So why exactly did Steven not cut all contact with Greg forever after this episode?

So why exactly did Steven not cut all contact with Greg forever after this episode?

You've either never have a loved one or you've pushed therm all away.

People you love WILL hurt you. It's inevitable. Trying to lock yourself off from them so you never get hurt just makes you an edgy asshole.

Greg was sorry for what he did, and the only reason he did it was because he missed having Steven in his life. It wasn't some sort of concentrated effort to undermine Steven's confidence, he saw an opportunity to spend time with his son and made a dumb mistake. Steven was right to be made, but he was also right to forgive him. Greg did something wrong, but nothing unforgivable.

Steven is a very empathetic and forgiving young man.

Except fuck up his powers and prevent him from healing people.

Why didn't Steve cut off contact with pearl after She basically left him to die and almost commited infanticide. Gee golly? Who knows

It's like if you couldn't understand what the point the other user tried to make.

So let people treat you like shit and fuck things up. Okay, great message.

That was the tamest bad thing anyone has ever done in this show.

Greg didn't know it would mess with his powers. Besides it didn't end up fucking up his powers anyway as the reason he couldn't fix the dome in that episode was because he didn't love it.

He can only fix inanimate objects that he loves, like his bear.

Just because you never had a father doesn't mean we don't love the fuck ups we DO have

he's a faggot.

This. He's wracked with guilt over the fates of Jasper, Bismuth, and Eyeball even though all of them tried to outright murder him. His dad being a bit of a manipulative mooch pales in comparison.

I want to believe that this is bait because if not that makes you a really sad existense

>He can only fix inanimate objects that he loves, like his bear.
I'm gonna need some source on that

>a father who is trying to find every excuse to stay with his son but didn't realize that he intentionally made him feel guilty
>OP still advises that Steven cuts all contacts with his loving old man

Nigga, Steven should've cut contact with Pearl. She was insane enough to actually take Steven into space fully knowing that humans can't breath in space and will die from the freezing cold and lack of pressure, and in a literal piece of junk that's bound to blow up nonetheless.

remember when he fixed connie's vision

she just wanted to show rose that she can space

I mean he can heal people too, but I was just saying that Steven had no fond feelings for the Geode or the Warp Pad that he attempted to fix for Peridot in comparison to healing M.C Bear Bear.

or when she was going to let steven fall to his death

Or when she raped Garnet.

garnet isn't a person to be fair.

Or when she didn't dance whit Greg.

Not half as bad as what Pearl and Lapis have done to him

Real questions though when did this house get built? Why won't/isn't allowed to live in this house? Where was Steven and him living before? I know the real answer is probably just hey didn't really think that deeply into the concept which is why so much shit doesn't really make sense but still it kinda annoys me

Didn't uh... didn't watch the latest ten or so episodes did you?
Baby -> Like, 9 or 10 he lived with Greg in the Van/Carwash (except in winter when they bummed in their friends house). Meanwhile Greg and the Gems built the house around the temple.

He should cut off contact with all the gems, not Greg.

Greg may be a lazy burnout piece of crap but at least he's not a cunty waste of carbon like literal every gem. Each one deserves a bullet to the back of the skull for being either completely worthless or actively making life difficult for everybody else.

I did, I guess I just didnt' hear the carwash part since that seems like such an awful living condition for a child.

That's tumblr's way of doing things

It is and thinking about it still gets me salty. I hope that whoever thought of that development in the story does not raise children of their own, or give parental advice.

He lied to spend time with his son. Unlike pearl who almost killed steven/let steven die more than once for purely selfish reasons. Gregs lie didn't hurt anyone.

i never thought of it like this but

what have the crystal gems actually done for earth?

they hoard and destroy all advance tech

In the beginning of the series you see them fighting fucking monstrosities that devestate the whole city, fuck up the ocean, or would destroy landscapes.

That was... oh... forty episodes ago?

Watch the full opening. There's a little montage of them building the house right before Steven moves in.

Also in the first episode it's pretty much stated that Greg isn't allowed to live there for his own safety because magic stuff. And also because he took away Rose, but they're over that.

You will go up being lonely for the rest of you life.

Well, are you telling us that's not the case?

>that genuine bit of anger on steven's face when he yells "suffering"

Don't forget that all those monster are Gems or at lease once were Gems themselves.