Why was Deep Throat allowed to be made?
That shit should have been banned
Why was Deep Throat allowed to be made?
Because Jews run the media and are using it as a tool to erode the morals of the white race.
Because people are free to do things in a free country.
People should also be free to rape children and film it???
>le slippery slope argument.
People are free to do things does not mean people are free to do all things.
>movie that costs few hundred bucks to make
>earns literally dozens of millions in box office
makes you think
Bullet proof argument user.
why should a movie about a glorified blowjob be banned again?
It's obscene and only appeals to the prurient interests of the viewer
>we need to censor things that offend my feefees
you're a fucking commie
Pornography causes men to rape and degrade women, that is a problem
Just like child porn causes children to be raped
>be me
>some english peasant tilling my crops in my shitty little field
>bunch of vikings come
>rape me
>murder hubby
>eat my goat
>take my things
God damn it, pornography!
pornography is illegal in arabia and it's the most violent place in the world
How come it's legal to pay two adults to fuck on camera or pay yourself to fuck a paid adult on camera but it's illegal to pay an adult to fuck you off camera?
No need to bring out your islamophobia everywhere you go to
It totally happens. The gay>trans>gay teens>trans kids prediction hapenned as predicted
safe environment, prostitution is the most high risk job because of serial killers picking them out first
ever thing maybe "morality" in general is eroding and media is simply reflecting that?
Because one can be somewhat regulated, the other not so much. It is basically prostitution in disguise.
I agree with you. Pornography should be illegal. It does nothing but harm men, women, children, and society as a whole.
>Brothel with safety regulations
Recording consenting adult sexual activity should be illegal?
Pornography should be, yes.
It's not illegal in a county in Nevada and also in Amsterdam. But it's a pretty dumb law. And prostitution doesn't seem to have been stopped, just continues unregulated as a black market.
its a pure legal loophole built in the concepts of performance and art and the specific and intentional lack of legal regulation upon art.
brothers aren't illegal in most states
They are illegal in every single state.
Too true, Achmed. Allah agrees 100%.
>Because one can be somewhat regulated, the other not so much
Bullshit, the only reason it can't be regulated is it's illegal. If Congress voted to make it legal they could regulate it.
You don't even need Congress really. Nevada and if we count porno, California and I think Florida are all places you can pay to fuck.
he didn't say anything about islam. arabs were a savage and violent people before the prophet was even born.
Are you as muslim? Just wondering. How would you make having sex and recording it illegal?
Good. If prostitution was regulated it'd make it a lot harder to find underage prostitutes.
Nevada my dude. Legal brothels as long as they are in a county with less than 100k residents or something.
There is one 2 hours from Vegas. It is SO fucking expensive.
every ethnic group was savage and violent before they stopped being savage and violent.
I'd just like to say it is a really sad state of affairs when Sup Forums users have allowed themselves to be memed by a (very) small element of Sup Forums into wanting to outlaw porn.
I am not a muslim. I just see all the harm caused by pornography and think it should be stopped. You make porn illegal by putting everyone who makes it in prison.
because congress has a strong authority to regulate commerce but not speech and american law has shaped international institutions
>There is one 2 hours from Vegas. It is SO fucking expensive.
I bet all the chicks are ugly, tatted up hambeasts.
This isn't a Sup Forums thing. Porn is disgusting. It does nothing good for society, or for individuals. It only harms.
You would lose that bet.
Nothing is intrinsically illegal about porn. Adults have sex and film it. Nothing about that is or could be illegal.
There are two types of people who hate porn on Sup Forums:
1) Sup Forumstards because muh degeneracy
2) people who think they are feminists because they don't understand anything about life
which are you?
the confusion is in how sex for money is illegal and porn is sex for money.
They're all pornstar and model quality. In fact it is legal brothels where you will find actual for-real porn stars that you can actual for-real have sex with.
It's like 1000k for just sex, for a half hour, so you better take out a mortgage first. I said fuck it and waited to get home where the prices are reasonable.
But what if I'm having sex and I look down and I see myself having sex? Isn't that the same thing as watching other people have sex? Should it be illegal to have sex with your eyes open?
islam kinda proves that sexual repression doesn't do anything good for society either.
I've never thought about this. Interesting point.
Whoops meant to say $1000 for sex. And that's the floor.
I read a testimonial of a guy that went with $200 and he got a 15 minute massage. She left her underwear on.
>It's like 1000k
A god amongst insects.
>you can pay someone to paint your house
>you can pay someone to deliver food for you
>you can pay a doctor to do a medical check up
>you can even pay a doctor to put his finger in your ass for a medical check up
>you cannot pay a person to suck your dick
>in Amsterdam
It's just legal in the entire Netherlands, also some other germanic countries. Who cares as long as they pay taxes.
I have the video where L.L. sucks and fucks a dog. She forever denied she did but its right there on film.
t. Stefan Molymeme
Porn will make you impotent for when a real woman comes along
This is a myth.
>a real woman comes along
Not really an issue
>we don't care how you get it but you better pay up
>you can pay two adults to beat each other bloody for sport
>you can pay people to slam their gorilla bodies into each other on a grassy field, leading to brain damage and concussions, and pay them to do this.
