The word Mestizo needs to make a comeback
The word Mestizo needs to make a comeback
if Irish not white, what then?
Why are italians fucking yellow LOL
its more brown, they have north african blood.
>I posted it again
We get it Juan. You are light skinned and feel superior to darker skinned hispanics. But can you spare us the daily thread?
You've started making your own threads now?
Why are you so obsessed with this word? How badly were you cucked?
The picture should just label them all nonwhite
we're the master race. the orignal europeans
Yes, if you're talking about Sicily.
Faggot please leave, you're trying too hard to fit in
Irish people are pretty cool
>Hispanic intellectuals
redheads are albino tier
>Irish people are pretty cool
Only non-papist ones.
All Irish are bro-tier
This faggot thinks ireland is italy
Literal mart sharter
t. "Irish Heritage"
I'm Mexican, faggot. Pretty much as white as you.
You wouldnt be able to tell me apart from anglo americans and yet I have to share a label with subhumans.
That's not fair, how about we call niggers anglos since they speak english?
I actually have Irish blood in me, of whom were here before my state actually existed. Papist Irish are shit. They identify with being Irish and Catholic before they're American. I hate hyphenated fuckers of any stripe.
>muh heritage
All of the genetic stock that mattered left long ago.
That goes for all of the British Isles.
I honestly don't care what race you are i don't care if you're a nigger or an Eternal Anglo. You are fucking hairless monkey, you think what you have to say is important? Well let me break it to you, you are a piece of insignificant fecal matter. You are as worthless as a Mestizo, indian, Irish,German,Swed, chinese, abo,anglo,Iberian. You are not better than anyone on this planet. Let me clarify, you are glorified monkey. Remember that when you post. Just because you were born a different skin color doesn't make you more important you stinky piece of shite
Post a picture of yourself with timestamp
Hello OP, you're wrong my friendo.
My family and I migrated to the U.S when I was 10, so my claims aren't
>"muh muh muh heritage did u know i am 51% white and uh...5% asian??"
Anyways, Northern Italians are white. Southern Italians /are/ white but have a much more olive or darker skin color due to spending the majority of their lives exposed to the sun, and constant heat.
Sicilians are just plain niggers though.
>tfw you are Asturian and would be called hispanic in the same tone as a mexican
Because you have a Superiority Complex.
6 0 P E R C E N T
How does it feel having to live under the rule of a literal nigger for 8 years?
60% is still 200 million whites, Tyrone.
Nice meme
found the nigger
I honestly couldn't be bothered thinking about that nigger.
I'm amazed that you would think this pitiful excuse of an insult would chip away at my confidence that you are piece of shit.
You would just call them Americans,
I agree, that term should be spread on social media and elsewhere to shame them.
No I'm afraid to get doxxed by the autistic argies
exhaled forcefully through my nasal cavity
>It's a mexican chicano that thinks he's white thread
Most people are a mestizo mix, and some mestizo's don't even look brown. They look white/beige or some shit.
>He doesn't even have indio tier
shit thread
Show us the color of your nipple lets see if you are as Übermensche as you say.
Who cares? If you're white just don't bring up your ethnicity and you're golden. And if it bothers you that much then change your last name.
Do these 'people' look 'white' to you?
The black in the picture looks more human than the 'Irish'
Holy fuck, they look like local Wal-Mart cart riding trash.
We south europeans just look like all the tanned white people who come here for vacation during summer. But I bet you already knew that.
You mean Civilized. Saying more human would be like saying what gorilla is more gorilla. Silly isn't it?
>Stating real world facts
The literal children of a mexifag bloodline thinks hes white because he has an american stamp on Sup Forums, KEK.
Enjoy living in your inhuman and abhorrent race-mixing globalist experiment.
post your and I post mine, your gonna get BTFO into a new galaxy of butthurt and deception my niggro fella
Either prove you're white or shut the fuck up about it.
I don't think nipple color is a good indicator of skin color, mine are pink and I'm definitely a Mestizo.
Clap* Clap* Now we bring the ultimate excuse for being a complete Mongoloid on the internet.
[[[The Jews]]] I mean (((Globalist))).
