This website was just a backwater for some Internet pranks a few years ago. But this election... it's evolved us into something new. Something grand. Something that has a hand in the world, a force so powerful that our "meme magic" is no longer just a joke, but a passive force on the globe.
Pepe is a nationalist icon.
The GOP are cucks.
Nudes of bad actresses have filled people's eyes.
All because of us. What... happened? What changed? Was it the hand of god? A freak accident? A failed Jewish idea to contain us?
it would appear that when we split in two during the exodus we doubled our shitposting abilities.
Tyler Rivera
Sup Forums is always right
Henry Nguyen
>A failed Jewish idea to contain us?
Yes, it was this. After seeing Chanology and popularity it brought Sup Forums was slowly inundated with normies, there wasn't even a word for them here until after that had happened. This flood was meant to purge Sup Forums of its underground, it did not, it only diluted it.
The fresh flood of human beings brought in all new kinds of faggotry and destroyed much of the might of the old fags. But, the mighty old fags did not fall into the night silently, a portion of their spirits corrupted the sickly hordes of newfags and has continued to grow and fester, reaching out further and further from its ancient ocean of piss every day.
This is the result.
Grayson Rodriguez
Seems as if you tripled it, friend.
Oliver Wright
And with thst power we awakened an ancient evil, a chaotic god of darkness that feeds on repeating numerals