Can someone explain what the movie was trying to say...

can someone explain what the movie was trying to say? i didn't really get it (i had to pee really bad the entire second half)

your life is meaningless and will fade away unnoticed just like tears in rain

Life sucks then you die.
Die for something you believe in.

That cinematography alone can carry a film, and its sequel.

It was telling you not to drink a fucking mega-gulp in the first 15 minutes of the movie, you trash-human.

give money to hollywood for pumping out uncreative diarrhea

Villenueve makes movies without substance. Such buzzvisuals and buzzplots. Just like Nolan and Fincher. "high-cinema" for the fedora'd 18-23 year old male, who also happens to enjoy video games and comic books.

everyone seems to be praising it but i didn't leave satisfied

replicants can get pregnant ... that's it?

why did deckard leave his daughter, why was she good at memories, how would wallace not know about her if she was employed, how did K find out she was Deckard's daughter, etc.

>replicants can get pregnant ... that's it?

another person who missed the entire point of the movie.

It's story about K worthless life.

'life is meaningless xD' basically. Like the sad episodes of rick and morty

Deckard left her because if anybody knew who she was, she would be "hunted and dissected". Deckard literally told the viewer this.

She was only "good" at memories in that she realized they're more about feeling than fact. This is a commentary on the difference, or lack thereof, of a human and a replicant with a human's memories. your own memories aren't based on facts, so what makes them so special? Also she had nothing to do all day but practice making memories, she was really good at it.

Deckard's child would have that memory of the horse sculpture and hiding it. K thought that memory was real, and it happened to him, making him the child. It actually was made from a real memory that his "sister" had.

>he actually thought that this flick had good cinematography

>tfw K's life is your life

this post is almost as stupid as the film
>memories are more about feeling than fact
jesus fucking christ

i think part of the problem is that i watched the original last night to prepare for the new one

everything in the sequel looked sterile and lifeless

it felt like an art class project

You're not a very smart person are you? Was IT your favorite movie of the year?

K is told he doesn't have a soul. Bautista tells him at the beginning of the movie he's only against the Nexus 8's because he hasn't seen a miracle. K continues to be a good slave for the LAPD until he comes across the possibility of himself being Rachel and Deckard's child. With that belief that he could've been born from a replicant, he has a goal to live for- to find out whether he's correct or not, and to find his parents. So he does that. He eventually meets up with the replicant rebellion who insist that their belief in their cause makes them more human than humans, it gives them a soul, something to strive for. It is also here where K learns he is not the son of Rachel and Deckard, and he is told that he should eliminate Deckard to prevent Wallace from learning the location of the daughter of Rachel and Deckard.

Ultimately K does not kill Deckard. He doesn't wholeheartedly believe in the replicant rebellion's cause and would rather his time be spent reuniting Deckard with his child. In the final scene of the movie K sits on the steps leading up to the dream lab and (in my opinion) ponders what his purpose is after he has achieved his goal of learning the truth of his parentage.

Ultimately the movie is about how humans are human when they have a goal or purpose to live for, regardless of what that purpose is. Finding your soul is all about finding a cause you care about.

Why are you talking when he made a valid observation? Are you stupid? Are you the stupid one?

I swear Sup Forums is the worst place to talk science fiction on.

That's literally a line from the film you fucking pleb get the fuck off my board

Was the fight scene with deckard really necessary? Felt like a huge waste of time

it was to use that sweet ass elvis/marilyn stage set
totally worth it

they needed to have something like the deckard/batty fight in the first film

Only thing that threw me off is why they just left K behind in the building like that after they grabbed Deckard

Did they think he was dead and just not bother checking? With how brutal and efficient the corp suits were, you'd think someone would have double-tapped the walking loose end before they flew off.

lmao you people are fucking morons

im embarrassed to share a board with you. read his post again.;

they didn't care about him. they wanted deckard.

I can't see op pic now without feeling sad feels

>I love y-

Haven't seen it have you you dip

I could feel Joe's pain

the point of the scene in op's image is that K's waifu was just some random slut that was everywhere and that he wasted his time with her, right

I thought it was more about luv wanting to leave him alive after stomping on the portable flash drive. You know, twist the knife

>tfw you think you're dumb but then read posts on Sup Forums

>they didn't care about him
the dutch whore brutally murdered Robin Wright because she helped K escape(for no reason btw)
but i guess she decided not to kill him at the casino, because hey, someone needs to come and save the day at the end :^)

Nah, cuz this

More to call into question if there was anything behind any of the things she'd done or said. The hologram of Joi even gave him the same damn name.

the whole movie is a metaphore for how much of a fucking beta loser I am and should kms.
what do I belive in? The power of a shotgun to my face.

