I'm fucking pissing my pants

I'm fucking pissing my pants.
>Sam's Jamaican rasta impression
I swear to god I'll fucking piss myself.

Sam Hyde general I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot the link, here it is


to anyone who never heard this before, you're in for a treat

another career killed by sam hyde. rip fantano

Its sad TND through him under the bus a bit
>DUDE! I wouldn't have had him on my show if I knew he was alt right xP I don't associate myself with him anymore

Did he really do that, though? That's fucked up.

He said it on his response to the hit piece. In fairness he didn't say word for word he doesn't associate himself with him anymore, but Fantano is very very politically correct and I haven't seen any kind of acknowledgement towards Sam since he went political, which is weird since they used to go back and forth all the time.

You numales are little stasis. I got one so triggered he was trying to find out where I worked.

Fatango is a liberal pussy what do you expect? Also that bit where he claims Sup Forums came to him is bullshit. That faggot was spamming threads about himself back in like 2012.

fantano IS a pussy for roiling over but the whole genre of liberal hit piece for anyone not towing the line that has been legitimized over the past few years is ridiculous.

He even says he used to browse Sup Forums before he ever made videos

>That faggot was spamming threads about himself back in like 2012.
That's why I never really got into TND, I remember the spam and it just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I don't even lurk Sup Forums anymore but whenever I pop in to see what's up there I see something about Fatano..

He doesn't review music he just describes it

He didn’t. In the beginning of the podcast he says that the views of Sam Hyde are not related to his own views. That’s probably the classiest way of disagreeing with someone and still conversing with them.

How would you review something without describing the characteristics of the thing? Fucking idiot.

That's the only option he has really and a lot of what he said was true. sam can take it anyway.

I doubt melon dislikes sam.

Thumbs up thumbs down pretentious retard

How about standing up to yourself instead of letting yourself get bullied and be a pussy? He could have said fuck you fader, but instead hes like n-no not me! I'm not a racist, go after him! I love black people! Here's proof!

Stop shilling this turd here


Take this racist back to Sup Forums where he belongs.

You can't reason with libtards it's like a cult where they can't acknowledge the "others"

no way he didn't expect this to happen eventually. fantano knew what he was doing when he started shitposting and reviewing memes. even then who cares have a fucking spine. sam is fucking annoying 90% of the time but shitting on that Buzzfeed reporter was the best thing he ever did. these people don't deserve respect or professionalism.

Remember when Sam fucked with Tim Cuckdecker on his own show, completely destroying him and reddit came here to try to convince us that was the opposite and that Sam was a loser? And then Trump won and they had something else to whine about

I don't like Jamaican Sam but I like black Sam

sheeeeeeit forgot the link

hahaha this guy is so funny and not a hack at all

REMEMBER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They're still butthurt and shit up every MDE thread, see

How could we forget good old uncle Sam Hyde

facts, I can't stand that alt-right asshole Fantano. stupid melon

reddit general


wheres this hit piece on fantano you're discussing?


When contacted for comment, Hyde asked the reporter if he was Jewish and then boasted that $5,000 was nothing to him. ... “Don’t worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters. That’s a quote.”


This reminds me of Tim Heidecker's appearances on Comedy Death Ray but Tim has much more comedic skill and innate talent (plus his own tv shows)

His last appearance on CBB with Brett Gelman was legendary

Post your favourite vertical video(s). I like going back to them regularily and sometimes still find videos I haven't seen yet

he cucked out so bad, fuck him

a lil'



>Eric wearing a Rubchinsky t-shirt

What a beast


actually made me laugh just thinking of the song

same, a lot of people say they haven't got it anymore, but if their new show is anything like that sketch I'll be on the floor in tears the entire time

that says mishka

fuck fantano and anyone that calls themselves a fan of him