Why are we here?
Why are we so different from the rest of society?
Why does it seem that we are able to see so clearly, beyond the given "information"?
What has led you to Sup Forums user?
Why are we here?
Why are we so different from the rest of society?
Why does it seem that we are able to see so clearly, beyond the given "information"?
What has led you to Sup Forums user?
We aren't different. We just think we are.
INTP/J vs all the normies
We are the people that matter in a society everyone else are just sheep
only Aryan matters
>everyone is the same
We are Gods chosen. Drudges of society, but we are sharp minded and cut through the bullshit. I often think what Trumps campaign would be like without pol
Just here for news and memes
More or less. I always think of it like a low rent rpg where you have like 8 "characters" to pick from, but it's still the same dull hacknslash game. The illusion of difference is there.
Cept for blax. They're something else.
you would know, wouldn't you?
You're probably just an avg idiot then
Ex. 7:25–8:15 We are the frogs.
Speak for yourself. ENTJ master race reporting in.
To answer your kweshin OP, I think Sup Forums is something that folks who like politics and happenings stumble onto. When I first got here in 2012, I loved Israel, supported Jews, beat off to tranny porn, and voted for Gary Johnson.
Now I just vote for Gary Johnson.
>i love your stubble
>master race
>voting for Johnson
We are the sons of Kek.
A rare breed indeed.
We are keks chosen ones
We ENTJs make the lowest wages
this motherfucker
Said the average idiot who ascribes to the extremely average ideal that "I am the chosen one."
As to what, for me it is pure boredom.
Boredom from the society in general, its genericnes.
I feel like people are so generic.
Memes are not. They are fucking art tier, both in art ( style, looks of memes ), creativity in them, and its always made by heart.
We're a product of resistance. The Jews don't want people to see and think as we do, they don't want us to have pride, they don't want us to see our heritage as something to stand for.
But they aren't unopposed, and their opposition has managed to preserve and nurture us and ours. Without them the Jews would surely have already won.
I am ENFP according to that astrology test for nerds, yet I am here.
Poland is the chosen one. Strongest catholicism, most important saints, you'll see for yourself