>wooooh i'm so badass im going to leave a replicant that possesses dangerous info that could topple my bosses empire alive, because "twisting the knife" is worse than being dead

We were born too early. No AI waifus or pleasure bots for us

Fucking idiots holy hell

id still feel like a loser tho resorting to that, but I probably would still give in and do it. fuck

The movie had a plot but no message. It's not a direct analysis of current society - it's just a fictional story set in a potential future.

But if you were to try and pull messages out of it, here are some:

1) What makes us human? If it's birth...well androids give birth now, so they are no different now. If it's growth...well the androids are grown, so they are no different. If it's free will...well the androids seem to do as they please, so they are no different. If it's a purpose....well...even people struggle to find that.

2) Are we abusing our resources? San Diego was a dump. The casino land has desertificated. Is this how we wish to see our planet end up?

3) How much power do we wish to allow industry to have? The corporation's building eclipses the rest of the town. Their presence and influence are everywhere. Their access is complete, and they seem to undermine the law as they please.

You're not a real person if you can't breed.

Faggots btfo (no, I'm not joking)

How the fuck can you experience emotion from an event without remembering the facts first?
How much of brain-dead rebbit browsing retard do you have to be to actually believe this and more importantly to make excuses for this shitty film?
And btw this moron didnt even try to explain why jared leto, the most powerful man in the universe couldn't locate this bitch(she even says that he tried to get her to work for him which obviously means that they were in ciontact)Not to mention that it also doesnt make sense why is this removing of all the nexuses taking so long
The more you think about this piece of shit the worse it gets, but i suppose thinking isn't the strong suit for you babies, it's shilling for the flicks one of the worst directors ever

>another apologetic thread by millennials trying to appropriate another piece of culture they dont belong to
thats cute and all but the sequel fucking sucked, the original was better, unique and creative

prophetizing all characters of the original film and making out the main character to be god and the father of nu adam and eve, its just sad and banal in terms of plot

also youve made this thread like 50 times today

the big TWEEST was the whole thing with K and while thats cute and all, it offers fucking nothing for the viewers, they have the setting and they wasted it , movie is a failure, and fuck its such bad directing

underrated and thoughtful post


Kino post

kys subhuman filth

Made me want to see it again harder.

Kill yourself

Dark Knight Rises had the same plot twist

wow rude

Answer to user in the archived thread and those who didnt really understand the "Cells' and "Interlocked" scene( which i dont understand how someone couldnt get it but whatever).
It was basically a truth test to make sure his emotions were kept in check because lots of the older Replicant models eventually became too "Human" and began to display emotions and act too "Human" and become rebelious and irrational which is troublesome!

That test was to make sure he was thinking clearly and emotionally disconnected from the world around him.

It was basically a lie detector test and he failed it once he began to question his purpose.

why are people praising this post, 95% of it is summarizing the movie

t. average Sup Forums shitposter

Just saw it, great film.

Some problems, or at least weird plot points.

>The discovery of a replicant live birth is handled at a local PD level
>"Your DNA is made of five symbols, mine is only two"

Good line

>1 and 0

ruined it

Pretty good summary of the character's development and themes. Really like how the movie ended with K, despite the movie's third act being somewhat shaky in terms of focus.

Because lots of these new age millennials cant understand simple concepts that are clearly summarized in a film subtly and not directly stated.

Some people have a hard time believing Batista character was a replicant when its very obvious that he is else he would not have been able to with stand so much punishment from K/Joe if he wasn't.

He basically demolished any and every human who got in his way thru out the entire film.
Only Wallaces assistant was capable of putting him down.

Look at how Wallace assistant killed Coco!
Regardless of how strong we are or appear as humans, our bodies are still weak and can always be damage by strong blunt force and sharp objects whether you weight 140 pounds or 250.

No human would have been able to withstand that many fucking blow to the chest from a fucking replecant without having his chest caved in.

I want a qt holographic gf.

I cried.


