How many subscribers does Steven have? How many views does he average?

How many subscribers does Steven have? How many views does he average?

probably as many subs as jinx or that blind girl SU reaction channel.

The views are probably the same as the ratings of the episodes.

Steven's channel is the most complete fucking thing in the universe. He does cooking tutorials, let's plays of old games, reaction videos, original music videos with a lot of detail in it, has literal aliens cameo-ing in it, does discussion videos for shit, and then he also vlogs.

Steven should be getting stupid amounts of money from TubeTube.

>implying he does it for the money
>implying the algorithm isn't fucking him over even if he does it for the money.

people like pyro and idubbbz calling his channel cancer
Ronaldo seems like the kind of guy who would anonymously call his channel shit

Probably a few hundred subscribers, and a few hundred views per video, sometimes getting to a thousand if it's a big episode

Canonically? 0 subscriptions, unless he got someone he knows IRL to pity subscribe and 10-50 view average from people who find his videos accidentally.

This is because he's a fucking moron and films boring bullshit instead of gem stuff that would net him millions of views.
>I should upload this dancing tutorial I've made
>whoops, better cut out this part where Amethyst is twerking to the music in the background

>Canonically? 0 subscriptions

Nah, you're thinking of Ronaldo's channel.

Steven probably doesn't have time to make a video every single fucking day, nor is he going to be shilling for Youtube Red, so the algorithm likely hates him.

But knowing him, he doesn't care how many views or subs he gets, and would probably still make videos as long as he had at least one.

Yeah, one creepy fuck who's into chubby boys and tells Steven to wear less clothes in his videos.


Steven would probably do it.

Why does Steven look like he's 8 now?

matches the maturity of the writers.


He looked a bit older before but recently he looks even younger, smaller and strangely cutesy.

>not wanting steven to be cute
Anyway, doesn't it depend on how old he feels?

Since the Pilot he's shrunk like two feet.

>that episode where Pearl walks in on Steven putting a sharpie in his butt on webcam

>Uh....making people...happy?
>Well, ok. Humans and their weird customs...

>let's plays of old games,
I don't remember this one.

It's non-canon or else they're all unlisted, or SU-verse youtube works differently with integrated facebook-style privacy shit that limits the spread.

Otherwise the Lion videos would have definitely gone viral and affected the main story.

Or maybe they have, and Steven is just inattentive and/or unaware of metrics page.

A lot could be excused, even many of the weird gem creatures, but we've seen people in the show react strongly to Lion.

What the fuck is YouTube Red anyway?

>that blind girl SU reaction channel.

Is this a thing?

>would have definitely gone viral
I wouldn't be so sure.


A pointless piece of shit that's supposed to focus on videogames for some reason.

How many people would willingly pay to watch lets plays? Holy fuck no wonder youtube red is failing.

It would require quite a bit of bullshitting from Steven's part to be featured in an idubbz video.

Taking pyro's opinion seriously is the equivalent of licking your toilet bowl, you don't do it.

I'd totally subscribe to Steven's Channel. I love the little guy and would leave him comments on every video.

You have a kid who apparently own a huge pink lion as a pet. Even with the usual "humans strangely never react to any of the weird alien stuff" on this show, he would still get a good amount of views from it being an animal doing cute things.

>Even with the usual "humans strangely never react to any of the weird alien stuff" on this show
Well, there's Ronaldo I guess.

>he would still get a good amount of views from it being an animal doing cute things.
Someone needs to find the video and somehow make it popular first. Even then, it wouldn't be such a big success either way, unless it somehow manages to become "le epic lion meme" or something, which would still require something more than just uploading the video.

>Even with the usual "humans strangely never react to any of the weird alien stuff" on this show

Well, to be fair, it's not humans in general, just people in Beach City, since Gems have lived there for centuries; they're all used to it.

I think most people are like Uncle Andy, who would freak out and start jumping to conclusions if they saw weird-colored alien ladies.

I still find it odd that no governtment organization keeps tabs on them.

Maybe their presence throughout history caused the America not to be so militant in certain aspects.

The "world war 2 never happened" thing was weird. Will the ever expand on human history?

>Steven is one of those kids that posts vids of him wrestling with his friends in their underwear

>you will never be steven's friend

>You will never teach Steven to explore his growing body

I would like to see Steven get destroyed in a content cop

Because he ages depending on how he feels.

How much would we have to pay Idubbbz to do that?

>you will never witness Steven's first orgasm

500 subs.
34-59 views average he gets really excited at 100 and brags to everyone that it is more people watching than in all of beach city. Steven then gets all weird about it and deletes everything only to discover someone reposting his videos in a compilation that gets millions of views. They'd probably make it onion doing it or something idk.

Imagine Steven as the tanned guy from Natsuyasumi as he learns from a trap or /ss/ joy of sex.

>trap or /ss/
Soiled it

What would his first orgasm be like and how would he even achieve it? The kid has been home schooled and kept from most people his age in his shelter.

He seems to have free access to a computer, so it'd probably be much like my own.

/ss/ is straight shota, that leaves room for either young or old female. If a trap does not work for you, the only males around his age are Lars, Ronaldo, the grown teenagers, or Onion.

>Steven becomes brony

Not sure why you'd specify males around his age when there are plenty of daddys for him.

I think he already has. If you have free access to the internet you immediately find that stuff if you actually do use it, and he's like 13

I guess having Greg as his dad gives Steven's virginity to a sugar daddy.

And Greg is the supreme sugar daddy.

And then he has to answer to five very angry aliens.

>Steven jerks it to that old ass image with Misty riding Staryu

They don't call him "Mr. Greg" for nothing.

>"Hey Steven you mind just showing a video with Pearl? a-and maybe have her say degrading things to the viewer? Haha, love ya man."

Steven dancing to Sexy And I Know It

Steven not for sexual!


You aren't going to tell me you think he doesn't care about anything like that at all though, are you?

I will not be tempted

Do you think Steven still wears tighty whities?


His channel probably isn't even monetized because he is too pure.

>implying idubbbz wouldn't just destroy them as well

Yeah, it's called "Melon Lord Reacts".

>as many subs as jinx

He looks like the kind of guy who would do it for like 5k or if enough people annoy him on social media and comments.

I meant in person.

50 subs max, 10-50 views per video.

It's a subscription to YouTube where YouTubers have exclusive programs on it, like PewDiePie doing a lot of dumb stunts to make him scared. They all look like they're professionally funded so I think YouTube was planning on making money back through the subs.

>Steven not for sexual!
What if he possesses someone's body, does that make it okay?

Does Sadie ask Steven to posses Lars for a more romantic fuck?

>steven's gone from looking like he's 10-12 to looking like he's 4-5

wew one more reason to be glad I quit

probably like 5