Other urls found in this thread:
>in the future they are still playing boreball
Truly a terrible future
Friendly reminder that the Shapeshifters were intended to be Zionist Jews
Why was Tiron in Sisko's dream?
Don't samefriend your own thread, OP.
>Don't samefriend your own thread, OP.
lol what the hell are you talking about?
I'm supposed to switch to a proxy before posting in my own thread?
Anyone have the episode guide pictures?
Bajorans are jews that were oppressed by evil fascists.
They are the chosen (by wormhole gods) people and the entire show is about how people should die to protect Israel/Bajor existence and independence.
I do, thanks for asking.
aren't those just based on some guy's opinions?
>They are the chosen (by wormhole gods) people and the entire show is about how people should die to protect Israel/Bajor existence and independence.
Yes, this. They are the embodiment of the victim complex that Jews have use to take money from the United States and other willing countries.
>aren't those just based on some guy's opinions?
Not only that, it's filled with many bad opinions and plays to memes.
If I actually wanted to watch the good parts of Voyager and needed a guide to handhold me through the process, I wouldn't be able to see it because apparently Threshold negates five seasons of Trek.
His guides suck and so do his opinions.
>computer, override current environmental controls subroutine protocol
>computer, fill this room with a nerve gas cyanide composite about 2000 parts per million
>computer, do the same for the crusher quarters, authorization picard gamma-alpha-yankee six-nine
They're based on common consensus throughout the fandom. Only contrarians get upset because, say, they think Code of Honor is great and Darmok is terrible.
Why don't they go home?
>They're based on common consensus throughout the fandom
No they aren't, I know for a fact you put a description of some good episodes as either bad or mediocre (or whatever arbitrary choice you picked).
Besides, any person that actually needs a guide to watch a TV probably also needs a bib to eat their dinner.
>computer, is it taco tuesday?
>*BEEP BEEP* correct
>computer, lock onto counselor deanna troi's posterior
>computer, make sure to beam every single particle that leaves from her backside about an inch away from my face
>computer, disengage safety protocols
>Why don't they go home?
Should I consider all Beverly episodes bad because her family fucks ghosts?
Anyhow, what was your point?
Reminder that the Federation is literally, unironically, indisputably worse than the Borg
what are some other kino moments in ds9?
Code of Honor isn't good. Deal with it.
How does Sub Rosa invalidate the entire rest of Beverly's life?
Based Barclay
>Code of Honor isn't good. Deal with it.
Oh, I thought you were serious, not strawmanning. Troll ya' later.
If not Code of Honor, what else upsets you?
>be enlisted for three decades
>hundreds of combat encounters
>sole chief of the most important space station in the quadrant
>decorated war soldier
>get to teach at the academy, specifically catered to officer candidates
O'Brien, I thought you were my nigga
I'd run to her Third Base if you know what I mean.
>How does Sub Rosa invalidate the entire rest of Beverly's life?
How does Threshold invalidate the rest of Voyager?
Your questions answer themselves.
>allowed to keep your culture and govern your planet as you want
>only expected to pull your weight when time requires it
>worse than the Borg
>How does Threshold invalidate the rest of Voyager?
They find a way home.
>If not Code of Honor, what else upsets you?
Why would you even infer that I was talking about Code of Honor?
I don't have the guides because I deleted them over a year ago when you constantly spammed them for some reason (and didn't even get paid).
Because you responded to a post which mentioned Code of Honor and contrarians like you who defend it. If not that, what else are you contrarian about?
>They find a way home.
If people would miss out on Year of Hell, Living Witness, Latent Image, Survival Instinct, Timeless, Someone to Watch Over Me, Scorpion, Unity, Alter Ego, Fair Trade, and countless other fantastic Trek episodes that came after Threshold because they thought one was a bad episode, I think should probably not watch any TV at all.
But why do those episodes exist after Voyager found a way home?
how is Code of Honor bad?
please use real reasons and not meme answers like "racism", "bigoted" etc.
>it actually is the contrarian who defends Code of Honor
I can't be doing this now. You win.
>Because you responded to a post which mentioned Code of Honor and contrarians like you who defend it.
No I don't you utter mong, it fucking sucks, get a life.
>If not that, what else are you contrarian about?
Why is your reading comprehension so bad? Read this post again.
>it's a holodeck episode
watch everything, because episode considered bad by someone might be good for you and the other way around. And you should watch everything because in every episode, even in the weaker ones there is something good and nice. I mean ofcourse in TOS, TAS, DS9, TNG AND VOY
ENT is shit, and i stopped after half the season one, but it is shit for me. Might be good for you.
