>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited a gender-segregated mosque Monday morning whose imam is a member of a group considered a terrorist organization abroad.
>Samy Metwally, the lead imam at the Ottawa Muslim Association, is a “a member of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS)”, according to the mosque’s website. In 2014 the United Arab Emirates placed the group on its list of designated terrorist organizations.
Nice trips. It's not that he's not important enough to assasinate; Muslims love his feminine ass. I remember a tweet showing some country celebrating the apparent conversion of Trudeau to Islam.
Jayden Parker
>apparent Well, at least I meant that he never outright said he was Muslim. But actions speak louder than words. He's been sucking Muhammad's cock.
Nicholas Allen
How sexist!
Jack Price
Jesus Canada, get your shit together.
Dylan Perez
Easton Morgan
One more ironic point. He talked about Canadian values already, utilizing those exact words. Remember that a Conservative MP surveyed people if they wanted to screen incoming immigrants for anti-Canadian values. Both conservatives and liberals pretty much called her a racist and xenophobe for this, with liberals even saying that there are no Canadian values. Yet here we have Trudeau, not even one month later, talking about Canadian values.
Lucas Hernandez
Ryan Cook
and a faggot to boot eh BOOT A BOOT BBOT BOOT EH A A A EH EH BOOT