they're lying anyways, no kikes can be trusted, even if you choose to be nice to them and pretend, never ever trust a kike. Remember by definition they don't believe in Jesus, which means they don't believe that He came to rid the planet of the sin that is inherent to their souls.
We aren't talking about bluepilled losers like yourself whose ancestors were exploited by rabbis for dough. We're talking about turbo-kikes like the Rothschilds and George Soros, both of which are openly funding what can only be perceived as anti-white, open borders organizations.
bahahahaha poor little jew is triggered
Please, call them what they are, which is Rothschilds. Please don't throw the entire Jewish culture with them.
Wew, really made me think...that my country is not enslaved by jews.
Phase it in. SJWs made it OK to bitch about white men? Bitch about """white""" men who are Jews primarily. Then you can ask them - wait a minute, what do all of these """white""" men have in common?
Schulz isn't Jewish though. Neither is Merkel. If you want to name leftist diaspora cancer go with Josef Schuster and Feldmann, the mayor of Frankfurt. There's plenty of material available on the abhorrent shit they do.
'Enslaved' is a big word
Memes. Make conversation and mockery of it socially acceptable. Get people laughing, and you get 'em talking.
I'm not Jewish, ya spurgin femtard.
Traue keinem Fuchs auf grüner Heid' und keinem Jud' bei seinem Eid!
Trust no fox on the green heathland and no Yid upon his oath!
Yeah, but Schulz is one of their agents, their servant.
He is even more guilty as an ethnic German.
like 6 million?
yeah and neither is donald trump! LOL.
Schulz is an Ashkenazim Jewish surname.
I think the 'smoking gun' may lie with Merkel's grandmother, Emma, and wife of Emil Drange. Emma Dranges' birth surname was 'Wachs', which happens to be a very common Jewish surname;
Emma Drange (Wachs)
Birth: October 25, 1871
Głogou (now Głogów), Głogów County, Niederschlesien (now Lower Silesian Voivodeship), Germany (now Poland)
Death: August 4, 1935 (63)
Krankenhaus, Sadowa-Straße, Elbing (now Elblag), Westpreußen (today Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship), Germany (now Poland)
Place of Burial: cmentarzu przy ulicy Sadowej w Elblągu, Elblag, Elbląg, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland
Immediate Family:
Daughter of N.N. Wachs
Also, the fact that there is no known genealogical history existing for the great grandfather, N. N. Wachs and his unknown spouse, is highly suspect as there were virtually no records kept on families of Polish Jews. Moreover, it is worth noting that Głogów had a 10-12% Jewish population at the time (19th Century) the Wachs family resided in that community.
You have to look deeper, crypto jews hide their jewish ancestry to trick us and subvert us
Go Home Moehamhead
this you can trust
I'll say one thing about these 'da jooose' threads.
I come away with the impression that Jews are super intelligent and super powerful overlords of the world and these faggots complaining about it are the most super flaccid beta weenies on pol.
You may think you aren't but free will can be an illusion and it's been studied very thoroughly that human behaviour is quite predictable.
After all; Sup Forums is a race realism board.
I offer lols to thee Lord KEK the Bringer of Light. Reveal OP to be the disgusting subhuman Muslim that he is.
So you mean to tell us with this quote the holocaust is an eternal column of your religion now?
> pretty much this
>Sup Forums doesn't get that the elite jew jews the pleb jew all the time.
What are the Rothschilds doing? and I heard somewhere they posses an insane amount of money, something like 500 trillion!? how is that possible
>people who are Jew-wise are Muzzies
Nice meme, JIDF.
Really? You do not see the merchant face he has?
Jewish characteristics and facial features are very easy to see.
Infiltrate art. While all of you demise that program or anything related it's the only way. Marcel Duchamp, his schools and related. All Jews, ....read write paint screen print zine.
kek, you are right
The obsession with the holocaust or antisemitism is mostly a secular problem.
I dig it, Leaf.
You're alright.
Tell the other faggot leafs to stay away, tho.
The problem with the Jew is they essentially help each other, and we don't. Making it impossible for us to compete with them.
So no, I don't think they are as bad as Sup Forums pretends to be but they are simply more organized.
Oh really...?
I hope, it's true. This neurosis has poisoned almost three generations now who had nothing to do with it.
I disagree.
They are just good at peddling easy false ideas and shady manipulation. Basically they have less pride, less shame where we are forthright.
This. They make the Jews sound so powerful and themselves so weak. It comes off as more excuses than anything.
It's "da wite man keepin us down" for poor white trash.
>post thread about jewish influence on the decline of western civilization
>3 BLACKED threads in the Catalog
>the most super flaccid beta weenies on pol
Soros, Murdoch, Rothchilds, all of these, sorry to say, powerful Jews who own banks, media, leftist organizations and control much of our policies home and abroad.
Nothing strange at all though, right?
The Coincidence Detector red pilled many goyim before Jewgle took it down.
Thankfully, it's still available.
This. The leaf actually makes sense.
care to explain what is the link all about.?
Don't use the term jew. Use the social Marxism.
Begin producing propaganda. Stickers that say down with social Marxism and start posting them up. All over the place.