Stop slutshaming

How can this argument even be refuted?

>lock and key
your a fat virgin loser who is trying to compare humans to inanimate objects
low likelihood, especially if you use a condom and if she has sex in relationships.
>absorbing dna via semen
Literally pseudoscience bullshit, no respectable scientific professional believes this.

bottom line is that women should be allowed to fuck as much as they want and it's healthy and safe if you do it right. People take risks driving a car everyday.

The only person against free love is the loser who can't get any even though it's free.

The bottom line is that it is a thinning of moral fiber to the point where anything is OK as long as it makes your naughty bits feel good.

Sex has deep emotional meaning to denote love. Sure, everyone messes around, everyone makes mistakes, etc... But the reason for those mistakes are to later learn from them to become a better person.

People are learning less and less from their mistakes, as you've demonstrated.

But then that would mean you have a low number of partners no?
I'm fine with people wanting "pure" girls but not if you bang sluts on the reg
That makes you a hypocrite

i slut-shame guys too so its ok

The same rule applies to men, I thought that was implied in my post

>are you a loser

no, but clearly you're a cuckold

>your a fat virgin loser who is

How about you stop virgin shaming?

Women always do this to men.

Women should be able to fuck as many people as they want while married too. Putting limits on my wife's sexual freedom is sexist, patriarchal behaviour.

In fact, women should be free to choose the father of their child even while married. Putting limits on my children's genetics is patriarchy in action.

I support my wifes decision to opt for superior dna than my own. My own feelings take a back seat to her desires. Having an opinion on her choices is sexist.

>comparing an intimate act to a mundane everyday activity.

the more you make sex casual and meaningless, the harder it becomes to actually connect sex with intimacy and emotional bonding once you find a real partner.

it's like if you eat sugar every single day, it doesn't taste as sweet when you really want a treat.

A more accurate analogy would be eating a bowl Cheerios that 48 other people have eaten


I'm shy, anxious and not assertive. If that makes me a loser then whatever. I don't want to be a winner in your society. Men are expected to initiate and I can't. Piss off

Terrible comparison. Eating a new cereal isn't the same as having sex with a bunch of men.

A better comparison would be to eat a bowl of cheerios after 48 guys jizzed in it.

With their dicks.
There's cum in them.

>local man enjoys his cereal after having 48 dicks dipped in it

>How can this argument even be refuted?
It is.

Consider yourself rebutted

Freedom is not an ultimate good and sex should only be practiced under marriage without protection for the purpose of procration and unity with ones opposite sex spouse. Anything else just leads to trouble for everyone.

Marrying a woman who didn't practice this belief statistically makes her more likely to cheat on you,be diseased and have by the act of sex outside of marriage be spiritually tainted. The same goes for men also. It's a high standard but it's the best way to go about it.

There's literally nothing wrong with the lock and key analogy.

STD's are also a perfectly good reason, you'd be surprised to know how many people have HIV.

Also, it's quite easy for women to get a bf as long as they're not ugly as fuck. It's hard for men to get girlfriends because they actually have to go out and work for it, such as (usually) being fit, healthy, and capable of speaking to others without being awkward. Girls just have to be hot and guys will line up after them. Therefore, when women fuck all the guys in line, it's like them having no self-respect.



sounds like ole bethlosthermind has been slutting it up for a while and is having trouble getting a husband. sorry beth, no top tier man will want you but keep on rationalizing and maybe one day you can convince yourself that you didn't lose your integrity when you fucked all those guys. i'm sure some of them remember your name and think of you as more than a cumdumpster


Well done desu

Difference between cereal and a penis.


>lock and key
>You're a loser trying to compare humans to inanimate objects.

So is he.

> Stop slutshaming

Stop beta shaming maybe?

>capable of speaking to others without being awkward.


>Thank you for your post. A total of 4 shekels has been deposited into your #ImWithHer account.
>Here's your response, faglord.

