Most blackpilled movie, prove me wrong.
>Protip: You can't
Most blackpilled movie, prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop insulting my favorite movie with your numeme bullshit
>put pill in the title
>now it's politics
(That trick does work, but you're not being subtle enough about it)
After watching the full series due to Sup Forums's obsession, it really cemented the fact that people here have seriously shit taste.
wew lad.
nigga stop watching kid shows
>nobody understand me
you don't understand other persons
>i have betrayed my own feelings
You have misunderstood them since the beginning. You have been creating feeling for yourself
> nobody understands me. that's why i want everybody to die
What are the purpose of your hands?
>it would be the same, with or without my existence. Nothing have changed
Then, what's the use of the heart?
Fuck, this shit is way too accurate
you didn't appreciate it
maybe a bad translation though. not necessarily your fault
Why does all amerilard are manchildren?
not sure if retarded or trolling
Back to China mouth breather
Wow, you really have a good point Jamal Tacoberg.
It's Jean-Pierre btw :^)
You have no idea what blackpill is, weakling.
hes right but i dont care
not all deserve high quality art.
Hell yeah, motherfucker.
>that filename
>TFW it's literally about the Illuminati winning by nuking the world with Jew magic
Is there anything else as based as Evangelion or should I just give up on Anime after that?
they nuked the earth but the human instrumentality project failed so they didn't really win desu.
First time I tripped on acid I watched this movie.
Holy fuck
Thats all I gotta say about that
See pic related.
Read manga it's a million times better than anime.
Asuka puts everyone else to shame with here sheer brainpower.
Dude like ALL modern non-anime movies are so full of cgi they're like equal to anime in terms of fictional content these days.
>Tangfy all niggers and subhumans
>A Jap and a German becomes the new Adam and Eve
>Repopulate earth with Master Race hybrids
Truly a redpill.
Metal gear alchemist can't be beaten.
yeah, go watch some proper adult entertainment like the avengers
pedo weeaboos loving moe TRASH
that's what happened
no i already have that one i need the bright one in the OP(dont bully)
Here a picture of best girl for effort though
hikari is best girl. she's everything Sup Forums could ever wish for.
Cowboy Bebop
>5cm per second
>paranoia agent
>gurren lagann
most of the anime is really great on this list, but with those choices i feel like the guy who made this didnt even watch half of them.
I have lost track, is Fedoracore good then? I thought it meant try hard autistic shit.
>Sup Forums related anime
>forgetting about the Ubermensch SS trooper that saves the day
>5cm per second
>not good
>asuka and rei a shit
Madoka would like a word with you
when i saw it 5cm per second was complete garbage, a lot of the shit felt very forced and the pacing was atrocious. I'll probably rewatch it again because i watched it like 4 years ago because maybe i was expecting too much out of it because everyone was saying "its teh best movie ever!!!! so sad!!!!!!!"
Remember, anti-anime D&Cers are CTR shills who think they can break us by starting shit about anime posters.
Asuka strong!
How does it feel knowing you have that bad a taste?
Pretty smug desu
I see.
Maybe your country dying off isn't a bad thing.
Haha epic vid xD.
The only thing i heard the entire video was "WTF WHY IS SHINJI SUCH A PUSSY!"
Imagine being like 13 years old and youre forced to literally save the world using a machine you have zero experience with. Also you're a japanese beta male in the first place. No fucking shit shinji was afraid. The only reason why people shit on eva is because they wanna look cool by playing the devils advocate "hehe popular anime agreed universally to be masterpiece? its shit! pay attention to me!"
5cm/s starts off really strong, but it peters out as it goes along. There's a weird disconnect between Chapter 2 and Chapters 1 and 3. Chapter 3 feels rushed, as though it were cut down specifically to meet the 62 minute length. It's not bad per se. It's just not great.
ignore the burger Hans, we are on the good side of taste
B-But you wouldnt want me to die, right?
Y-You told me I was your waifu, not that I cared about that you stupid idiot!!!
The creator probably means try-hard in the sense of "I only watch quality anime for connoisseurs such as myself"
it's like there's nothing wrong with watching good movies but if you refuse to watch Marvel/DC movies on principle you're probably a fedora
Says the faggot who can't go outside out of fear of being pelted with someone's jizz
What is this? Did you switch to Asuka? You can't do that, Heinrich.
Hoshi no Koe is basically a good version of 5cm
You fucking idiot Asuka is german
>Asuka fag reading comprehension
did you watch the end of evangelion? or just the series?
(you) the faggot who can't go outside out of fear of being pelted with someone's shit
No one gives gohan that excuse and he's younger than shinji when he fights cell even including time chamber shenanigans. Your character is a pussy.
I don't recall speaking about the kraut in the anime. I was speaking about the kraut on this board.
this is literally the shittiest meme I have ever seen
>edgy animes nobody has ever heard of on left
>no LOGH
>no 80s anime movies
>Nausicaa, Monoke. Vampire Hunter
>not texhnolyze, SEL or EP
>a fart
It's shart, not fart Antonio. At least get your memes right, like the hand you're using in front of the Tower of Pisa to jerk off.
misato is the best in that series. rei is an autist and asuka is an annoying attention whore. 15 year-old me couldn't even get into them when i watched it for the first time.
mari is trash tear.
I honestly cant even tell anymore whether youre trolling
Damn wasn't lying
>2 reading comprehension fails in 1 thread
Should I finish Paranoia Agent? I stopped at episode 4 because Tatami Galaxy had more of my attention at the time.
do i really have to explain the etymology to you ?
how retarded can you be ?
>Paranoia Agent
it's shit
Then again so is Tatami Galaxy so it may be according to your tastes.
Remind me again what the fuck "blackpill" means?
The fuck even is evangelion? Everything I've ever seen of it is pretty much just a beta male getting bullied around by a couple of women.
I am to you and to the other American, but not to the Italian.
>Beavis and Butthead
They are the epitome of bluepilled, but the show is pretty redpilled, since it basically tried to tell you what not to be
Christ, as per usual the symbols of the decay of the American Education system are showing.
return2reddit. you obviously got lost on the way there