>you cannot give 1 red cent to someone for the purposes of sexual pleasure
makes sense. America is a warrior nation, steeped in a tradition of blood and conflict.
But that's capitalism
I've spent more time watching porn than I have sleeping and holding hands gives me a rock-hard erection.
Porn represents only a small minority of the sensory experiences of actual intimacy, hence the reason it needs to be so visually extreme to elicit any sort of response.
>taxes are capitalism
Taxation is theft
>tfw porn is illegal in S. Korea but prostitution is everywhere.
I can and have watched sexy k-pop videos for five hours straight.
So what is more communist, meddling with the prostitution market by banning it but putting taxation on it, or just banning it completely because big brother knows what's best for you
upload that shit faggot
Do a little studying and find out for yourself. I'm not your mommy.
What the fuck are you even saying? Are you having a stroke?
Yeah but if you brain gets comfy with the idea of love+sex+alone then it can be difficult to get it out of that rut and into love+sex+company.
I was with my girlfriend for like 2 months before I was able to come from sex. Staying hard is also difficult but it's not physiological, my biggest boners have been alone and they will last.
It's much easier now (single though, boo-hoo) but I still have trouble rising to attention at the drop of a hat.
>Because Jews run the media
>it was directed by an Italian Catholic
Nah, it's pretty easy to keep it covered, especially with muh privacy. But to get any money put of the film you need to distribute it, and that's much harder to hide and more traceable.
why are you asking such dumb questions?
What you should really ask, is why this movie is called Deep Throat? Why? All the guys in the movie that deep throats the main character, are white. Now how is that possible? You can only do "deep throat" if you have a large dick. So you know, it penetrate the throat. Hence the name "deep throat" Deep inside the throat. And, we know for certain that white guys have tiny dicks. So, that movie is already lying to us. This is not deepthroat. This is just "a woman makes pathetics blowjobs on little dicks - the movie". There are zero black guys in the movie. Where are the deep throats?
But of course, it became a box office hit. Because white guys love that fantasy of having a large dick, when in reality they have tiny little pee pees. Honestly I'm glad we're not making movies like Deep Throat. We shouldn't celebrate this movie. We should burn every copy of this movie. Let's forget about this mistake of a nature
Fuck Muslims.
Things like you describe are only true for dudes who grew up jacking off to internet porn since middle school, and had been doing so for years before they ever got to touch a real live girl. Real people, normal people with normal human interactive relationships, do not have this problem and therefore can enjoy porn when they want to without fear of having weird sexual disfunction with actual partners.
t. white guy with big dick
fyi this word is basically a huge "i'm a gigantic retard" flag.
I think without porn there would be more raping. It's a safe release.
How fucking new are you?
as someone who's been watching porn and jerking off since middle school, who's kinda sorta achieved a level of "normalcy," I can attest to the fact the "porn is damaging" meme is bullshit.
Its literally just a meme people embrace to justify their failures in life.
>its le Sup Forums culture
its cancer son
>80 posts
>28 IP's
sure is samefag in here
>mfw I get underaged twinks to deepthroat me nearly every weekend
feels good.
Posting here is cancer. You're no better than me fool.
It can be damaging. Or rather, if someone is fucked up already, it can fuck them up more if they can't separate reality from fiction. That's true of all things, not just porn.
You are absolutely right. But this is not a reason to ban it or outlaw it.
So people only get addicted because something is fundamentally wrong in their lives?
Porn addiction is a myth. But if believing yourself to be a victim makes you feel better, go right ahead.
LBJ started Vietnam using a false flag, Bush started Iraq using false information. Neither have had damning movies made about them.
Meanwhile Nixon listens to some political opponents and his name is destroyed through Hollywood.
addiction isn't a myth but people who don't have anything wrong in their lives don't become addicts to anything
That is the case for a lot of addictions, yes.
Many people, when they are badly injured or hospitalized, are put on morphine for pain management. Morphine is an opiod like heroin, a very powerful one. But people do not become junkies when they get released. Why? They have support networks. They can get through any sort of withdrawal period with the help of family.
Just because it doesn't apply to you doesn't mean it's a myth. Just the same, just because it applies to me doesn't make it a universal truth
But seeing as it's a thing people actually complain about and from personal experience, imma go ahead and accept that porn over consumption gives you limp dick. Not that I think porn should be outlawed because of that tho
Everyone has something wrong with their lives to some degree, and I don't believe addiction is exclusive to people with significant issues, come on
The most significant issue most people have in their lives is lack of a significant issue in their lives.
Because the Jews finally got "boobs" into a holocaust movie (pawnbroker) which eventually caused the end of the League of Decency in the 70s and porn was allowed to be shown in theaters
Catholic Power in america was on the wane after forced busing cleansed all (catholic) ethnic neighborhoods
>people think "free speech" means "obscene" speech
Hahahaha. They really did a number on you people
when did 1980s feminists start posting on Sup Forums
>dudes who grew up jacking off to internet porn since middle school, and had been doing so for years before they ever got to touch a real live girl
Sooo, every male millennial ever?
really maed me think