Aryan Virtue, Self-Overcoming

Post the Aryan's who's shoulders you stand upon.

No purity spiraling as to what makes an Aryan. If they have overcome themselves in such a way to push the ideals of virtue to such limits that they are worth mentioning, then they are worth mentioning.

H.P. Lovecraft; Aryan Mystic

Other urls found in this thread:

Carl Jung; the one and only Aryan Psychologist to ever live. He truly accessed the deep recesses of our minds to an extent that no man ever even need to venture further, for he will find only the footsteps of Jung.

you meant whose senpai

What the fuck? Since when does senpai filter to senpai?

Friedrich Nietzsche, may we one day be able to fully grasp his truth

We must not forget that often in our era we mistake the truth with edginess, for our era is that of irony, for the commoner irony is more truth than truth itself, thus making anything that is truthful seem edgy and full of angst. In an era of laughing at life as if it is a joke, in an era of not just depravity, but anti-spiritual depravity with a zealots vigor, may we never stray from the belief in the aristocratic master morality

sorry, auto correct must have corrected my record

Machiavelli, if anything of his incite is to live forever within us, let it be that reason only goes so far, but self- preservation and extensions of that principle go further.

Let us realize our superiority of ideal, and justify our actions because of it. Let us transmute our lower sympathies into empathetic mercy without alteration of purpose, for these sympathys are a necessity of nature for the mother to the child, but only hold us back from conquering the known and unknown universe

Martin Heidegger, him the most continental of all philosophers, him who goes further than any before in justifying the divine structure of nature to even the most skeptical of our people

Martin Heidegger, who affirms to us that only Life is preparation of Death, who is neither secular nor spiritual, who synthesizes both between eachother

Hermes Trismegistus

who is less a known figure, more an archetype for all of our deeper knowledge to be dumped into and sorted out amongst our various stained-glass outlooks of the overall mosaic of existence

Manly P Hall

He is not yet well known, but he will be in the future

A man who took the vast ocean of knowledge into himself, and through an alchemy of mind, derived a super-condensed truth that can be doubted all one wants but deep down rings truer than any other of our time

>this anglo manlet

Julius Evola, who yet again shows that in order to be nearest to the source, a spirituality and virtue is necessary



Plato, whom all philosophy is a continuation of.

In him we feel the spirit of the aryan stretching back through time

in him we are assured that even then, there were the vast swathes of unwashed souls, who should, nay deserved, to be lied to, for such is the only way that they would not stray from the path that was most truest to us as Aryans

The noble lie and the cave are true up until this day, and will be true as long as humans exist in our current state.

Wittgenstein, whom in his philosophy shows us how little we all really know

And whom in his noble birth affirms that society is driven by individual great men, and that these great men are an attainable goal that must be striven for

Isaac Newton, who showed us that arithmetic is but one way to approach math, not the Aryan way, the bean-counter way

He put his foot down upon history and proclaimed 'the Aryan man is here for truth, not for profit'

and if that truth necessitates death, then that is what the truth necessitates

Nikola Tesla, who realized yet so much truth that lesser men of his time were required to destroy his work in order to keep him from overtaking them

He is a man who knows something that we yet do not know.

fine fuck

I was just trying to find people who think similar to these great mens

Men of virtue

I'd be interested if anyone had more

Francis Bacon is one for me.

>the Aryan man is here for truth, not for profit
Calculus exists for maxima/minima - that is, maximizing profit, minimizing loss.

Add Shakespeare to the list of great whites.

Well, calculus also exists for visualizing mathematics, as opposed to systemizing it

But yes, many a time the Aryan's inventions have been used for the ignoble pursuits of the lesser beings

I fucking love Bacon! Just today I had two XXL burgers with fresh Irish angus beef, roasted onions, cheese and Heinz jalapeno ketchup. Fucking delicious! Amazingly tasty! Great! HUGE!

All of these are not aryans




The globalist freemason who practices judaism (freemasonry) nigga pls

HP Lovecraft was a fedora-tier catloving beta though


Manly p hall truly is one of the most intelligent minds to walk this earth, and no one even knows him.

Not all of the occult is bad lads.

Right and left hand paths, White and black magic. Mystics and Those who practice the dark arts, there are two sides to every coin.

>it doesn't say cyclopean masonry or yawning abyss


Manly p hall is great he doesn't practice anything why don't you read something from him

Golden balls of Steel ?

it's all mine

>steals Sanskrit theological term
>thinks he's Aryan
just a white LARPer

>doesn't know that Sanskrit came from the Aryans
>thinks he's redpilled

I am only here to raise you up brother

P.s Lovecraft was based as fuck and he even knew that the greatest race was a fascistic socialist one

I've listened to his bs about globalism for no more wars.

and freemasonry is just judaism for goys kabbalah etc. scum of the earth

This was a different time, right after world war 2, and he meant wars amongst white people

Of course, he wasn't a political figure either. When one man strives toward certain ideals to the extreme, in order to feel them out and derive knowledge, often he lets others fall by the wayside

We would have no way to gain a balanced understanding of not for these men who went too far in certain aspects.

Are you implying that there is literally not a single based Christian?

Not a single smart monarchist?

What, do you only regard your own specific tunnel vision world view to be worth reading?

No but to hold him up as some sort of demi god is retarded his masterpiece 'world religions or whatever is just listing different belief systems. Don't get obsessed with these mystic larpers learn something useful instead of wasting time on mysticism. Like permaculture.

and he is the opposite of what we believe in freemasons are the cancer of the west

Mysticism is not useless at all

Only a fool who lacks understanding would think so.

Just as metaphor implores the reader to practice creating meaning for himself, mysticism is that peculiar field that draws the reader to make deep connections that are otherwise inexplicable

Just because you can't understand a wif of things that aren't concretely described doesn't mean it's useless

That's like saying all of art is useless because it doesn't have anything to do with economics; mysticism being the art of the self

>freemasonry is judaism for goys
>implying esotericism doesn't predate judaism

do some research you mongoloid. Certainly, many jews, the most powerful, subscribe to such ideologies as well such as Khabbalism and Gnosticism.

An inquenchable thirst for knowledge and a spiritual belief in higher ideals is diametrically opposed to what you think the west is about?

It's all a piece of shit trying to make 'world peace' through all the shit we see today. In reality they look out for each other. This is the new world religion mysticism. What are these faggots actually doing? hypnotising themselves and getting more deluded everyday instead of learning real useful skills.
The new agers are the most fucked of all because they've been fed shit by the higher ups and are now a huge ball of love and light incapable of seeing any danger.

Does this mean that all spiritualism should be disregarded?

Or does it mean that it's a powerful force that can be used for evil which you refuse to acknowledge?

Philosophy is fine. Embodying norse gods is fine. Crowleyism and all that shit is gay.


you are not wrong.

However by all means, Most of these fraternal orders are not by any means stupid or "wacky". They are extremely powerful and influential and simply because of that you should look into what they hold dear and keep from the profane.

New agers are fucked, they are nothing more than cannon-fodder and useful idiots for the coming system.

fuck i ment

>embodying Norse gods is fine
>but only my specific western esotericism, none of the rest of it is ok

Plus other western occupy traditions are more true to form. All of horse mythology is transcribe through a Christian lense.

>Crowleyism and all that shit is gay

It was literally started by some gay dudes from elite universities