What are you?

According to pic related.

My compass is on another device but libertarian conservatism master race any1?

Other urls found in this thread:


Political compass is kind of worthless. I come up as soc dem but despise most soc dem policies because theyre carried out so poorly and heavy handedly.

What am I?

A nigger

Thanks Ameribro

I certainly wouldn't consider the social democracy my ideal form of government.

Just fuck off and don't tax me for stupid shit. Put in a flat tax and make people save their own money. I'm done seeing 30% get flushed down the shitter every payday.

Classical Marxism for me

Reminder for all the unwashed masses, that communism is defined (by Marx, Trotsky, et al) as a purely STATELESS society. Notice how Stalinism and Maoism are in the upper left corner (statist/authoritarian), this is what most associate with communism, completely ignorant that these regimes were originally proposed as a "transition" government (protip: they never transitioned, absolute power corrupts and all). Also, the first anarchists were communists. Anarcho-capitalists still believe in state-enforced claims to property, hence why Rothbard (who coined the term anarcho-capitalist) admitted that the movement was not anarchist, as it relied on a pre-determined legal code to be enforced by courts.

>Put in a flat tax

I don't think it's reasonable or will happen anytime soon, but I want to see the government shrink. I think the flat tax will go over far more smoothly rather than the outright repeal of the 16th Amendment and replacing it with something that puts STRICT limits on the ability of Congress to levy taxes.

a woman

>Fascism upper right instead of upper center
>No authoritarian monarchies or theocracies to its right
You want to know how I can tell you're retarded?

No idea. I believe some areas of society the government should fully control as a monopoly.

Criminal justice
Civil justice and dispute resolution.

I also believe that in other areas, the government can compete as a market participant, to set a standard. But generally the government should avoid interfering with the market via regulation.

Post dumps of different political quizzes pls


People are all greedy af by nature. We need the government to referee the economy so we don't end up like India with no middle class.

that compass thing is complete shit

>When you are troubled, it's better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things

I mean WTF

The income tax needs to go away altogether. It was supposed to be levied only in times of war, but seeing as how we don't fight wars in the traditional sense and meddle way too much, big daddy guv doesn't need income tax.

Consumption/luxury and land tax are the only forms of taxation I will ever support and even then they should be kept very small so government is continually starving on meager rations.

paleo-libertarianism i guess

Which site do you guys use to test?

what quiz is the one on the left?


Libertarian Conservative according to this

An idiot

I think political spectrum simulator

wanna know how i know you're retarded

Lib cap here. Technically neo lib.

Simple but accurate representation

Abolish the state and abolish the self. That's my philosophy.

>social liberalism

Yeah... no.

what's the top right one?


mfw neoconservative who browses Sup Forums for keks
(don't worry I'm a trump supporter)

Can't remember off hand. Politicaltest maybe?

between democratic socialism and social democracy

one of these, but im too lazy to figure out which one from my list it is for you.



>wanna know how i know you're retarded

Want to know how I know you're retarded af?


So I guess neo conservative?

Somewhere striding the left right point at the libertarian side of the spectrum. I'm an engineer, so I view simpler systems as more efficient. Less government, simpler system, more efficient.

This isn't to say government should have no authority, but limited.

BTW my ideal economy is powered by small businesses which rise and fall between the 5-10 year mark. At worst, this is corporate socialism but only for small businesses. At best, because there are 10,000 places of employment instead of 100, hundreds of times more people will be employed leading to a low or zero unemployment rate.

I'm a God damn American

Little bootlicker statist, probably a Christfag too.

>there are sub 100 IQ retards that think they know what's best for everyone

All of these compasses are completely wrong becuase they only view things as black and white. The fact that nazis are located towards the center proves the point. There's needs to be a more diverse range of questions asked with actual answers. No just, "Sort of agree."

A Paleo-Conservatist

Thanks boys. Might as well post results.

the chart on the left has actual answers about government policies instead of personal questions I think its much more accurate but its a lot technical so normies don't like it

oh hey,another bourgeois patriot.

i didn't even know that test was capable of giving two people the same definition, considering what id seen of it from other Sup Forums threads.


I don't think it's too accurate

The people of NZ deserve state funded healthcare, education and justice system.

We can afford this with some re-arranging of the taxation system.

The standard of living of the average NZ citizen should be what most economic and social policy is aimed at improving.

Laws to protect the rights of the individual and the employee are important.

Free speech should NEVER be infringed.

Fuck immigration. Fuck feelings. If some faggot wants to buttfuck another faggot and get married it doesn't matter.

If I call him a faggot and don't want to serve or hire him at my place of business, that is indeed my business.

From the citizens perspective, anything that doesn't infringe upon the rights of others should be legal. Animals do need protection from cruelty however.

The environment needs to be protected from corporation and consumer alike. The only way to do this is by regulation and law.

Parents cannot be trusted to physically punish their children. They also cannot be trusted to choose to cut the tip of their child's dick off, or inject them with hormones. These are breaching the rights of a young citizen.

I'm not sure how that puts me where I am on this graph, but whatever. I'm 21 and if the shift in my political opinions in the last 10 years is anything to go by, I'll probably be thinking differently a few years from now.


Libertarian market socialism and syndicalism


www. filteries.com

It's pretty good. I recommend it.

Same here user, the faggots in our government couldn't organise a chook raffle in a pub without fucking it up


What meme is this?

yea, thats why I like isidewith.com the best

National Socialism

This entire chart soon to be replaced with
'Anti white'

true anarchist: complete absence of government over me - only truly possible if 100% of other people are dead (please god)