You can pin point the exact moment capeshit died

You can pin point the exact moment capeshit died


James Gunn revealed to all what a hack he is with GoTG2. What immoral garbage.

>taking comic books seriously

Oh sweet Summer faggots...

*audience is dead silent waiting for the awkward scene to end*

I liked the first GotG, but it did set a pretty bad precedent.

Guardians was good though

Garbage entertainment for dumb people who feel clever they recognize songs in movies.

How old are you?

Why is groot so cringe, the entirety of gotg2 was a cringe fest. I accept I'm not the target audience but god damn it was hard to watch.

Sup Forums is still butthurt, why?
GotG was kino best Marvel film

What was the target audience again? It was filled with so much gore and death but at the same time, the quips were aimed at 5 year olds. Who is exactly the audience here? Overgrown children or sadistic kids?

1 was alright, 2 was pure garbage

it was first The Avengers movie

hi Sup Forums

he was the best thing about 2

Hey Reddit!


This guy was literally shoehorned in because Feige wanted a Superman copycat. The story forgets all about him in Civil War except to the five minutes in the airport fight. Very cynical and shit film making.

this. its been one huge shitty rehash ever since

My guess is 5-10 year olds and 35-50 year old parents. That's what I immediately thought while watching the movie.

Literally this

Go away

Is that poster real?

I dislike capecrap but Guardians I liked. The second one significantly less, but it had its moments.

Martian Manhunter died for this.

If I was a parent, I wouldn't want my five year olds seeing people suffocate in space and have people die gruesome deaths to the tune of 80's classics. And I personally wouldn't appreciate a movie that has overlong insulting quips.

Seems like the family model but in reverse. Instead of little violence followed with adult humor, GoTG2 takes the opposite direction.

fucking leave faggot

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Guardians of the Galaxy. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Starlord’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Guardians of the Galaxy truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Peter’s existential catchphrase “Dance off bro, you and me,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as James Gunn’s genius wit unfolds itself on their kinopex screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Marvel tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>What was the target audience again?
Little kids, it's the only way to make money these days

This was a really awkward scene. even for this movie. So fucking bad

I don't get why people are shitting on Cyborg. He's not meant to look slick or clean like Iron Man, he's meant to look unappealing, and unearthly because half of his body is fucking alien tech.

This is so fucking cheesy. It's Power Rangers level of cheese.

But that's why kids love it

No one actually cares about them. Parents just take their kids to see it because they suck ass at parenting.

Me paying money to watch Man of Steel was the moment it died for me.

not only does it look fake and gay. it's an all around retarded design.

>Finally I have become Guardians of the Galaxy
fucking really?

What was the last GOOD capeshit movie to come out? Dark knight for me.

Fuck you, Man of Steel was amazing.
What's so fake and gay about it?
What's so retarded about it?
You're only proving my point how you faggots are unreasonable

>personnel still surviving in the frankenpastas


i laughed, maybe you're a thin skinned faggot

Someone translate the butthurt Marvlet, I don't speak reddit lingo

That colonel was alpha as fuck. He went out the best way.

>laughing at toilet humor
Kill yourself

Doctor Strange


apparently you have no reading comprehension either

this tbqh, like 90% of people shouldn't be parents

>I don't get why people are shitting on Cyborg
Because it's an extremely over-complicated design, and the CG used for him looks very bad


are you fucking kidding me?

Guardians 1 was fucking shit, too

anyone who thought Guardians 2 was gonna be good was/is a delusional retard

Oh shit I forgot based Meloni was in MoS.

>personnel still surviving in the frankenpastas
Why the fuck would you use personnel? Just say people you fuckwit
>still surviving
What the fuck are you talking about?
Again, what the fuck are you talking about? Just say snowclones jesus christ

Batman Begins

>being so autistic that the leg design bothers you
Literally the only bad CGI i've seen so far of Cyborg is the promo posters, every promo poster for cape shit looks bad. And no shit it'll look complicated, the tech is made by the Gods, it's supposed to be hard to comprehend.
You cannot deny that pic related looks phenomenal. Because then I know you're stretching it

Literally every other iteration of Cy is better

>You cannot deny that pic related looks phenomenal
Okay you're just baiting now right?

I deny that it looks phenomenal.

Now kindly go stretch that pie hole of yours with that bag of dicks you keep handy.

>this shitty edited pasta
what kind of poor, broken human must you be to edit already shitty pasta to defend a shit movie's even shittier sequel

I'm not a parent but trying to think like one I would rather go see GotG2 than the emoji movie regardless of what's better for my kid

Please give me some of the drugs you're using that make you think what you just posted looks 'phenominal'

Did iron man kill Robert Downey jrs career? I feel bad for him.

>pleblets can't appreciate The Thinking Man's android
Typical brainlets.
It's ironic, GOTG sucks arse

it's Iron Man (2008) btw

Iron Man made him so rich he stopped caring altogether. He also stopped giving a shit about Marvel after IM3. In CW he wasn't even present in the same scenes as the rest. He would always be in a corner or something that would hide the fact that they were not all present at once.


Hello newfag
*teleports behind you*
Nothing personnel, kid
*drives katana through your back*
*pulls blade out, shakes off blood*
Fact of the matter is, you were outclassed from the very beginning
*flourishes while sheathing, clangs tsuba against koiguchi*
*half of user's body begins to slide away from the other half as a fountain of blood signals his demise*
*I tip my fedora, turn 360° and walk away*


>this looks good


the virgin reply
the chad retort

>The plan. Have a billionaire drive me around and buy me stuff in public to improve his image in the newspapers.


Itt:butthurt DCKUKs circlejerk thread number 3729

Stay mad faggots

>mfw the background audience isn't 10 identically dressed blonde heterosexual conservative couples

btw how do you guys pronounce "capeshit"? I usually say "CAH-PAY-ZIT" but some of my friends say it more like "CAH-PEH-JEET"

Daily reminder only redditors use that term

You are a Redditor if you watch capeshit

>why are my movies based on drawings of people with super powers that are made for children so silly????

>the exact moment capeshit di(c)ed

The only time Batman didn't kill.

it's ok, user. not everyone understands high concept.

Yeah but this moment wasn't

The. End.

Comedy gold