Is it possible for Trump to win at least one of these states?
>NV+NH combo
Is it possible for Trump to win at least one of these states?
>NV+NH combo
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Trump is ahead in Wi, Mi, NV and New Mexico.
He is tied in NJ
if hillary continues to be caught in lies and fails at the debate (she will) we are looking at a landslide not seen since the 1980's
Imagine if MA votes Trump? Game over
Is there a chance she will drop out? That is the greatest worry at this point. Because otherwise this seems in the bag.
WI is full of red voters and Bernouts, it think it'll go red in the general.
Mideastern WI reporting in btw.
I dont think she is ill enough nor humble enough to drop out.
The deal struck by the DNC and her in 08 was that she would be the gal for 16' if she acquiesced to obama.
Its her turn.
dont let the door hit you on the way out mate
Makes sense.
She's the most deserving candidate ever. She deserved it more than Obama in 2008 he just memed the shit out of her.
It's Trump's turn