No actress on earth could play her because she's stunning and flawless.
Jenny Nicholson is a goddess
Other urls found in this thread:
the grinch
Wheres this girls jaw?
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Discounting fat women ...jenny is the epitome of average female
I'd still bang her inside out though
>desiring a strong female jawline
Has Jenny reported on that guy yet? Is she still pure?
Reminder Grace Randolph>Jenny
I like and support Jennyposting but this post is pure cringe.
stop that.
Is she completely missing her jaw?
I don't know why this girl is blowing up. She isn't funny or particularly knowledgeable. I also hate her squeaky voice.
But I guess being easy on the eyes and acting like le quirky geek girl is still enough to garner some attention.
>that voice
>dumb as a bag of rocks
Literally the perfect woman.
I wanna marry Grace!!!!
weak chin
Is Grace trans?
her interview with max landis was enjoyable
her videos went viral and she got hired by screen junkies. being a viral sensation is enough to "blow up" these days.
she has always been a geek. she was a known figure in the MLP fandom. this isn't new to her. just you.
That Grace picture kinda makes her look like a creepy homeschooled girl.
True, I don't know her backgroung, so thanks for the info.
But are you really implying that being "a known figure in the MLP fandom" gives her (or ANYONE, really) some nerd cred or geek cool??
>jenny meeting jay draws closer
Delet this
remember when he was chunky
what happen
So people on this board know about FiW? I'm legitimately curious
Lena Paul
jump off a cliff
max landis is hittin that
I have a sinking feeling all that Star Wars trash isn't ironic like it is with RLM...
Jenny on RLM would either be amazing or just plain autistic. Either way I'd watch it.
She's cute in the sense that if I knew her I would have a chance of banging her
you just ruined lena for me
That whole series is Jenny subtly poking holes in Max Landis' ideas. That's not chemistry.
She's mentally ill. No really. I used to share an office with her. She's off and psychotic and paranoid that everyone's out to get her. Her movie taste also sucks. So... keep your dream girl I guess.
I ship it
No she was very famous in the MLP fandom. It looks like you guys don't know the story of FiW: Jenny Nicholson and her friend Griffin Lewis were famous for creating a parody of MLP Friendship is Magic called "Friendship is Witchcraft." Jenny voiced nearly all the characters, and the premise of the show was just taking MLP episodes and adding stuff like gypsies and curses to the show. It's plot was that Pinkie Pie was an orphan girl, who wanted to make a portal to bring back her parents. The portal was going to bring back 9 people, which included her two parents. Subplots included a war in the past, where Applejack committed numerous war crimes and Rarity deserted. Apparently some ponies are robots without knowing it, and if they ever find out they are robots they would destroy Ponyville. And Fluttershy was a cult leader trying to bring back Smooze, a villain from the 1980s MLP show. Friendship is Witchcraft actually received some attention outside the MLP fandom, and it was well known for its clever dialogue and original music. You can watch the show here
They made 9 episodes and 2 shorts, but their 10th episode proved two complicated to make, so it was done as a live reading with Jenny and Griffin.
no but max's shirt is pretty hilar tho
I really want to kiss her. Sorry if I'm being too lewd.
absolutely disgusting. say 5 hail marys you pervert.
Did she fuck Signore to get her star war show?
She seems like the type of person who grinds up on table corners
Nah she probably humps all those plush toys she owns.
you people are idiots.
Obviously the guy was a beta faggot. His "sexual harrasment" was probably just a cringey compliment made at some secretary.
>a raging manchild
>Jenny is a childless 30 year old woman
She was already ruined by niggers, user.
Is she easy though?
Look, guys. I get. You're virgins. You're lowering your standards. But this is way too much. She's fucking disgusting.
>horse lover
confirmed batshit insane
such an ugly person, such an ugly face, such an ugly girl / woman, just an ugly existence in general. her ugliness fills me with rage for some reason, nothing but pure ugliness. Only ugly people are attracted to her because they are ugly and think she will fuck them
Jaws are for men, user.