I've Been Trolling pol With This Pic For Weeks

But now I feel Trump is going to win...

Will there be a place for me in the Trumpian dystopia?


you have to go back


Go back

>will there be a place for me?

Yes. On the wall catapult.

did anyone really care about this?

off yourself you specky cunt

Rest easy, the majority of people don't care about emails or health. They don't care about taxes or walls either.

People care about feeding themselves and going to the bar. And the Republicans have done a shit job convincing any but the hardcore fringe that either is in danger. The economy is doing well. That means Trump needs to weaken Hillary in other ways that matter. Which he hasn't remotely done.

This election was decided over a year ago. It was never going to be anyone but Hillary. No matter what a bunch of manlet balding raging white guys say online.

you can still repent, just vote for the god emperor this November

There's no place for backstabbers, traitors, or turncoats anywhere in the world.

All Hillary supporters will be sent by train to a camp where they will be reeducated. Your posts and IP have been noted and your name is already on the list.

Or UNDER the wall as foundation

You forgot that some would end as a soap bar some as lampshades

no youre ditch material

Shhh....! Were not supposed to talk about it till they are all on the trains.

You get the gas just like we told you the first time

No, you will hang with all the rest.

Commit your life and your soul to Holy Kek and you will be spared.

No one was born to the true faith. We all began as something else, and one by one heard the call of the frog of darkness.

You're going to die ese.

The shit with the Khans was a tempest in a teapot. The subliminal implication was that Trump was somehow responsible for the loss of their son and wouldn't take responsibility, which is of course complete and utter bullshit as shown in .

When people ultimately realized the entire feud was predicated on this unwritten rule that you are not allowed to talk back when a goldstar family talks shit about you, they stopped paying attention. The media stopped paying attention too, when it came to light that the Khans stood to lose a lot of business under Trump's immigration policy, and that little conflict of interest was not something they wanted to report on.

You should've known better. When the day comes, people like you get the rope.