The way I see it women are free to do as they please with their own bodies, but free choice works both ways. Modern hookup culture fills me with a sense of mild revulsion and I am not interested in participating, plain and simple. I don't want a woman who is willing to casually fuck strangers. That is my personal standard and I don't need to justify it. If that makes me a loser, then fine; I guess I'll just spend the rest of my life alone, wallowing in disposable income as these vapid bar skanks fritter away their years watching the value of their pussy drop faster than the value of their car.

If a woman has had previous sexual partners who were serious boyfriends that she was dating that's one thing. But as far as women who go out on Friday nights and hook up with random strangers, or find sexual partners via phone apps or whatever the fuck they do nowadays, then my answer is no thank you, it's as simple as that. If she doesn't have to justify her life choices then neither do I.

>fat virgin loser ad hominem
We're done here


Yeah. I don't even care about women sleeping around. Doesn't concern me. I'll likely never have sex and certainly won't get married so who cares?

Nobody actually respects a guy who pulls a lot of puss for that ability.

They respect him for his qualities that ALLOW him to have so much sex, becacuse he's either really good looking, or really charismatic, or really rich or something.

A guy has to actually be likeable by someone(even if it's just deceit or misdirection) in order to get laid.

Would you rather eat a new untoched bowl of cheerios or eat one whos had 48 dicks in it?

/pol BTFO

How will they ever recover?

Is it ok if you are married and your sex involves playing with pee pee and poo poo?

Pair bonding is diminished greatly in those who have had so much meaningless sex. Same reason why virgins often act "clingy" with that first partner. Evolutionary traits and chemicals in the brain are meant to work that way. But I guess sluts can be sluts, gotta have some group of people to fuck without feeling bad lol

but wait, those statistics say that having a lot of sexual partners won't actually make me happier, it's like it's saying the opposite. but, since it's 2016 I think I'll ignore reals and go for the feels

>your a fat virgin loser who is trying to compare humans to inanimate objects
Are you ironic shitposting or something? I mean is that not exactly what John Green is doing? Comparing humans to cheerios?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting my friend.

I find it incredibly sexist that you think you have a choice of who you marry.

White men for centuries have had the pick of any woman that they want, for us to achieve true equality you have to marry any woman that demands it of you.

By the way, have you met Amanda from HR? She just got back from helping out the hungry in Africa and backpacking through south east Asia and she's mentioned your name.

Let me cum in your Cheerios, John.

>EVER putting reals over feels
Do you even have a second X chromosome?

you mean lust

If a woman has fucked a bunch of dudes it usually means a few things.

First is that she's probably a bad judge of character (i.e., stupid). Second is that she's unstable (lots of relationships usually means something's wrong mentally). Third is that she probably doesn't have much to offer in the way of personality (after all, nobody's trying to pursue her). Fourth is that she's probably fairly vain, and seeking validation from her sexual partners instead of from her own character.

There's more but that's all I feel like writing.


>tfw will never lose my virginity with a girl who loses hers to me

Why live

I wonder how much money men spends on women per year.

If lock&key analogy is great.... What is OK about a guy exposing hiself to the same risks women did? Herpes transfers pretty easy. My lady friend really liked a guy but couldn't get together with him because he had contrcted herpes2 on his finger.


>bottom line is that women should be allowed to fuck as much as they want

Women are allowed to do whatever they want, but as a individual I have the right to chose a mate that matches my standards and values.

if women are held to a different standard it's because they fail to hold men to the standard that men hold women to.

So if women don't care how many people a man has fucked, that's fine. They're entitled to set their own standards, but they have no right to set my standards.

Women that sleep around don't love themselves, they are only leap-frogging from person to person trying to fill the void inside them. They're salving their egos and self-esteem with the lust of men.
How can you ever expect someone to love you when you don't love yourself? When you torment, defile, and abuse yourself you're hurting the person that someone else deeply loves, and nobody can endure their lover being the enemy of their lover.
You will be alone, and you will abuse yourself more to not feel alone and the cycle never stops.

So in short, hold men to the standard that they hold you if you want equality and stop using the lust of men to salve your wounds.

Someone post that Jim Jeffries quote. He nailed it.