Why did Jared Leto kill the new replicant he made in the beginning? Was it because she wasnt pregnant or something? A failure test design?

Dumb cunt.

It was the punctuation mark of his prior scolding of Love. Without the child, Love is useless. That replicant was killed because she was imperfect.

If Love continued to fail in giving him what he wanted, she would share the same fate.

this post made me think I might not want to kill myself in the future?

Can you please go to a board where your level of stupidity is more accepted like Sup Forums or Sup Forums?

Leto wants to be God. He mentions this so many times. He knows he isnt but he is striving towards this goal, "Because of me we inhabit 9 more world's, a child can count to 9 on both hands." He is pissed at his shortcomings in the grander scheme of things. Then he sort of infers that whatever Tyrell did to make Replicants capable of procreation was more magic than anything. Remember it is called a miracle, and Leto then compares the fertility of the womb to Eden. And his inability to replicate this means he will never be able to match God. Leto is literally Lucifer.

The world seemed pretty isolated to have anymore levels than just local PD

I wowndered this too but it was most likely him being dissatisfied and bored with that model and since he can create them whenever he wants he has very little attachment to them.

Also notice how his assistant is crying like she knew exactly what was going to happen like he does this quite often

Wallace wanted and NEEDED Rachels born replicant child!

He plays around every so often hoping for a "Miracle" but cant create it which is why he desperately desires Rachel offspring to further his own purpose and goals.

Wallace assistant ironically was very similar to K in that she was very emotional occasionally!

Notice how she kissed K/Joe after she assume to have won ther fight.
She enjoyed fighting him whereas she was very bored and disinterested when she killed humans.

Fighting K gave her a thrill

Huh. When I first saw it I thought him scanning her and touching her womb was him checking for a baby, and when it wasnt there he killed her. As if this was implied to be a long series of failed tests on his part to have a pregnant replicant. But now maybe it just seems like he was an asshole?

That isn't why she kissed him, you missed it. Leto kissed the Replicant and she died. Love kissed K because she thought he was going to die. Let stabbed the Replicant and Love stabbed K.

You need to calm down.

You need to pipe down autismo. Was about to answer you until you went full autist.

>In the final scene of the movie K sits on the steps leading up to the dream lab and (in my opinion) ponders what his purpose is after he has achieved his goal of learning the truth of his parentage.

I agree on your analysis. I had similar thoughts; K (Joe) seemed more contemplative about the events that had transpired and about the future rather than just merely dying. If anything, he was being born anew maybe.

Dude, she enjoyed it!

She literally says "Im better" after she thinks she had him beat and she walked backwards away in a very cocky,taunting manner before going after Dekard while he was sinking.

It may not be the reason why she kissed him but she did in fact enjoy fighting K!

She also flat out told K that she would simply lie to Wallace about why she had to Kill Ks commander.

>Let stabbed the Replicant and Love stabbed K.
Dude, you are looking way to much into shit!
She stabbed Ks Commander too ,but she sure as fuck didn't kiss the bitch before she did it.

the thing about memories being more senses/feeling related than factual is in line with current psychological findings

This was what I took away from the film.

I don't think you know who the main character of the movie is my friend.

>Leto kissed the Replicant and she died
Nigga, what?!

Leto/Wallace gutted that replicant butch from left to right and that show she died.

Wallace is basically a Deranged,crazy,mad scientist who is obsessed with creating perfect replicants.
You're basically saying he kissed it because he loved it when in fact he cares very little for his Replicants because as far as he is concerned they are disposable and he can make as many as he desires.

He killed that replicant simply because she was just another boring model to him that wasn't a part of his perfect vision

>tfw when I tuned out everytime Leto talked

Why the hell would the daughter randomly choose to instill a random replicant with her own memories?

It isn't about affection, but rather imitation. They do the exact same thing. Do you think that was an accident?

She didn't put them in the robots herself, she didn't even leave her room. She was like a freelancer.

K probably wasn't even the only replicant to have that memory. That was the point.

>MeMeMe for the mainstream

The rebel leader implied as much when she said something along the lines of them all wanting to be Rachel’s child.


It would have been very simple for them to show him kill her in that manner after a pregnancy failed to take hold. He cuts her open to look, lets her die as it's another failure.

It was fucking badly writte, that scene.

The parameters of her job aren't specified, but she probably produces different ones for every replicant from the looks of things. She wouldn't need to constantly make more permutations of early birthdays otherwise.

