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First for Ezra is a vanilla virgin

All right /swco/, Thanks to a super kind user I've now got Empire at War (plus forces of corruption) and I'm trying to install the Battlefront commander mod on the steam version. I've put the mods data file in the corruption/mods folder and put the swfoc MODPACK=Mods\Data thing and the mod just doesn't appear when I launch the game. After that I tried moving the scripts and XML folders into the main foc data file but then the game gets stuck in the loading page. Could somebody who's installed this mod give a play by play for retards on how to install?

reminder that that K2 is the illest droid

You know better than that, user

Would you watch Worldstar Wars?



>"I'd just as soon kiss a Wookie"
>"Somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way"
>didnt hug chewie after han died
>personal ship is manned only by white humans
>made disgusted face when Lando kissed her hand
>used Ewoks as cannon fodder
There were white human supremacists in Star Wars but it wasn't the Empire.

Nah, she is just bitchy
She likes non humans very much

Best husbando

Just read the new issue of Aphra. Theory time:
>The Ordu Aspectu was a movement in the Jedi that theorised on how to live forever likely to save innocents and lead the galaxy to a paradise where nobody dies.
>The Council thought that with life never going back into the cosmic force would cause the end of existence itself so they opposed the Ordu.
>The Ordu had recruited a bunch of padawans to their cause and these padawans were prepared to sacrifice themselves in a ritual to test whether they could bring someone back from the dead.
>The Jedi saw this as a huge threat because if the ritual worked and became commonplace they could be up against an enemy that can never be stopped that will eventually destroy the force.
>Rur didn't want conflict so he told his men to use non lethal force.
>The 'Jedi always seek immortality' thing may mean that ancient Jedi constantly meditated on becoming force ghosts and the Ordu Aspectu may have inspired the Jedi to ban the rituals needed to become a force ghost leading it to become a long lost art by the time of Qui-Gon.
>One of his men, a torgruta named Amon, killed a Jedi in his anger at the Order.
>The machine may have fucked up and sent Garn to the Unknown Regions.

>Go online and find a huge backlash over Vader's badass line in R1 being OoC

>I have altered the deal pray I don't alter it further Vader
>No disintegrations Vader
>He will not be permanently damaged Vader
>Perhaps you feel you've been treated unfairly? It would be unforunate if I had to leave a garrison here Vader
>We would be honored if you would join us Vader

How do people forget Vader is a cocky cunt who was always eager to rub his power in people's faces and the first to jump into and lead a battle. The dude is the hand of the man who rules the galaxy and still leads boarding parties and takes his TIE out to fuck with rebels.

>Rur and his men became extremely powerful and nearly impossible to kill in the ritual. He found the Rakattan Empire and they worshipped them as Gods.
>They initially wanted to reform the Empire but after many assassination attempts (as per their culture, not because they disliked them) and seeing life go to waste around them constantly they decided to use the death in the Rakattan Empire to give themselves more power.
>Because there was a Jedi, Amon (who now hates Jedi) and tons of Ordu working together now there was tons of conflict. This conflict led all of them further to the dark side and began what would be years of conflict and civil wars in the Sith.
>Rur lived for thousands of years and reformed the Rakattan Empire into the Zakuul Empire.
>He then invaded the galaxy and tried to destroy the Jedi. His religion of infinite power was eventually formalized into the Sith.
>Eventually the Jedi killed Rur but they fought the Sith for years until Darth Bane made the Rule of Two and went into hiding.
Also if you look closely at the picture that's burning in Aphra's house in the flashback you'll notice it's Rur with his evil version armor and his good version hair.

I still can't believe they just casually gave is the canon version of (what I think is) the creation of the Sith in a comic book. Gives me hope that well see more Old Republic stuff sooner than I initially thought.

But user, we know what happened

Also something else I just thought of. What if the Jedi created holograms because initially they would pass on knowledge by becoming force ghosts but when the Order banned the force ghost rituals they created mechanical means of keeping a Jedi's sentience, just not in a literal sense so it wouldn't possibly threaten the force.

Meant to say holocrons.



Those two need to make it into a movie. Droids are so fucking good in Star Wars.


disney btfo

aotc & rots = absolute kino

Yeah right. Your innocence is adorable, user.

I'd much rather have them recanonize HK-47, might as well go with the original egde droid, and he was funnier anyhow.

Not these droids. They were funny for an issue or two but they've worn out their welcome.

Not at all.

>best StarWaifu
>kill in her first movie
Feels bad.

>Zakuul Empire.
>Mary Sue: the faction
That's probably the worst thing in EU. Bioware went completely off the rails due to to EU's being discontinued.

I like Beetee, and thus far 000 is much better in this comic, as is Aphra.

I'm now looking forward to the Dr.'s capers.

At least she'll never be spoiled


Can we get a webm of Hera punching Lando in the balls?

she and cassian live on in force heaven, having afterlife babies

Daily reminder that Ezra is a buttslut

Here you go.

Suggest Filenames.

Yes, isn't it delightful?

>"The dignity of death ought to be preserved. Rogue One’s resurrection is a digital indignity"

Do some people love to just moan?

>Suggest Filenames.
Twi'lek dominatrix crushes client's balls

Pay said moaning twats no attention. It's how I get by.

So has it been explained yet how Anakin was able to become one with the force?

I actually agree, the Tarkin thing was gross and made me feel sick.

anakin was destroyed by vader, but when anakin was finally able to overcome vader, he was finally able to redeem himself


That doesn't explain how he was able to become a force ghost though. Obi Wan and Yoda had studied Gui Gon's teaching, Anakin did none of that. Is it going to be a case of where they say hes so powerful in the force he can just do it?

>tfw you fall into the autistic screeching quadrant

That sounds fucking awful

So why the fuck can there only ever be two sith going on at the same time?

