What are you?

According to pic related.

My compass is on another device but libertarian conservatism master race any1?

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Political compass is kind of worthless. I come up as soc dem but despise most soc dem policies because theyre carried out so poorly and heavy handedly.

What am I?

A nigger

Thanks Ameribro

I certainly wouldn't consider the social democracy my ideal form of government.

Just fuck off and don't tax me for stupid shit. Put in a flat tax and make people save their own money. I'm done seeing 30% get flushed down the shitter every payday.

Classical Marxism for me

Reminder for all the unwashed masses, that communism is defined (by Marx, Trotsky, et al) as a purely STATELESS society. Notice how Stalinism and Maoism are in the upper left corner (statist/authoritarian), this is what most associate with communism, completely ignorant that these regimes were originally proposed as a "transition" government (protip: they never transitioned, absolute power corrupts and all). Also, the first anarchists were communists. Anarcho-capitalists still believe in state-enforced claims to property, hence why Rothbard (who coined the term anarcho-capitalist) admitted that the movement was not anarchist, as it relied on a pre-determined legal code to be enforced by courts.

>Put in a flat tax

I don't think it's reasonable or will happen anytime soon, but I want to see the government shrink. I think the flat tax will go over far more smoothly rather than the outright repeal of the 16th Amendment and replacing it with something that puts STRICT limits on the ability of Congress to levy taxes.

a woman