I love this scene because you can tell that when she's drunk ranting Frakes is having a genuinely hard time holding his laughter in.
earl gray
Why do any time travel episodes exist?
Why do Q episodes exist?
Stop doing this we're already 39 posts deep over your defense of episode watching guides.
>hating holodeck episodes
I'm defending the audience. We deserve better.
Well, maybe you don't. You'll swallow anything.
The only thing you need to know is every Barclay episode is 10/10
>I'm defending the audience. We deserve better.
>Well, maybe you don't. You'll swallow anything.
Thanks for skimming over my hypotheticals.
>We deserve better
evidence to validate this statement?
>It's a everyone stands around and listens to terrible alien music as if it's the greatest thing they've ever heard episode
We don't deserve Voyager. It's in the Geneva Conventions.
which movie is the best and why is it The Voyage Home?
>>It's a everyone stands around and listens to terrible alien music as if it's the greatest thing they've ever heard episode
literally me at every party with my normie friends
According to last thread, The Voyage Home is "SJW".
>We don't deserve Voyager.
You don't deserve to have an opinion. It's in the Jankata accord.
>picard GAY 69
Can I ask furthermore to please share them?
Which newfags decided this?
Nog is a top 5 Star Trek character.
perhaps, but garak, shran and quark are the top three, in that order respectively
from best to worst
>Star Trek Beyond
>The Wrath of Khan
>Undiscovered Country
>The search for spock
>The motion picture
>The final frontier
>Into Darkness
>Voyage Home
>First Contact
Well except for the whole "Let's be depressed ans spend all of our time in the holodeck" shit.
>Well except for the whole "Let's be depressed ans spend all of our time in the holodeck" shit.
Literally everyone in /trek/
>this meme list
The whole episode was great but her last scene in particular really snapped.
That was a good one but the execution could have been better.
ahaha what the fuck
>threshold is the first episode they show of voyager
is this a fucking joke
I agree with your rankings but you have some fucked up priorities here man
>Phlox and T'pol a good thing when T'pol is boring and Phlox is the worst ST character of all time
>Not liking Trip, the best bro you could ever want
meme list would have the reddit home in first place
>Evolve into Super-Salamander
>Evolution of Star Trek
Seems like it makes sense to me. Hater.
Are you going to be defending Threshold in every thread? Please do, you're quite amusing.
>she wants to break off a piece of that thicc Riker cake
phlox was a great
only thing i disagree with from is that I preferred hoshi to t'fap body wise, t'ap's haircrut was a bit odd and slightly offputting.
Also reed and trip are the best butt buddies since bashir+o'brien
Thank you, much appreciated!
Reminder that there are people in these threads that are so humorless and jaded that they hate a funny little episode like Sub Rosa.
Those are the same people that complain about Discovery being "grim" and "dark".
i remember trek threads where one autist would flip his shit if he noticed too many posts with not enough differentiated ips and started "calling anons out" for posting more than once as if he had "caught" them samefagging.
Who doesn't?
Phlox was great.
I didn't like Trip because he was a bit annoying like Bashir at first, but instead of making him better later on...they gave him the horrible naked massage T'Pol storyline.
Also Mirror Hoshi was best gril
>Code of Honor getting defended
>Sub Rosa getting defended
All we need now is The Royale and we have the trifecta.
Threshold was terrible, Sub Rosa is max comfy though.
I forgot about mirror Hoshi
anyway trip was ok, they could have played up the reed+trip friendship a bit more and his death was stupid
also porthos was the real mvp
Sub Rosa was directed and acted pretty well, despite the cheesy writing. At least it wasn't boring
I want you Phlox lovers out of my damn thread.
"If Wishes Were Horses" is the ultimate Star Trek pleb filter.
Move Along Home is a close #2
Dax Sandwich does not a good episode make.
>At least it wasn't boring
I said the EXACT same thing about Threshold. It wasn't boring in the least. Absurd, not until the last five minutes.
People who hate it are typical groupthink guppies who associate their opinions to the consensus.
Threshold's conclusion was ridiculous and wrapped up an interesting concept in an embarrassing and baffling manner.
Good timing.
The Royale was a good episode. It's nothing amazing but it was an interesting storyline and comfy setting, plus we got to see some good character interactions.
You know what the difference is between Jadzia and the wormhole?
There's a few alien species that haven't been inside the Wormhole yet?
Pleb Filter for each Star Trek show
Spock's Brain
Sub Rosa
Profit and Lace
can't think of any
All of it