She manufactured the memories given.

>It isn't about affection, but rather imitation

I said nothing about Wallace having effection for his replicants.

>but rather imitation
Immitating what?

Hes a deranged mad scientist and nothing more.
His "Children" are nothing more than Toys to him and he can break them or kill them whenever he feels the need to.

Plain and simple!
His philosophies are nothing more than delusions of Grandeur.

WE dont know who did that and why it was done.
Its hinted that K isnt the only one who had those memories by the Revolutionary leader woman.
The memory is just a way to get them to question there existence and wake them up from the shell of there creators

wrenching something into life just to send it back into oblivion 5 minutes later is pure evil and made the scene visceral af. replicants went from generic androids to living, feeling minds grown like fruits by le megalomaniacal jared leto

This is ultimately how I felt about it. Looked pretty, but was empty. I don't need hamfisted social commentary, but give me something to think about. I see a lot of people on here just projecting their own shitty life onto K and thinking that's deep

Only thing I don't get is how Wallace wants his creations to breed then they will be perfect yet that is a terrible idea. Who wants to fuck your waifu when you can knock her up?!

But really the extinction of humans would be brought on by replicants becoming self reproductive or at the very least they would leave us on the ruined earth.

>Only thing I don't get is how Wallace wants his creations to breed then they will be perfect yet that is a terrible ide
He doesn't need them to be perfect, he just wants them to reproduce on their own so that more of them can colonize planets without him using more resources

It's also cliched and cheesy as fuck.


It felt so painfully out of place. Like it belonged in a shitty low budget action flick.

>It would have been very simple for them to show him kill her in that manner after a pregnancy failed to take hold. He cuts her open to look, lets her die as it's another failure.
>It was fucking badly writte, that scene.

Wrong and you missed the whole point of that scene.

It has nothing to do with showing how evil he is and everything to do with how he views the nature of his creations!

They(replicants) are created to serve and obey his will!

He's a scientist and like all scientist the try and test things to get different results.

Wallace knew very well that he couldn't recreate the "miracle" that Tyrell created in the original Blade Runner!

Killing the replicant was more of a showing of how inhuman he is compared to the "Human" replicants that he creates.
Notice how his assistant Love was crying the whole time she was watching him?!
Notice how the new born Replicant was afraid and confused after her birthing(which is stated by Wallace as he observes her).

Its a show of power and inhumanity!

it's not BADLY WRITTEN you fucking scum whore!

Perhaps you should try thinking like a fucing human instead of a neanderthal!

No shit that's obvious but you can't control them at that point. What you going to remove all emotional attachment to the act of procreation? Good luck even the old ass replicants are too human.

>This is ultimately how I felt about it. Looked pretty, but was empty. I don't need hamfisted social commentary, but give me something to think about. I see a lot of people on here just projecting their own shitty life onto K and thinking that's deep

Only the autist like you and those who project there shitty life onto K cant see the movie for what it is!

Blade Runner 2029 is not a complicated film at all.

This is one of those autitstic idiots im talking about


>Goes on to repeat what I just said

Imagine a scene in a movie about Henry Ford, where he makes a car, gives a speech about god, and then blows the car up.

Why? What is the fuck was the point?

It existed solely to show Leto as "le villain".

And all they had to do to correct it from awful cliche to expressing what you wrote and staying thematically on point and not being cliched and terrible is a minor alteration.

>It's not badly written

Entirely aside from it's one cliched nature of showing the villain doing a random, evil, unmotivated act, it also featured "LE GOD COMPLEX" and pretentious waffling - so it was definitely badly written.


Maybe. But that doesn't stop that scene from being a poorly written cliche.

>The movie had a plot but no message. It's not a direct analysis of current society - it's just a fictional story set in a potential future.

The message of the film is humanity and being human you fucking idiot!

Its very cut and dry and yet you cant seem to grasp it cause you expect some sort of excitement or some eye opener to the society we live in today.



If you had at least put the scene in a different context, with him talking to a character, it might have made sense. Instead he's essentially talking to himself and two robots, whose opinions he doesn't care about. It's just like he's got a thing about making a replicant so he can slice it's belly open and spout bad movie dialogue. Even then, you might want to explain that he has that fetish.

Well you have to get to Battlestar Galactica some how.