Why the fuck should I go to Uni and study hard in STEM to get a great job, get married, have a house and child...

Why the fuck should I go to Uni and study hard in STEM to get a great job, get married, have a house and child, only to get fucked by property taxes, divorce courts, child support, income tax, and society in general hating successful white men? Why shouldn't I just check out and become a NEET?

Okay, I'll swallow this bait. You can sign a prenup, and even if it isn't your first choice, invest your money smartly faggot. Get a nice financial lawyer, financial analyst and an accountant. These people studies for years in order to learn how and where to funnel and hide your money. Don't be a DIY pleb.

So do it and don't make stupid threads.

Hi /pol9k/

B/c after the leftist culture of your 18-24 years clears youll be stuck saying "Why the fuck didnt i go to Uni and study STEM to get a great Job"

White Genocide

That's Why

Because if you don't move your ass now, you will end up like me, and it sucks so fucking hard...

Wait till America Is Great Again

>Why the fuck should I go to Uni and study hard in STEM ...

Because the alternative is majoring in a social "science", like psychology. Don't make the same mistake I did.

>Why the fuck should I go to Uni and study hard in STEM to get a great job

You went too far. This is where you stop.