I had a strange dream about Trump and Hillary last night.
After waking up around 3am, I couldn't fall back asleep.
I don't know why, but I sculpted this totem of Pepe.
I'm no artist.
I also live a short walk from Trump Plaza.

>What should I do, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

The Call of Cthulhu has beckoned you

Go place it inside the grounds

I honestly feel very strange that I felt compelled to sculpt pepe in the morning, and later in the day the MSM and Hillary go crazy with the alt-right pepe conspiracy.
>Is this the power of meme magic?


>Someone asked me earlier to explain the dream, but I fell back asleep.

So the dream was set in a kind of void. I can't say that it was in outer space, but it felt like that in a way.The only source of light was one big white light right above everything - basically looked like the sun but a lot dimmer (like a stagelight).

Anyway, I was just spectating. Like, I wasn't present physically, but I was watching.
Hillary and Trump were on this huge disk (which was just floating in this void), standing on opposite ends with this weird looking metal thing in the middle.The metal thing looked like a girl who was ballet dancing but she wasn't moving. The only other thing around was this really big prism floating above everything.

Trump was sitting in what looked like a stone throne with a big curly "v" on top and he was talking like there was a crowd (but no one was there). And he wasn't speaking english, it was like latin or something. He looked pretty normal but he had a red cloth draped over him.

But on the other side, Hillary was... like, pacing around and getting really cartoonishly angry. Her face was getting really blue (i guess from holding her breath?). She had a tan/yellow stone podium that was really low to the ground and wide . She was also standing between two really old looking yellowish stone pillars. oh, and hanging from the pillars was a guy upside down (his ankles were chained to each one of the pillars) and he was holding a pot or jug or something and water just kept flowing from it, but he was acting like it was spilling and he was trying to control it.
Anyway, Hillary was getting really mad because trump was basically ignoring her and acting like a leader, i guess. So she got more and more blue in the face, but it started to spread to the rest of her body, and she was totally blue. it was sort of calm for a second. Then the dancing lady in the middle smashed into a bunch of pieces and fell through the platform.Trump was still talking like normal, but Hillary started screaming "they have it they have it they have it" so loud and her mouth was opening really wide and it looked like her tongue was falling out.


I guess no one is interested? I'll let this thread die then.

Offer it as a gift.

I will always be interested.

Continue with your prophecy so we can interpret the will of kek

I am interested. Continue user.

No these dubs show your dream is a message from the meme god

I demand you continue

This could be a sign of things to come, you must continue.

I actually want to do this as well. I am going to do this. I am going to erect a statue of Kek outside of my housing development and post results.

I'm going to save this Pepe and there's nothing you can do about it.


>manifestation of kek on tv
>Clinton has severe medical problems
>Mass media and Clinton campaign go all in against Pepe
>pepe premonitions
I'm getting legit spooped guys

Kek will be angered by this faggottry.

west palm?

Okay, cool. As long as someone is lurking, I'll keep going.

So, yeah Hillary was screaming. I was really freaked out at this point. Screaming just freaks me out for some reason.
Anyway, Hillary's screaming looked like it broke Trump's concentration. He apparently had a bow and arrow, and he shot an arrow and shattered the hanging man's jug of water. He was weirdly relieved. I don't know if Trump meant to do that, he didn't really react.

So then Hillary seemed like insanely mad. I used to have this crazy girlfriend, who had mental problems (from being raped and abandoned as a kid), and Hillaryw as acting the same exact way. Like, pacing around screaming and ripping her hair out. I was honestly really freaked out.

Put it in a shrine (candles, books, weird goblets, etc) and make a picture for us

>Yes, I live in WPB.
>I walk by Trump plaza every single day (when walking my dog)

Anyone else been having unusually short sleeps lately? Feels like something big is coming.


thats cool, I have done some work in that building before. Cool place. I like west palm, Clematis is always a good night... keep peping

give it to the front desk.

Save it for the debates

Water in dreams signify emotions, perhaps Trump will cause Hillary to go apeshit on live T.V.

>I'm getting legit spooped guys
Me too. And if you can see in the photo, it's day time. I sculpted the pepe around 7am (as I said, becuase I couldn't sleep). That was WAY before any of the stuff on the news happened. I really don't even go on Sup Forums that often or follow any conspiracy things. I just felt compelled to sculpt pepe with some clay that was sitting on my dresser.

