post yfw you just finished watching bladerunner 2049
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post yfw you just finished watching bladerunner 2049
pic related
Best movie ever
>movie ends
>realize I have no Joi to come home to
Best movie in the last decade
>mfw the Trump cameo
>that casino scene with the Trump cameo
really should have ended with k on the stairs. showing harrison ford meeting his daughter completely ruined it and if included at all should have been one of those meme after credits scenes
What a fucking eye candy of a movie
Who #planstorewatch here?
Oh K. You were more human then the rest of us. I hope you're with Joi again and never be an outcast.
Unironically this
Didn't you guys say this movie was gonna suck?
I just saw the film a few minutes ago and I don't recall this. What are you lads talking about?
It was genuinely....meh.
Visuals were undoubtedly impressive, but the script wasn't nearly as good as Blade Runner's (final cut). Generally very incoherent second and third act.
Nope, now be quiet
Were you paying attention to the ending of the casino scene, buddy?
I though so too
You didn't answer my question so I'm assuming this is made-up bullshit
I wasn't expecting Trump in that casino scene, caught me off guard
guess he's too busy making cameos in movies to do actual presidential work
he was in it for only like 3 seconds, shut the fuck up
never post that fat jew fuck on my board again.
It was pure eye candy and I liked the performances overall, but the plot I couldn't really feel too enthralled about. Didn't feel like it really went anywhere, and Wallace just had a beginning and middle without an end. Unlike the ending of the first BR, this one didn't leave me with any questions in my mind other than, "This is just sequel bait."
t. motherfuckin cracker
it was all about joi