There's always the sith lord and his apprentice. Why can't there be multiple like the Jedi?

There can

rule of two is just a meme

The nature of the dark side encourages violent competition. If there are loads they will just keep killing each other. So there is one to lead and one to learn and once the Sith who has learned all they can, they kill the master and repeat the cycle. Jedi are just chill and get on with it.

>Cushing's long time friend was deeply moved and whole heartedly approved of the CG Tarkin
>Some moralizing twats think they know better
Freedom of speech was a mistake

almost done with Rebels season 2 the Seventh Sisters hat is fucking stupid the Grand Inquisitor was way cooler

also Felicity Jones looks like a monkey

There can be many sith at once
There used to be as many as the jedi, but due to the nature of the Dark side, they would constantly bicker and fight for power. Weaker sith would band together and destroy stronger master, and then proceed to fight among themselves until only 1 remained, weaker than the previous master. Bane saw this, and reformed the order so that there was only one master and one apprentice, with the apprentice having to defeat the master on their own, so that each next master would be stronger than the last

I distinctly remember seeing somewhere that canon Bane was killed by the Jedi, Is that true?

You take that back
You take all of that back

One day Filoni, one day

>Hating on the BIG HAT

One day, one day

What the fuck was his problem?

Pretty sure someone tweeted Pablo about this a while ago and he said that he'd be okay with this being canon. I might be wrong though.

Was that the same rebel in stormtrooper armour when Han and Leia leave the bunker?

>>Do you miss me yet Sup Forums,Episode 10 pls bring him back

Yes, yes he is

No, the Sith should stay dead

>tfw they made Dexter Jettster into a jedi and it was cool as hell

He tried to make right chose but failed.

Delta Squad is much better in the books :))

They're all smug, ultra confident macho clones that are proud of the fact they've never lost a brother and have been together since birth

Should Seth voice Sheev on Rebels?

Till Kashyyyk happened

Thanks Disney for saving Sev tho

I always thought Cade was the worst part of Legacy.

How the fuck did Ahsoka go from tween to late teen in the course of like, a single episode of TCW?

I was here asking why she suddenly got a second lightsaber earlier, but now she grew the fuck up.

Yeah, as usual, normies having opinions on films they clearly never actually watched.

Stay sassy, Vader.

They were inconsistent about how old Ahsoka was intended to be in the early years of TCW. Originally she was like 11, but they settled on making her 14. Her grownup model is her at like 16-17 years old.


Well she went from kid to 17 in season 3. Please tell me she won't suddenly be kid again like 4 episodes from now.

pic related sums it up perfectly

I don't think she reverts back to her younger model very much, if at all. Most of the episodes after take place in the latter half of the Clone Wars.

that depends on whether or not they credit Cushing for the portrayal. If not - it's CGI Tarkin, if yes - it's CGI Cushing as Tarkin

She was 14 at the start of the clone war, and 17 by the end of it.

just fucking kill me already

Yeah, but when the show first started, the behind the scenes material introduced her as 11. Her final, canon age was eventually given as 14.

But Rex has to die while fist fighting Cody on top of a Star Destroyer as it crashes through the atmosphere

So is there even a point of watching rebels now?

Rouge One basically confirms Ezra and Kanan are dead or they fucked off out of the rebellion.

There's a timeskip of about half a year in Season 3.

She only actually goes from a late-14-year-old to 15.

Remember the Clone Wars only happens across 3 years, and the show neither starts nor ends exactly where the war does.

She was going to get another model update in Season 6-8 to represent her being 16 in the final months, but alas

No it doesn't

>Rouge One basically confirms Ezra and Kanan are dead

I'm interested what gives you that idea

Somebody pointed out that, like Ahsoka in RotS, Ezra and Kanan could be off dealing with Maul for all we know.

Or another problem we just don't know about yet.

There's nothing to suggest Ezra/Kanan died or left. Sure it's entirely possible, but not certain. The only certainty is that Hera is promoted to General by the time the Alliance forms at Yavin IV, and that she and Chopper are still kicking around and living in the Ghost.

The rest of the characters fates are unknown.

Some people pointed out that it doesn't look like the Phantom is attached to the Ghost.

Each season of Rebels has been covering about a year. They're a little less than two years away from ANH currently, and they have seven seasons planned, so it probably will go through the movies. Ezra and Kanan aren't going away before the end of the show.

I'm not really saying they're going away in Rebels but like. Either they're going to leave the Rebellion because their presence there just makes things harder and more complicated, Or they do just die. Like hell what said about Maul Ezra and Kanan could just go fuck off out of the Rebellion like i'm saying and go deal with Maul.

Ezra and Kanan are known to be alive by the Empire.

By A New Hope, they need to be presumed dead.

Plus it would also make no sense for Kanan to still be with the Rebels while Luke is around cause someone like Kanan could clearly see Luke's power.

One of my friends didn't even realize Tarkin was CGI. Which says less about the effect and more about the fact that she needs to get glasses or something.

So Tarkin was CGI but what about Leia? Like obviously that was Fisher voicing her but was that CGI also or just a good look a like?

Like i'm 90% sure it's CGI but just wondering.

I didn't realize it ether, until he commanded to shot Krennic

Quick commercial promo for "Ghost of Geonosis"




maybe after ESB, but before RotJ, Luke met with kanan, squeed over a real jedi, but finds out that kanan was only a padawan, but gets some practical lightsaber and force tips, and naturally excels and eventually surpasses kanan

this could explain how he could have gotten stronger between ESB and ROTJ without yoda


You guy think they'll ever re-canonize these guys?

Ragnos especially was awesome as fuck. Leading the Sith during their golden age.

whoops forgot pic