>I'll continue with the dream now, Sorry I am a slow typer.

ride the elevator to the top floor
find the emergency stairs
go up
open the door
place the object
return to your computer and post results

It's okay user. Kek is with you. We are with you.

Full Moon is coming up. That usually does it for me.

yeah me
also looks like kek is throwing everlasting life ankhs at some sort of chosen person, is that the pharoe?

Is this not the reason to coup the Faroe islands and install Trump if Hillary wins?

Zero Hour Draws Near

So after Trump broke the guy's water jug with his golden bow, these two giant horses come up behind him in a really bright flash of light. There was a horse on each side of him, and they looked like they were carrying him in a glowing chariot, but the chariot itself was moving (like, undulating), as if it was made from light beams or something.
So I turned back to Hillary and she started screaming again, but this time she was saying "OPEN IT OPEN IT OPEN IT"
And the big sun looking thing in the sky opened like a camera aperture and I could see these metal rings inside rotating.
>sorry, again, I'm a really slow typer.
>pic of the setting for perspective

Iä Iä Kekthulhu


I've been seeing paintings and sculptures of frogs on walls in my city and in peoples gardens respectively.

kek is undoubtedly real, his influence is building.
Soon the followers of kek will inherit the earth.

We need to find a dream interpreter, these could be signs of the future.


that's a pretty weird fuckin' dream man...

I wonder who the "hanging man" represents. That's an archetype from Tarot.

Bumping this thread for potential

>hanging from the pillars was a guy upside down (his ankles were chained to each one of the pillars) and he was holding a pot or jug or something and water

I swear I've seen this imagery somewhere, but I can't place it...

OP, hillary said you are part of a right wing death squad.

I'm telling mom.


Upright: Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice
Reversed: Martyrdom, indecision, delay

So the rotating metal things in the sun that opened up (they looked like gypsy danger's chest thing from pacific rim) started spinning faster and faster.
And then this giant beam of blackish purplish lightning electricity shot out of it and hit the prism. It scattered the dark light beam into a bunch of different colors, kind of like a normal prism - but the colors were more vibrant.

After the beam split, Hillary started doing that really creepy cackle. And then this giant fucking minatour rose up from behind hillary. It looked like a fucking Diablo 3 character. And it was massive. I feel like I'm almost going crazy just thinking about the size of it. It had this huge, like, cave in its stomach area on fire.

>I'm so sorry for being a slow typer.

Also, what should I do with the pepe?

During my dream i had last night everyone except me was pepe frogs. Trump was the president and the world had no crime and there was these strange beautiful colors that I can't even explain everywhere, colors i have never seen before. it was beautiful.
This is actually freaking me out now.

You the Reno guy who shouted pepe?

meme magic is just a meme r-right..?

Well fuck me, its Moloch

>And then this giant fucking minatour rose up from behind hillary. It looked like a fucking Diablo 3 character. And it was massive. I feel like I'm almost going crazy just thinking about the size of it. It had this huge, like, cave in its stomach area on fire.

>cave on fire in stomach


Put in pooper

No, I am not. I have neither been to a Hillary nor a Trump rally.
I was always planing on voting Trump, and I do support most of what he stands for, but I identify as an ancap/libertarian.

That's freaky. He was suspended between two pillars though.
I don't believe in tarot or astrology or psychics or anything like that, for the record.

That's a perfect description of the ancient god Moloch


OP, I think that was Moloch. And Kek is a personification of formless Chaos predating ordered existence, which is what you were floating in.

This was a weird ass dream with a lot of symbolic imagery. Do you usually recall dream details so vividly?

Hillery = Moloch pawn

Okay, this is getting more than just a bit weird. Is Sup Forums summoning demons?

I would highly recommend this series for a general intro into the "occult" sciences:

He talks a little too slow though, so you can watch it on 1.25 or 1.5 speed.

The good aspects of the occult aren't what people think -- it's really a system of mastering your own conscious thought processes and finding mental balance within yourself and your relation to the world. Eventually he gets into Tarot and how it relates to the Tree of Life from Qaballah.

I found it very interesting -- there's a lot more to it than meets the eye.

>super obvious tarot symbology
Yeah this is a cry for attention for someone's shitty Chris-chan pepe medallion, fuck off

Climb up the windows and deposit in the penthouse suite, you faggot.



