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Inb4 barneyposter
i dont know what you fucking expect
>that audience score
confirmed for pure kino
Lee loves mlp else he wouldn't bitch about it so much.
>had their dick out for the duration of this movie
>tfw saw blade runner instead of this
Feels bad
Where the fuck is Barneyposter?
I think he died
We need barneyposter
of course i will NOT be watching this haha
He's at home because everyone hates him so much he doesn't even have the chance for a normal life outside of Sup Forums. I hate pedophiles like everyone else but Jesus Christ he lets it contaminate every facet of his life.
Animated kino desu
Is this the reason blade runner is failing?
average movie-goers found it too long
Not even the same kind of markets.
BR is for sci-fi fags, general moviegoers who are attached to big names like Ford and Gosling, and the few remaining decrepit fans of the original movie.
MLP is for hordes of manchildren and pre teen girls.
It's time to cleanse the critics
daily reminder that Sup Forums got BTFO
The movie should've come out 2-3 years ago at the height of it's popularity, now the series is dead and this movie is the final nail in the coffin.
I used to be pretty big into the show but I don't think the movie captured its strenghts very well.
Old pic. It's at 57% now (17 to 13).
it's the antibody alliance
Is appealing to a niche group of pedophile autists a strength?
you mean Sup Forums?
I miss Barneyfag already.
>I don't like this, so I better blame the jews with le epic meme parentheses