Basically, to sleep with many women a man has to be attractive, desirable, skillful, valuable... He has to be a stud.
To sleep with many men a woman just has to spread her legs.

So when a man sleeps around he gets respect because he demonstrates he has great skill.
When a woman sleeps around she gets slut shamed because she demonstrates that she has absolutely no self-respect.

I work in a company where everybody is named Amanda and works in HR. It's a government run agency where we...I forget what we do.

But you're right, it was sexist of me to assume I should be married. I'm going to lean out and hear what the women think they should do with my life.

STFU, you fucking skank.

They can have as much sex as they want, they can do what they want, be what they want and act as they want.

That doesn't mean I have to like them or accept them for it. I'll just find myself a non degenerate girl

A woman who has been with many men didn't have the decency to preserve her body for someone. Having a boyfriend or two in the past, alright. Having 30 boyfriends is something different.

Plus, once a slut, she completely devalues romantic relationships, because she knows even if she is unloyal she can always return to her origins.

The lock and key metaphor makes sense too, it's a simple way of defending the point without digging deep

Keep being based, Sup Forums.

>humans aren't a K type species, goy
>surely letting your women be sluts and not form healthy relationships with men until well past their peak fertility is a good idea

This John Green guy needs to kill himself. Piece of shit.

I wonder if he would eat a bowl of Cheerios that had 48 ducks dipped in it.

I wouldn't.

Women are allowed to fuck as much as they want. That doesn't mean that I am forced to accept them.

Sluts are okay for fucking, but not for relationships.

Also men are allowed to fuck around because eat a dick nigga :^) I don't even think it's hypocritical to have a double standard really, sex emotionally effects men less.

>tfw live in the slut era
>still a kissless virgin

Reminds me of the calculating of "miles of dick". Like, the average human penis is ~5.5 inches (let's round up to 6). Then we saw the average sexual encounter is a certain number of thrusts, like 100 (or any number you care to use). Then, if we know or can estimate how many one night stands or previous active sexual relationships, we can calculate approximately how many miles of dick her pussy has taken.

I know it's bait but:
1.Women build an emotional connection with sexual partners. The more partners the weaker and meaningless it becomes.
2.Noone wants a slut in which every Chad dumped his load. Slut treat themselves like nothing more than public sperm disposals so why should I treat them differently ?
3.In this age being such sluts there is proly a vid or pictures of them sucking some random cocks or taking it up the ass. Sooner or later it will come out. Maybe even used as a blackmail so some her ex-Chad can fuck her behind your back for keeping his mouth shut.

All above combined make sluts not valid wife nor mother material.

>.Women build an emotional connection with sexual partners

Don't men? Honest question


>no one posted it yet

I paid to lose the my virginity to a hooker a couple days ago, the frustration got to me and now I regret it completely.

Goddammit man, why did I do it, fuck this sexual liberation bullshit, I don't feel liberated at all

I was thinking of doing the same user. But like you I'd probably hate it and hate myself even more afterwards.

>free love
no such thing.
by the way, this whole cuck/hookup culture/freelove bullshit is 100% media propoganda.

if you lookup the statistics hookup culture and sex in general are in major decline.
if you occupy yourself with the concept of free love then youre a retard, love isn't free and was never free.

woman were always prizes

>The only person against free love is the loser who can't get any even though it's free.

Yes, and I know my bloody place, so I'd rather be with a loser woman than a goddamn slut.

ALso, the only reason women are "held to a different standard" than men, is because men realise than a promiscuious woman is likely to cheat. Men have to worry about divorce courts and shit too. Men have more to lose so they analyse the risk a little more.

Whereas women see someone who's a massive risk, and decide "hol' up, imma get me some of dat". They promptly complain about how all men are evil sex crazed pigs who only want one thing after the massive risk turned out to be a massive risk.

My point is; Women are stupid. Men are smart, that's why the "double standard" exists.

I used to think this way. Then a Christian friend of mine asked me if I would buy a fleshlight second-hand from a thrift shop. I understood completely.