>Go to Barcelona with classmates for my Uni's Spring interim study abroad trip
>Faggot spic Mexicans and central Americans were confused as to why the local Spaniards looked like the rest of the whites in our class
I don't know what they expected.
I'm going full Buffalo Bill on this one Daniel. I want to see his prefect Übermensche skin.
Do you realize posts have IDs right?
I thought Mestizo = shitskin. Are your nips lighter than your skin color?
Is it shocking seeing your genes in the flesh?
Mestizo means having European and Indian blood. I'm Mexican, so chances are I'm around 50/50.
I'm technically lighter than the average Mexican, but I'm definitely still brown compared to white people. My torso and legs are pretty pale though, they don't see as much sunlight.
Nah that looks about right
nice fucking try you potato nigger
Skin tone in mestizos is tricky. Look better their facial traits.
I'm Mestizo you little twat, I have a Hideous bridged nose, my skin is as shit as the shit I eat. The only comprehensible things i can say are shitty little Aztec words please kill me now i might infect the gene pool with my infectious seed.
I'm literally a submonkey, even though my mother is Spanish ( del pais basque [Soy un subhumano indoeuropeo]) and my dad is Mestizo (si, tambien soy un subhumano Asiatico) . Fuck off mate, you're still an arrogant piece of filth.
That Andorra is so cute.
>People from the British Isles look the same
kek, where is your photo buttmad fag?
Dont you wanna prove you are whiter than the argie glorified monkey? Should be easy right?
Si Übermensche, i'm extremely butthurt. Currently i'm shopping for anal cream.
I was literally right, I've seen enough "Americans" post on the heritage tree to know 75% of you are racemixed shitskins.
He's right though, "Hispanic" has taken on the meaning of "Mestizo" here in the States and white Spanish-speakers are being lumped in you shitskins
>race-mixing globalist experiment.
and we aren't even a good one, we proving to be to chaotic to be the desired mixed race. So, once they are done with white men, we are next
Kek I know you think all we saw were Britfag sunburnt tourists except the guys I'm talking about were natives
Posting > kek < doesn't make you the monkey with the better argument.
us Criollos are not racemixed, sudaca
I'm not even phased by this Sephardic Jew's posting
>tfw mostly Irish ancestry
>I have an incredibly Irish name
Feels good man
Never seen angry joe? nigger is pale but has a mestizo monkey face.
desu I'd take a beaner over a muslim any day
I reread this about five times and I still don't understand what you were trying to say
See thats wrong. There might be some Mestizo with predominantly European features but brown with brown skin and Vise Versa
Enjoy living with your inferiority complex till the day you die.
Every day, every minuite, every second I spend on this forum, I'm literally holding my erect-diamond-hard with uncircumcised cock at the idea of one of you faggots to call me out and say "post pic"
Perhaps this will teach you a valuable lesson.
Mexico's Mestisaje is just another word for Indio genocide, lol
Damn boi, looking good, but your still an unimportant shite.
It's funny, I know a lot of argentines that are blonde with light eyes and they all have different ancestry: some are 100% galician, others spanish + italian, other askhenazi + spanish.
Considering my family is Argentine, you might be right.
which makes the other 40% inherently larger
this is burgercuck logic at its finest
Alright I'll camwhore too to show these americunts
Make Argentina Great Again
olive colored skin, theyre mediterranean.
oh my god, weird looking people exist
guess i am #cruzmissile now
Bessarabian Askhenazi, spanish, Italian, germanic, my granddfather was native from paraguay, but the white genes where too stong.
Too true. We should make them go all Malcolm X and rename themselves axxxotttlll instead of Enrique. Flips can keep Spanish names because they are the most powerful race.
>the lip bite
im a sephardi spic, but im not a goddamn mestizo or mulatto. i really dislike that im grouped with them. not because i hate them but because we are different.
>that skin
You realize if you spent some time in the sun you'd get pretty dark, right? That's not the pale pinkish skin of white people. Congrats on the eyes though
because argentinians are fagets
Fuck that they said i can be anything i want when i grow up i want to be blue skined what now fuckers
he could be more mediterranean
keep in mind the pink nip, lips and fingertips rule
You're clearly part mestizo, I can see it in your eyes and eyebrow shape.
>im a sephardi spic
It will get better user. God is with you.