Hanging man almost makes me think of Sup Forums reacting to the influx of newfags and misuse of memes after today.

someone cap this mothafuckin shit

In Tarot, the hanged man represents willing self-sacrifice. Putting aside self-interest and giving up something for the greater good. That's why one leg is free and his face is serene, he is there by his free will.

Perhaps in your dream the hanging man bound by both legs is not there by free will. He is being sacrificed by Hillary. Molech rising up confirms this idea, since he is the deity children are sacrificed too in exchange for material wealth or good harvests or whatever.

Not sure what the jug of water represents.


Throw it around at one of Hillary's rallies

Dancing lady?

Heh, nice. Maybe mail it to hillary.

Toasting in meme magic bread

>Not sure what the jug of water represents.
Maybe that was one of his 'rights' that he was afraid to lose or something? Like he could stay up there with no free will but he was allowed to drink water to survive. Maybe gun control related or something. The jug having infinite water may be a reference to the impossibility of guns being banned. Infinity has also been used by us to reference Kek and Infinitychan.

Seems like you might have a part to play in this crazy out there election or perhaps its not prophetic. Who really know. I would trust your instincts at this point. But to help you out I'll make some hazard guesses at what some of the dream symbols represent:

>bow and arrow
Usually represents anger

>Hanged Man
Did he look like anyone you've seen before? otherwise it might be the tarot card

>jug of water
purity, virginity. The guy being happy with it being broken could mean someone got laid. idk

>Hillary screaming
she is fucking losing the campaign if anything

Power, energy, strength

The old ways, the past

>Hillary screaming "open it"
idk but if it is something she wants it can't be that good, can it?

>big sun looking thing in the sky opened like a camera aperture and I could see these metal rings inside rotating
The sun is all about illumination and the camera is about bring things into focus. Idk about the rings.

>prism and color
different perspectives and emotions

>giant fucking minatour
god of the cuck Moloch

I hope this somewhat helps

for the water jug:

The Water Element – The Water Element affects the subconscious, emotions and dreams, it is the element of love and emotions. Constantly active beneath the surface, influencing our moods and emotional responses. The energy of water rules the west and its season is autumn, it purifies, heals, offers emotional release, and removes all that is stagnant. The energy of Water is feminine and is symbolised by the womb, it is related to fertility.

Within the home the bathroom and kitchen sink are ruled by Water, it also governs the living room, the area of social activity. Water is the element of medical environments, and the healing and caring professions. Its places are seas, lakes, rivers, marshes, wells, pools, and areas where the land is rain-drenched

Water personalities are spiritual, emotional, sensitive and very intuitive, often becoming involved in psychic work or mediumship. They approach life from a feeling perspective, rather than a thinking one, and can be quite spontaneous. In relationships they are empathetic and nurturing, but can be touchy. Too little Water makes them emotionally distant, with an inability to express themselves, causing them to keep people at arm’s length. In this instance they would be less empathetic, intuitive and psychic. Too much Water, takes all emotions to the extreme, making day to day functioning in the world difficult and possibly causing psychic overload.

Offer it libation OP

>Okay, so I drew this picture to show the minatour guy
>sorry, I'm not a great drawer
>I'm actually shaking shaking just thinking about it, hard to get a steady picture
>I drew the mouth wrong becuase I don't think I've ever drawn a bull head before

>also trying to type and draw as fast as I can, I haven't kept up with your guy's replies, sorry

Anyway, the dream was basically coming to and end now.
the Minatour was huge and freaky and had this weird gold and silver jewelry on.
Trump screamed in a way that was like "CHARGE!", and he raised the golden bow. And all these people (I couldn't see them very well because I was slowly moving further away) came running out from behind him. The huge minatour roared and the fire in his stomach bellowed and then it was like I was jerked backwards really quickly and I woke up, sweating and panting really hard.

Sorry if that's anticlimactic, but I don't want to make anything up that I didn't see in my dream.

>I'll read the replies now and take pic requests and questions.
>Thank you guys for being patient.

You've given me an interesting idea, OP.

What kind of clay did you use and how expensive is it?

Imagine the response if we all started making pepe sculptures and placed them around our towns and cities.

Yeah, it looked like that, but really huge and with a pieces of Jewelry on.
Is this guy significant?

I don't really believe in "occult" stuff. I've never been one of those kids interested in like greek mythology and stuff. Idk never interested me, but I'll watch this, thanks user.