Then I had sex with a virgin girl and changed my mind back again. Best girls have had sex with 1 or 2 guys before you. That way somebody else did all the work of having all the bad sex, but she's not the town bicycle.

Different biology/psychology (wherever you want to put the love in).
That's why men and women cheat because of different reasons and also there are different results of cheating (in their heads) for both.

If I ain't getting any, neither should they.

Don't do it, I thought that maybe if I got it out the way I can finally move in and be more confident.

Now I just think I dont deserve to be with a good woman or GF, plus my friends bring it up all the time when I'm just trying to forget

But I don't want a woman who sleeps with many men. I want a pure woman, who is down to earth and kind-hearted.

Why is that wrong?

Me neither

Yes but women do it more so, i'm bad where i want to cuddle and stuff with girls after i sleep with them, but i'm getting less and less attached about it.
>I've never had a real relationship
>Its getting hard remembering all the girls i've done stuff with already
>Girls always end up not wanting to talk to me after three months
> All i want is a cute loyal girl who wants to travel with me
I want off this ride

Yeah I can relate. I already feel worthless around women. I'll put it off for now. Thanks user

Canadian flag so probably a retard but here's the obvious reason:

A woman takes on far more risk by engaging in sex than a man. A man can get a woman pregnant then go on his merry way with zero consequences. A woman has to carry a child for 9 months or get an abortion. Back in the day, there were serious health risks associated with pregnancy. Furthermore, contraception wasn't readily available. This is why slut shaming became a part of culture in the first place (along with religious reasons).

Even though we now have the technology to have sex safely, women who are sluts still show a severe lack of responsibility in regards to their bodies. Also, due to biological difference between men and women, men are naturally more aggressive and it is natural for them to go after women than the other way around. This stems from hormonal differences (test = more aggresive, estrodial = more submissive). So, a woman normally has many guys trying to pick them up. If she sleeps with all of them, then she's easy and not really a prize to be coveted. A man, on the other hand, who is successful in picking up many women, shows that he has charisma and is attractive to the opposite gender.

It doesn't matter how far technology advances. The inherent difference between men and woman will always cause women who sleep with a lot of men to be sluts, with the reverse situation being different.

>low likelihood, especially if you use a condom and if she has sex in relationships

If she only has sex in relationships and she's had sex with many guys then that means she's had a lot of relationships. Surely there's a reason why her relationships fail so frequently...

>I want a pure woman, who is down to earth and kind-hearted.

No such thing, Stu. No such thing.


>your a fat virgin loser who is trying to compare humans to inanimate objects
>John Green compares humans to cereal.

John Green confirmed for fat virgin loser?

Don't fall for the meeting girls online meme, this only works if you are a chad or find an equally autistic girl.
You will get hotter girls if you approach them irl.

The autism in these threads always reminds me what Sup Forums really is deep down.

No prob bro, I'm sure I'll get over this eventually, life is a long trip and I'm bound to make more mistakes

And what is that? Don't be coy.

Another quality OP by A FUCKING LEAF.

Cause now you are free from the pair bonding dillemma and can fuck all the sluts you want further enabling the dick hungry feminized society

Poor elliot

If you don't like it leave

10.42 miles of dick.

>Imagine if I started eating Cheerios for breakfast, would Cheerio be like, "I'm the 48th cerate you've tried eating?! I don't feel special!"
Cheerios wouldn't say that, but it would certainly have reason to doubt that it'd be the LAST cereal you ever eat.

>can fuck all the sluts

I can barely talk to women user

people aren't cereal dipshit, past behavior can affect your future behavior irreparably, aka women sleeping around permanently messes up their ability to bond with future partners meaning they are more likely to cheat/implode relationship and divorce rape you
For men this isn't really the case

Not an argument.

if only women had a built in odometer

lmfao AS IF this nu-male cucklord has a shot with some fresh out the pack cheerios, don't make me laugh

yeah it's a funny thread until you realize kikes and marxist gringos have been saying this kind of shit unironically for decades and that ideological piss keeps raining down on us like a fucking waterfall

this is one of the things that can be prevented with more helicopter rides
