The average British """"""man""""""

>the average British """"""man""""""


I never noticed this before but his lip looks like a prolapsed anus.

When I first heard him speak legit thought he was faking his accent.

>posts oileye with dark hair shitskin tier

Tell him to fuck off, we're full. We're not doing another Piers Morgan.

>6ft tall
>Great sense of humour
>Worshiped by Americans
>Genius level IQ

Sounds about right

^a complete jon stewart dic sucking dumbfuc^

Why do you burgers worship our crappest failed celebrities?
John Oliver wasn't even a thing besides an occasional guest on Mock the Week before he went to the States.
Piers Morgan, Simon Cowell, Current Year Man, even that fat fuck Corben. None of them were worth dick before Americans gave them a career.
Admit it, you just masturbate to being condescended to in a British accent.

Eh, Oliver isn't terrible looking, he can be pretty funny too but good god damn if his humor doesn't collapse when he starts up on politics. I'm not sure if he believes some of the shit that he says or if he really does just do it for a paycheck, but either way there's something about progressive stupidity that just sucks all of the humor out of a joke.

>great sense of humour
>genius level IQ
>current year man

This is what a British conspiracy theorist looks like

The most punchable face to come out of England.

He despises the average british man and is actually part of the middle class.

What happened to him? I'm getting worried.

He's show hasn't aired for 4 weeks now.

He is under severe depression because he can't say ''it's 2015'' anymore

yeah but he is a funny fucker

He utterly failed as a comedian here and ran away.

It's America's fault that he's a big deal

I never understood why Brits have darker hair and darker skin than Americans

>60% white

>this is what Americans consider comedy fit for mainstream television

Only England could manufacture a man so hateable, a face so punchable as that.

When I first saw him as a sideshow on Colbert, I thought he was just a joke character like everything else on Comedy Central. But he's really real. I still can't get over it, and it's the current year.

>popular in America
>not popular here

top kek

lefties seem to love foriegners. Anyone with an accent really but someone like slavoj zizek they act like they know a lot about because they heard him one time incoherently babbling and he has a weird name

It's because they're CULTURED and definitely NOT RACIST unlike those disgusting alt righters

This faggot left the UK and went to the US because his shit comedy was so unsuccessful here. He's a literally who.
And he was an instant US hit.

Really makes you think.

Yea I get the same idea from his skits. His humor is pretty good desu but half the time his political anti-trump shit sounds like he doesn't even believe it

I'd never heard of him until he became famous on Sup Forums


He was on mock the week as a guest like 3 times and that was all. Was shit on that.

He owes his popularity to Jon (((Stewart))) whose established fanbase of braindead liberals singlehandedly props up the careers of these leftist shills.

He's not popular here, he's popular withe a very select group of people who just so happened to like The Daily Show and now support anyone who was on it.

Pretty sure he's genetically Paddy, so he's not even white.

Also he's genuinely funny. Came up with a lot of shit you used to see reposted on Sup Forums, lets not turn this rape into a murder is his.

Average british man

Where in England do these archetypical "Anglos" come from?

I've lived in the West and East Midlands, and the South West, and few people look this dark.

He probably has some kike in him somewhere, same as Ed Miliband

>lets not turn this rape into a murder

don't talk SHIT declan

Jimmy is facken funny though .

Went to my daughters netball tounament the other day.

What a semi.