Film about this?
Film about this?
Bitch looks 35
White women are shit
but I like milfs
wow a 1997 piece of shit.
17 my fucking ass. bitch looks like in late 30s
the twist is she's fucking the mom
>buy car for teenage girl
>she doesn't suck my dick
D-damn you r-roasties...!!!
Twist: She's a tranny and fucking both mom and dad.
Look @ how the skirt fits her hnng you can tell
Just like my American pornos!
>girl looks at least 24
>turns out she's fucking the dog
>implying 35 means ugly
>the dog is voiced by Idris Elba in the adaptation
Indeed, she's well developed. What you are seeing is the regal and graceful bone structure of the master race.
I'm dying
>blackmailing a dog to buy you a minivan
You're not, fuck off tumblr normalfag and go die for real.
Well look at it this way, the father get to feel morally okay with fucking a teenager because she looks the same age as his wife but he has the benefit of dicking a 17 y/o pussy.
nigger detected
>she fucks dog
>makes deal with dog
>dog shits in her car so family is guilted into buying her a minivan
White women fucking animals is a twist to you? Have you ever seen white women?
I'm Banging the Babysitter
Probably my favorite 80s comedy . Jim belushi and Kim bassingers best flick
this. white women are gross, we minorities should stay away from them and never have sex with them
in fact we should get away from white people altogether and leave their countries because they are so disgusting
20+ means ugly
Please go outside and actually talk to women, theres plenty of women in their 30s who look good
Fuck off whore.
Honestly her face is busted as shit for being 17.
this tbqh fampai
I agree, white people are disgusting and us minorities need to leave their countries in order to foster our own culture and technology independent from the oppression of the evil white.
>posting this bitch
How dare you?
would be so hot getting spitroasted by these two cute girls
>You're probably wondering how I got here
>Camera is focusing on dad
>No, no over here...
>Camera scans over to dog humping the babysitter
>Record scratch
>This summer...
>Rob Schneider is "in the babysitter"
*influences ur children*
>have tits
>get free car
yet still they complain
>all women are one person
>all women get free cars
>all women complain
ur just dumb
>>all women complain
Well you sure do
Not happening wh*Tey, we are here forever lmao
It's not ugly, but when she's actually 35 she's gonna look like a melted candle.
roasties like this do a lot of coke and alcohol
mad roastie is mad
>she wasnt really fucking anyone to begin with
literally any woman could milk a free car out of some guy, or from multiple guys. for some reason many of them won't degrade themselves enough to do it and/or can't stomach fucking ugly guys who have to resort to these tactics.
jesus the mods are soooo shit, i bet i could pst a trump general on this board and it would at least reach 200 replies before getting deleted
I should just take the dive and start scamming old losers. How fucking hard could it be?
fuck off roastie
Do it while you can.