Clinton just won 22 states before the election even started.
Clinton just won 22 states before the election even started
They just want to get this election fraud going any means possible
>online voting
>postal voting
>no ID voting
>dead people voting
>people voting multiple times
You people are fucked.
>Electronic voting
>No paper trails
>Now online voting
We will never find out the real results from now to eternity
Trump have no chance. UN observers want Clinton to win.
>Online voting
You guys are fucked.
Good, everyone deserves to have their voice heard.
Better stop this bitch before shit gets really bad. Hope her poor health gets her soon.
I say some Sup Forumsock who majored in computer science III should do something involving those 22 states and a lot of hispanic sounding names.
>Good, everyone deserves to have their voice heard.
multiple times
Aren't there restrictions to this? Like they're absentee ballot replacements?
The don't even have or require voter ID. It's apparently 'discriminatory'. Online voting is the least of their worries
Inb4 ```````````````Russian''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' hacking
Just makes it easier for us to get in trump
Most absentee ballots are tossed and never counted. If they are counted, they are subjected to the bias of the volunteer counters who often engage in voting fraud.
sure goyim there will be "restrictions"
>Hillary wins the state
>well of course
>Trump wins the state
>Russian hackers
We are counting on nigger laziness to prevent them from going to the polling booth. If they let those lazy spooks vote from their sail foam we are in trouble.
Well she will be on machines by October. It only get colder this time of year.
>online voting
Oh, so Trump wins
I think Trump might win all fifty states.
Well democracy is officially over
Can't they pay random blacks to vote for other blacks who doesn't show up in states with no voter ID laws?
>be Clinton supporter
"Trump supporters are fucking idiots"
>be Trump supporter
"Clinton supporters are fucking idiots"
really forces one's noggin to work innit
illegals actually have to get to a US polling booth. i wonder how easy it is for someone in estonia with a few proxy to vote 1000 times in a US election. probably not that hard
it's been over for awhile now. There's only been an Orwellian distopia for the last few decades.
those statements are not mutually exclusive
literally how
just fucking require id and then register them the instant their vote is in to prevent regular people from just voting a dozen times in each of a dozen different states
niggers cant afford internet, this is fucking racist
Can I vote online too?
I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy from East Germany that makes kickass American passports.
You should totally vote more times than there are US citizens.
Should hypothetically increase votes from all demos.
You're looking at it wrong. Black people voting is not what is at stake here.
t. democrats, and the supreme court.
>just fucking require id
Nope. Americans are clearly idiots.
No Voter ID laws.
>Postal voting
>Dead people voting
only like 30% of the US population votes.
>muh feels
You just don't fucking allow it.
America's voting systems are deplorable.
Wouldn't even need to be black. Illegal and raycis to ask for an ID, so it could be anyone.
Write a bot and make it 240%.
>mfw voter turnout is 150%
How are Americans cool with their Democracy dead?
t. Butthurt he won't get gibsmedats from Britain or be able to come here and claim benefits
>Good, everyone deserves to have their voice heard.
i live 1h from NYC. they dont require voter ID i think. should i do it?
You just don't get it, do you?
Cancer doesn't justify doing fishy stuff.
Voting should never ever be online. This is the most disgusting thing in democracy.
I lost all faith now Americans. I'm sorry that you allowed this.
Trump lost all this time and money for nothing.
Happened in Chicago in 1960. More people voted than there were people in the city. This let Kennedy barely win Illinois, thus the election. There were similar complaints in Texas the same year. Most likely LBJ was behind Texas and Mayor Daly, friend of Kennedy's father, behind Chicago.
What the fuck
>complaining about online polls
>on Sup Forums the place where the height of activism here is rigging online polls
This is our chance, we just need to have enough man and computing power
>Landslide win for Trump by the popular vote but not the electoral vote
What did he mean by this?
This whole campaign is staked on the basis of keeping Hillary on life support until November so they can hand her the election and secure the transition of power before she croaks.
You act as if Hillary riggers are more savey than Trump ones. Hell I could vote 150k times if I actually felt like it.
You just need to know the name and address of the person. Video tape it, vote for Hillary, then claim the DNC told you to do it.
Do you think Dems will buy Russian botnets from Deep Web, make them vote for them and then blame ...the Russians?
>if I actually felt like it
why dont you feel like it?
Which states?
I have an address in the us which I might be able to vote trump from
Election workers can actually tell whites apart.
there's also talk about voter fraud and "black boxes" during the 2004 election, especially in Ohio. Not sure how accurate those reports were but the election can be stolen.
>"Russians" get a vpn
darn those Russians voting for Trump
>Clinton just won 22 states before the election even started.
So you consider Clinton's rigging skills to be superior to those of Trump?
If you can't properly rig an election, you don't deserve to be head of state.
In NC you can register and vote without an ID as long as you have a valid address.
Blacks in the US have weird names.
How can they prove you are lying? It's illegal to ask for an ID.
Sounds like something theyd do
>So you consider Clinton's rigging skills to be superior to those of Trump?
They hired a couple of security companies after the DNC leak. Check out who they are. You will shit yourself.
When did it all go so wrong?
Sup Forums
By all things good and Holy in this world, please fuck this online voting system so hard that each of these states has literal billions of votes until they accept NO other voting format other than paper ballots with checked, ID'd and verified US citizens, who aren't dead, illegal, or have already voted.
This is fucking outrageous.
Smart move.
Clinton had a ton of free votes because not Trump. Voting online and early voting have nothing to do with it.
How many free states did Bush win because of Diebold?
Voter fraud isn't a very big problem, simply because of the small number of people who do it.
>not using the glorious electronic urn
>online voting
Surely we got this?
>everyone deserves to have their voice heard
Over what will turn out to be an extremely vulnerable and insecure platform.
>tfw Sup Forums uses this to their advantage and spams trump to the presidency
It's not so bad. Only military can do it for the most part. Alaska is the only state that allows anyone to and its solid republican.
>online voting
we can take advantage of this
>In brazil you can vote one of the nine options or you can vote in white, you can vote that you agree or you can vote to fix this shit
How come the orange button is still readable?
voter id laws discriminate against blacks is literally the argument against them.
Fag, Facebook alone can produce millions of legit online votes. They have all required info.
I'm going to laugh my ass off when they fuck it up and every state with online voting has Hillary getting 100% of the vote with a 100% turnout. We are very, very close to north korea tier. we just do a better job with the act.
Voter ID laws are "racist."
Lads, we've proven that we can shitpost better than paid ctr shills, we can shitvote better than paid UN shills.
Am I supposed to know who the fuck that is?
Jesus, making me google that shit for-----oohhhhhHHHHHHHHH GAAAWWWWWWDDDDDDD
even in France something like that is not possible
Yeah wait a second, we're the elite hacker Sup Forums- shouldn't we be using this to our advantage?
They are guys who broke CryptoLocker
I don't get this - how else do they fucking check whether you're legitimately allowed to cast a vote?
A colleague of mine, German, told me stories about how he's gotten mails about voting in several regional elections, although he's clearly not allowed to vote. I never believed that dude.
Vote with Carbon Monoxide--the ideal solution for all Shitskins and Jews.
Ever been next to a black guy--their skin smells like shit!
how the fuck is having a voter id discriminatory?
You people are mostly idiots and Sup Forums will most likely vote Democrat.
It's raycis against blacks because they can't figure out how to get their free ID.