Atheist to Christian

Any other converts here? I was raised agnostic/atheist but as I've grown older (only 22) I've converted to Christianity. I noticed that I'm a lot happier being religious, really, just putting your faith in God as cliche as it sounds is one of the most weight lifting and eye opening experiences. It's made me a better and more moral person as well. Plus, I might as well preserve Christianity while I can. Tell me Sup Forums why have you implemented christian values and faith into your life yet? atheism is horrible for children and I know that first hand, everyone else I know raised an atheist are depressed and evil and just rude, while the most religious people i know (mormons) are one of the nicest and orderly people I know.

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I was an atheist until I was about 24. Then I started developing more of an interest in history and philosophy and eventually after reading and learning about more of it I started to realize how stupid atheism is. Eventually I opened my mind a little and more things started becoming obvious to me. Eventually ended up Christian after much thought and research.

I've been genuinely happy for the first time in my life, not even understanding what true happiness was before. I only feel sorry for the edgy atheists and nihilists, who's only comfort that "it's more logically and rational" isn't even true. Their entire world is a lie.

conversion to mental weakness is the way of the sheep.

>think atheists are better at science than Christians

history would disagree mon ami

Newton was pretty dumb then, huh?

Nope, never will be, anyone who converts to any specific religion is objectively an ignorant moron.

I can see an atheist deciding that just the idea of a god might make more sense and there's another level beyond the physical and shit like that, essentially becoming more spiritual philosophy wise, but going on to follow specific organized faiths which you already know are based on nothing but complete bullshit and always have been on every objective level is moronic and nonsensical.


Welcome aboard brother. Now you dont have to circle jerk about evolution, kill babies, or get a dick in your ass. Well you could do the last one just because gay sex is allowed by law but huge sin, The gays in the second coming will be knocked off though. Oh and all that time atheist spend on stupid science AKA space travel or evolution you can be curing cancer and making babies.