>>jug of water
>purity, virginity. The guy being happy with it being broken could mean someone got laid. idk
Maybe a reference to cucks? They don't want to have sex with their girlfriends and will give up all their rights just to let Jamal and Omar fuck their girlfriends. Then Trump comes out and helps them realize that they shouldn't be afraid of being strong men who have sex with their girlfriends. Another interesting thing to take into account is that rape is a huge issue in politics today what with the rapefugees and whatnot and people like Trump are helping these cucks realize that their women are being stolen from them and they should try and breed so that the next generation aren't a bunch of dune coons and niggers.

Yeah, it looked like that pretty much. But looked like it was metal.
I couldn't really see too clearly becuase I was so far away from everything.

It's so funny to me how we dick around pretending to worship a cartoon frog god, just as a joke more or less, and the media is pushing it as our symbol and claims we actually have any power

Maybe we really should help push their narrative, Pepe/KEK is the new Flying Spaghetti Monster.

There are tons of rumors of the elite still worshiping him as a god.

I personally believe they do worship this old god but do so "ironically". Hillary would be his pawn.

It was basic sculpy I got on sale with a foil base. It was just felt over clay that was sitting on my dresser near my bed. I actually made a silicone cast of it, so I could make resin copies.
Again, I honestly have no idea why I made it or even go so far as to make a silicone mold of it. But if anyone wants one, idk maybe I can make molds and give them out at a rally or something?

>I personally believe they do worship this old god but do so "ironically"
So Molech is basically their Kek? Are we having a full meme war here?

Make a bunch of resin copies and post back to us.

Have you not been following the Clinton Foundation generals? Anons have been digging up connections to this Moloch character and private elite clubs like the Bohemian grove where people "ironically" sacrifice to this thing in effigy (and possibly actual sacrifices?) there have also been strange emails in the Hillary email leaks about Hillary needing to sacrifice chickens in the backyard to Moloch.

Also has a long history in the Bible. God commanded the Israelites to genocide the Canaanites if I remember correctly, because the Canaanites would sacrifice children to this Moloch.

Spoopy stuff, especially considering that you hadn't heard about it. Had you seriously not heard about any of this stuff?

>I actually made a silicone cast of it, so I could make resin copies.

Not bad, fellow /diy/?

He's spilling his water constantly, so it could also be a reference to masturbation, or "spilling your seed/lifeforce". Huge problem with the modern white male, which is why he's allowed himself to be strung up by both legs by the evil women's leader (Hillary).

When you don't masturbate, your vital fluid actually travels up your spine and is used to repair damage and give you energy. When you're constantly spilling it out you must expend energy for it to be replaced, which saps your creativity, etc.

>So Molech is basically their Kek?
Yes, why do you think the elite are so gun ho about abortions. That's Moloch's go to for sacrifices
>Are we having a full meme war here?
Yes, since the very beginning of this election.

Shit this is like Close Encounters with the Third Kind

What you'll realize after watching those vids is "occult" is way too broad of a term that covers too many things. "Occult" at its core is really just another way of organizing reality, and a lot of it relates to archetypes and how your mind works. It's as useful as any other science in my opinion, but it takes a lot of digging to get there.

Lol okay

I just like making props and stuff from movies and games. It's just a hobby. I'm not a great artist or sculptor, but I do like to create stuff.

>Have you not been following the Clinton Foundation generals?
I do not follow them.

>sacrifice children to this Moloch
Wtf why?? What is the bible passage, I'd like to read this

>Had you seriously not heard about any of this stuff?
Nope. Not a conspiracy person.

aye, this brother is wise

I was sitting by my pond with the frogs at around midnight with a migraine the other night and i had a hallucination.

>I felt like I was tripping
>a gap opened in the clouds
>I said to myself i see you
>the cloud changed shape into a set of eyes shaped like pepe
>it morphed into a person holding a baby
>then into a skeleton holding a baby
>then I felt normal

I must have been sitting there for an hour but felt weird mang, ibuprofen should not make you trip.

>you were born too late to explore the new world
>you were born too early to explore space
>you were born just in time to fight in an interdimentional demonic meme war for the fate of humanity

>implying it's a joke

Make thousands of resin copies, mail them to the elite, hide them in planned parenthood facilities, and spread them everywhere. Plague of Frogs 2016!

Thread theme:

That's actually true, they worship Moloch at the Bohemian Grove. There is footage of the "Cremation of Cares" ceremony. This is a good podcast on it: