Don't you love the current year?

Don't you love the current year?

I work in a gun store, with a chip reader. I hear 3 hours of bitching every day by fudds that are baffled by this new technology. I guess it's better than being a nigger.

>new gas station gets built on the way to uni
>the pumps have chip readers, but they aren't even on
Why have them?

so the NSA can read our thoughts

>falling for the debit jew

My bank sent me a new card out of the blue and it has the tap function on it. It's so nice.

Wait. Chip is standard issue up here in Canada. It's not standard issue in America?

It it supposed to be, but adoption has been a train wreck due to a number of factors.

It's slow as as and irritating because I can't choose between credit or debit most of the time.

We used to have the tap function. Nobody accepted it and people became scared that it could be read through your pants.

You could only use it without signing if the total was under 25 dollars, the exact same ammount that you could swipe without signing, so they would save no time at all.

Then, we got the chip and no tap, and now lines are long as shit. We should have never given it up. At least we have apple pay.

Every new card has them, but some stores (with cheap readers) don't use them. It's really annoying

Merifats still have to swipe and sign.

Heh, I opened a TD bank account last week and they printed the debit card in the store. It dosen't have a chip and it's good until 2020.

why is swiping your card so bad?

can't even swipe it anymore, fucking things just give me card must be inserted, no fucking reason for this change other than taking longer

Mine did that too except they mailed me one a week later with a chip

Because swiping is responsible for massive security breaches at PF Changs and the Home Depot.

Our machine is awful. you have to ask them credit or debit before they swipe, if they do swipe, then you have to cancel the transaction and start over, since a ton of people are racing to swipe their card before I can make the selection on the computer. Then half of the people that do have chips, insert the card backwards, then bitch and complain that their card doesn't work while the chip glares at them from below.

This shit will never end.

I went to rural France a year and a half ago when my card didn't have a chip. I went to buy something from a store, and the act of swiping a card was so foreign to them that the cashier had to call a manager and get trained on the spot how to do it.

and target

What if you don't activate it?

I mean, your card can't just go bad like that.

Federal requirement or some shit like that.

Franchise seller provide them as stock equipment, but business owner says fuck it, come in and buy 5$ chocolate bar.

They are going to stay off until October 2017. That's when chips will be mandatory on gas pumps or the gas station is liable for fraud.


You go to the drugstore and use your chip debit card. It asks for a sig instead of a pin.




Not a fucking clue but I'm switching banks because they think getting gas 5 minutes from my house is a "sketchy" purchase, for the 5th time.

I like to use payWave. I wave my cash about frantically. Very reliable.

I don't think bankcard is safe. Bank can sometimes rob you in Moldova.

I'm surprised you even have cards in Moldova.

>Pay $50/mo to hop on my phone any time and have a crystal clear video chat with someone on the other side of the planet.

>Multi billion dollar fast food company has drive thru speakers that distort and garbble the voice of someone standing 20ft away from me.

americans have problems remembering their 4digit pin

I don't remember (or use) mine, but to be fair, I picked one at the bank, then they sent me another card with a different pin and I lost the paper.

It's wierd that they think that. Usa was the first country to have atms.

>yfw you get targeted ads on your computer related to something you bought in a store

I hate these fags.
it reminds me half the people walking around have a IQ less than 100.
it's not even hard. And every reader says what to do. Anyone that gets confused by this is one of those walking zombies/ useful idouts.

Fucking chip takes so long to work. I dont understand how you eurocucks tolerate it.

My only problem is they're super sensitive. I slightly nudged one at a self checkout and had to start over and go through shit.

And it's literally slower than swiping and signing, and still have to put in pin.